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 18 Generating C++ Scanners
 *IMPORTANT*: the present form of the scanning class is _experimental_
 and may change considerably between major releases.
    `flex' provides two different ways to generate scanners for use with
 C++.  The first way is to simply compile a scanner generated by `flex'
 using a C++ compiler instead of a C compiler.  You should not encounter
 any compilation errors ( Reporting Bugs).  You can then use C++
 code in your rule actions instead of C code.  Note that the default
 input source for your scanner remains `yyin', and default echoing is
 still done to `yyout'.  Both of these remain `FILE *' variables and not
 C++ _streams_.
    You can also use `flex' to generate a C++ scanner class, using the
 `-+' option (or, equivalently, `%option c++)', which is automatically
 specified if the name of the `flex' executable ends in a '+', such as
 `flex++'.  When using this option, `flex' defaults to generating the
 scanner to the file `' instead of `lex.yy.c'.  The generated
 scanner includes the header file `FlexLexer.h', which defines the
 interface to two C++ classes.
    The first class, `FlexLexer', provides an abstract base class
 defining the general scanner class interface.  It provides the
 following member functions:
 `const char* YYText()'
      returns the text of the most recently matched token, the
      equivalent of `yytext'.
 `int YYLeng()'
      returns the length of the most recently matched token, the
      equivalent of `yyleng'.
 `int lineno() const'
      returns the current input line number (see `%option yylineno)', or
      `1' if `%option yylineno' was not used.
 `void set_debug( int flag )'
      sets the debugging flag for the scanner, equivalent to assigning to
      `yy_flex_debug' ( Scanner Options).  Note that you must
      build the scanner using `%option debug' to include debugging
      information in it.
 `int debug() const'
      returns the current setting of the debugging flag.
    Also provided are member functions equivalent to
 `yy_switch_to_buffer()', `yy_create_buffer()' (though the first
 argument is an `istream*' object pointer and not a `FILE*)',
 `yy_flush_buffer()', `yy_delete_buffer()', and `yyrestart()' (again,
 the first argument is a `istream*' object pointer).
    The second class defined in `FlexLexer.h' is `yyFlexLexer', which is
 derived from `FlexLexer'.  It defines the following additional member
 `yyFlexLexer( istream* arg_yyin = 0, ostream* arg_yyout = 0 )'
      constructs a `yyFlexLexer' object using the given streams for input
      and output.  If not specified, the streams default to `cin' and
      `cout', respectively.
 `virtual int yylex()'
      performs the same role is `yylex()' does for ordinary `flex'
      scanners: it scans the input stream, consuming tokens, until a
      rule's action returns a value.  If you derive a subclass `S' from
      `yyFlexLexer' and want to access the member functions and variables
      of `S' inside `yylex()', then you need to use `%option
      yyclass="S"' to inform `flex' that you will be using that subclass
      instead of `yyFlexLexer'.  In this case, rather than generating
      `yyFlexLexer::yylex()', `flex' generates `S::yylex()' (and also
      generates a dummy `yyFlexLexer::yylex()' that calls
      `yyFlexLexer::LexerError()' if called).
 `virtual void switch_streams(istream* new_in = 0, ostream* new_out = 0)'
      reassigns `yyin' to `new_in' (if non-null) and `yyout' to
      `new_out' (if non-null), deleting the previous input buffer if
      `yyin' is reassigned.
 `int yylex( istream* new_in, ostream* new_out = 0 )'
      first switches the input streams via `switch_streams( new_in,
      new_out )' and then returns the value of `yylex()'.
    In addition, `yyFlexLexer' defines the following protected virtual
 functions which you can redefine in derived classes to tailor the
 `virtual int LexerInput( char* buf, int max_size )'
      reads up to `max_size' characters into `buf' and returns the
      number of characters read.  To indicate end-of-input, return 0
      characters.  Note that `interactive' scanners (see the `-B' and
      `-I' flags in  Scanner Options) define the macro
      `YY_INTERACTIVE'.  If you redefine `LexerInput()' and need to take
      different actions depending on whether or not the scanner might be
      scanning an interactive input source, you can test for the
      presence of this name via `#ifdef' statements.
 `virtual void LexerOutput( const char* buf, int size )'
      writes out `size' characters from the buffer `buf', which, while
      `NUL'-terminated, may also contain internal `NUL's if the
      scanner's rules can match text with `NUL's in them.
 `virtual void LexerError( const char* msg )'
      reports a fatal error message.  The default version of this
      function writes the message to the stream `cerr' and exits.
    Note that a `yyFlexLexer' object contains its _entire_ scanning
 state.  Thus you can use such objects to create reentrant scanners, but
 see also  Reentrant.  You can instantiate multiple instances of
 the same `yyFlexLexer' class, and you can also combine multiple C++
 scanner classes together in the same program using the `-P' option
 discussed above.
    Finally, note that the `%array' feature is not available to C++
 scanner classes; you must use `%pointer' (the default).
    Here is an example of a simple C++ scanner:
              // An example of using the flex C++ scanner class.
          int mylineno = 0;
          string  \"[^\n"]+\"
          ws      [ \t]+
          alpha   [A-Za-z]
          dig     [0-9]
          name    ({alpha}|{dig}|\$)({alpha}|{dig}|[_.\-/$])*
          num1    [-+]?{dig}+\.?([eE][-+]?{dig}+)?
          num2    [-+]?{dig}*\.{dig}+([eE][-+]?{dig}+)?
          number  {num1}|{num2}
          {ws}    /* skip blanks and tabs */
          "/*"    {
                  int c;
                  while((c = yyinput()) != 0)
                      if(c == '\n')
                      else if(c == @samp{*})
                          if((c = yyinput()) == '/')
          {number}  cout  "number "  YYText()  '\n';
          \n        mylineno++;
          {name}    cout  "name "  YYText()  '\n';
          {string}  cout  "string "  YYText()  '\n';
          int main( int /* argc */, char** /* argv */ )
              @code{flex}Lexer* lexer = new yyFlexLexer;
              while(lexer->yylex() != 0)
              return 0;
    If you want to create multiple (different) lexer classes, you use the
 `-P' flag (or the `prefix=' option) to rename each `yyFlexLexer' to
 some other `xxFlexLexer'.  You then can include `<FlexLexer.h>' in your
 other sources once per lexer class, first renaming `yyFlexLexer' as
          #undef yyFlexLexer
          #define yyFlexLexer xxFlexLexer
          #include <FlexLexer.h>
          #undef yyFlexLexer
          #define yyFlexLexer zzFlexLexer
          #include <FlexLexer.h>
    if, for example, you used `%option prefix="xx"' for one of your
 scanners and `%option prefix="zz"' for the other.
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