( Integer Roots

Info Catalog ( Integer Exponentiation ( Integer Functions ( Number Theoretic Functions
 Root Extraction Functions
  - Function: int mpz_root (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP, unsigned long int N)
      Set ROP to  the truncated integer part of the Nth root of OP.
      Return non-zero if the computation was exact, i.e., if OP is ROP
      to the Nth power.
  - Function: void mpz_rootrem (mpz_t ROOT, mpz_t REM, mpz_t U, unsigned
           long int N)
      Set ROOT to  the truncated integer part of the Nth root of U.  Set
      REM to the remainder, U-ROOT**N.
  - Function: void mpz_sqrt (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP)
      Set ROP to  the truncated integer part of the square root of OP.
  - Function: void mpz_sqrtrem (mpz_t ROP1, mpz_t ROP2, mpz_t OP)
      Set ROP1 to the truncated integer part of the square root of OP,
      like `mpz_sqrt'.  Set ROP2 to the remainder OP-ROP1*ROP1, which
      will be zero if OP is a perfect square.
      If ROP1 and ROP2 are the same variable, the results are undefined.
  - Function: int mpz_perfect_power_p (mpz_t OP)
      Return non-zero if OP is a perfect power, i.e., if there exist
      integers A and B, with B>1, such that OP equals A raised to the
      power B.
      Under this definition both 0 and 1 are considered to be perfect
      powers.  Negative values of OP are accepted, but of course can
      only be odd perfect powers.
  - Function: int mpz_perfect_square_p (mpz_t OP)
      Return non-zero if OP is a perfect square, i.e., if the square
      root of OP is an integer.  Under this definition both 0 and 1 are
      considered to be perfect squares.
Info Catalog ( Integer Exponentiation ( Integer Functions ( Number Theoretic Functions
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