( Man pages

Info Catalog ( Texinfo ( Documentation
 10.2 Man pages
 A package can also include man pages (but see the GNU standards on this
 matter,  Man Pages (standards)Man Pages.)  Man pages are declared
 using the `MANS' primary.  Generally the `man_MANS' macro is used.  Man
 pages are automatically installed in the correct subdirectory of
 `mandir', based on the file extension.  They are not automatically
 included in the distribution.  
    By default, man pages are installed by `make install'.  However,
 since the GNU project does not require man pages, many maintainers do
 not expend effort to keep the man pages up to date.  In these cases, the
 `no-installman' option will prevent the man pages from being installed
 by default.  The user can still explicitly install them via `make
    Here is how the documentation is handled in GNU `cpio' (which
 includes both Texinfo documentation and man pages):
      info_TEXINFOS = cpio.texi
      man_MANS = cpio.1 mt.1
      EXTRA_DIST = $(man_MANS)
    Texinfo source and info pages are all considered to be source for the
 purposes of making a distribution.
    Man pages are not currently considered to be source, because it is
 not uncommon for man pages to be automatically generated.  For the same
 reason, they are not automatically included in the distribution.
Info Catalog ( Texinfo ( Documentation
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