(gcrypt.info.gz) Hash algorithm modules
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(gcrypt.info.gz) Available hash algorithms
(gcrypt.info.gz) Hashing
(gcrypt.info.gz) Working with hash algorithms
6.2 Hash algorithm modules
Libgcrypt makes it possible to load additional `message digest
modules'; these cipher can be used just like the message digest
algorithms that are built into the library directly. For an
introduction into extension modules, see Modules.
-- Data type: gcry_md_spec_t
This is the `module specification structure' needed for registering
message digest modules, which has to be filled in by the user
before it can be used to register a module. It contains the
following members:
`const char *name'
The primary name of this algorithm.
`unsigned char *asnoid'
Array of bytes that form the ASN OID.
`int asnlen'
Length of bytes in `asnoid'.
`gcry_md_oid_spec_t *oids'
A list of OIDs that are to be associated with the algorithm.
The list's last element must have it's `oid' member set to
NULL. See below for an explanation of this type. See below
for an explanation of this type.
`int mdlen'
Length of the message digest algorithm. See below for an
explanation of this type.
`gcry_md_init_t init'
The function responsible for initializing a handle. See
below for an explanation of this type.
`gcry_md_write_t write'
The function responsible for writing data into a message
digest context. See below for an explanation of this type.
`gcry_md_final_t final'
The function responsible for `finalizing' a message digest
context. See below for an explanation of this type.
`gcry_md_read_t read'
The function responsible for reading out a message digest
result. See below for an explanation of this type.
`size_t contextsize'
The size of the algorithm-specific `context', that should be
allocated for each handle.
-- Data type: gcry_md_oid_spec_t
This type is used for associating a user-provided algorithm
implementation with certain OIDs. It contains the following
`const char *oidstring'
Textual representation of the OID.
-- Data type: gcry_md_init_t
Type for the `init' function, defined as: void (*gcry_md_init_t)
(void *c)
-- Data type: gcry_md_write_t
Type for the `write' function, defined as: void (*gcry_md_write_t)
(void *c, unsigned char *buf, size_t nbytes)
-- Data type: gcry_md_final_t
Type for the `final' function, defined as: void (*gcry_md_final_t)
(void *c)
-- Data type: gcry_md_read_t
Type for the `read' function, defined as: unsigned char
*(*gcry_md_read_t) (void *c)
-- Function: gcry_error_t gcry_md_register (gcry_md_spec_t *DIGEST,
unsigned int *algorithm_id, gcry_module_t *MODULE)
Register a new digest module whose specification can be found in
DIGEST. On success, a new algorithm ID is stored in ALGORITHM_ID
and a pointer representing this module is stored in MODULE.
-- Function: void gcry_md_unregister (gcry_module_t MODULE)
Unregister the digest identified by MODULE, which must have been
registered with gcry_md_register.
-- Function: gcry_error_t gcry_md_list (int *LIST, int *LIST_LENGTH)
Get a list consisting of the IDs of the loaded message digest
modules. If LIST is zero, write the number of loaded message
digest modules to LIST_LENGTH and return. If LIST is non-zero,
the first *LIST_LENGTH algorithm IDs are stored in LIST, which
must be of according size. In case there are less message digests
modules than *LIST_LENGTH, *LIST_LENGTH is updated to the correct
Info Catalog
(gcrypt.info.gz) Available hash algorithms
(gcrypt.info.gz) Hashing
(gcrypt.info.gz) Working with hash algorithms
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