( c-format

Info Catalog ( Translators for other Languages ( Translators for other Languages ( objc-format
 15.3.1 C Format Strings
 C format strings are described in POSIX (IEEE P1003.1 2001), section
 XSH 3 fprintf(),
 See also the fprintf() manual page,
    Although format strings with positions that reorder arguments, such
      "Only %2$d bytes free on '%1$s'."
 which is semantically equivalent to
      "'%s' has only %d bytes free."
 are a POSIX/XSI feature and not specified by ISO C 99, translators can
 rely on this reordering ability: On the few platforms where `printf()',
 `fprintf()' etc. don't support this feature natively, `libintl.a' or
 `' provides replacement functions, and GNU `<libintl.h>'
 activates these replacement functions automatically.
    As a special feature for Farsi (Persian) and maybe Arabic,
 translators can insert an `I' flag into numeric format directives.  For
 example, the translation of `"%d"' can be `"%Id"'.  The effect of this
 flag, on systems with GNU `libc', is that in the output, the ASCII
 digits are replaced with the `outdigits' defined in the `LC_CTYPE'
 locale facet.  On other systems, the `gettext' function removes this
 flag, so that it has no effect.
    Note that the programmer should _not_ put this flag into the
 untranslated string.  (Putting the `I' format directive flag into an
 MSGID string would lead to undefined behaviour on platforms without
 glibc when NLS is disabled.)
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