( postproxy

Info Catalog ( preproxy ( Trigger Scripts
 C.3.12 Launch a Script after Proxying
 The `postproxy' file defines programs to execute after a secondary
 server notes that the connection to the primary server has shut down
 and before it releases the client by shutting down the connection to
 the client.  This could hook could be used to disconnect a modem, an
 SSH tunnel, a VPN, or anything else that might be necessary to do after
 contacting the primary server.  This hook should also be used to pull
 updates from the primary server before allowing the client which did
 the write to disconnect since otherwise the client's next read request
 may generate error messages and fail upon encountering an out of date
 repository on the secondary server.
    `postproxy' scripts are called once per directory.
    The `postproxy' file has the standard form for script hooks (
 Trigger Scripts), where each line is a regular expression followed by
 a command to execute.  It supports the ALL and DEFAULT keywords.
    In addition to the common format strings, the `postproxy' file
 supports the following format string:
      the CVSROOT string which specifies the primary server
Info Catalog ( preproxy ( Trigger Scripts
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