( Demonstration Programs

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 Demonstration programs
 The `demos' subdirectory has some sample programs using GMP.  These
 aren't built or installed, but there's a `Makefile' with rules for them.
 For instance,
      make pexpr
      ./pexpr 68^975+10
 The following programs are provided
    * `pexpr' is an expression evaluator, the program used on the GMP
      web page.
    * The `calc' subdirectory has a similar but simpler evaluator using
      `lex' and `yacc'.
    * The `expr' subdirectory is yet another expression evaluator, a
      library designed for ease of use within a C program.  See
      `demos/expr/README' for more information.
    * `factorize' is a Pollard-Rho factorization program.
    * `isprime' is a command-line interface to the `mpz_probab_prime_p'
    * `primes' counts or lists primes in an interval, using a sieve.
    * `qcn' is an example use of `mpz_kronecker_ui' to estimate quadratic
      class numbers.
    * The `perl' subdirectory is a comprehensive perl interface to GMP.
      See `demos/perl/INSTALL' for more information.  Documentation is
      in POD format in `demos/perl/'.
    As an aside, consideration has been given at various times to some
 sort of expression evaluation within the main GMP library.  Going
 beyond something minimal quickly leads to matters like user-defined
 functions, looping, fixnums for control variables, etc, which are
 considered outside the scope of GMP (much closer to language
 interpreters or compilers,  Language Bindings.)  Something
 simple for program input convenience may yet be a possibility, a
 combination of the `expr' demo and the `pexpr' tree back-end perhaps.
 But for now the above evaluators are offered as illustrations.
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