( Option Index

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 Option Index


* --enarmor                             Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 283)
* armor                                 GPG Input and Output.
                                                               (line   8)
* card-edit                             Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 137)
* card-status                           Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 143)
* change-pin                            Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 146)
* check-sigs                            Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 123)
* check-trustdb                         Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 236)
* clearsign                             Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line  15)
* debug                                 GPG Esoteric Options.
                                                               (line  22)
* decrypt                               Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line  48)
* decrypt-files                         Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line  83)
* default-key                           GPG Configuration Options.
                                                               (line  10)
* default-keyserver-url                 GPG Esoteric Options.
                                                               (line 419)
* default-preference-list               GPG Esoteric Options.
                                                               (line 414)
* default-recipient                     GPG Configuration Options.
                                                               (line  15)
* default-recipient-self                GPG Configuration Options.
                                                               (line  19)
* delete-key                            Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 151)
* delete-secret-and-public-key          Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 160)
* delete-secret-key                     Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 156)
* desig-revoke                          OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line  21)
* detach-sign                           Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line  23)
* dry-run                               GPG Esoteric Options.
                                                               (line   8)
* dump-options                          General GPG Commands.
                                                               (line  19)
* edit-key                              OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line  26)
* enarmor                               Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 283)
* encrypt                               Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line  27)
* encrypt-files                         Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line  80)
* export                                Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 165)
* export-ownertrust                     Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 251)
* export-secret-keys                    Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 180)
* export-secret-subkeys                 Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 180)
* fetch-keys                            Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 221)
* fingerprint                           Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 126)
* fixed-list-mode                       GPG Input and Output.
                                                               (line 117)
* gen-key                               OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line   9)
* gen-prime                             Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 277)
* gen-random                            Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 271)
* gen-revoke                            OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line  17)
* gnupg                                 OpenPGP Options.     (line 110)
* gpgconf-list                          GPG Esoteric Options.
                                                               (line 432)
* gpgconf-test                          GPG Esoteric Options.
                                                               (line 436)
* help                                  General GPG Commands.
                                                               (line  12)
* hidden-recipient                      GPG Key related Options.
                                                               (line  14)
* homedir                               GPG Configuration Options.
                                                               (line 196)
* import                                Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 190)
* import-ownertrust                     Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 256)
* interactive                           GPG Esoteric Options.
                                                               (line  19)
* keyeditaddcardkey:                    OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line  97)
* keyeditaddkey:                        OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line  94)
* keyeditaddphoto:                      OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line  74)
* keyeditaddrevoker:                    OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 127)
* keyeditadduid:                        OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line  71)
* keyeditbkuptocard:                    OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 111)
* keyeditcheck:                         OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 159)
* keyeditclean:                         OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 207)
* keyeditcross-certify:                 OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 221)
* keyeditdelkey:                        OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 122)
* keyeditdelsig:                        OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line  86)
* keyeditdeluid:                        OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line  81)
* keyeditdisable:                       OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line  67)
* keyeditenable:                        OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line  67)
* keyeditexpire:                        OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 135)
* keyeditkey:                           OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 155)
* keyeditkeyserver:                     OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 189)
* keyeditkeytocard:                     OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 100)
* keyeditlsign:                         OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line  38)
* keyeditminimize:                      OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 216)
* keyeditnotation:                      OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 196)
* keyeditnrsign:                        OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line  43)
* keyeditpasswd:                        OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 140)
* keyeditpref:                          OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 165)
* keyeditprimary:                       OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 143)
* keyeditquit:                          OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 230)
* keyeditrevkey:                        OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 132)
* keyeditrevsig:                        OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line  57)
* keyeditrevuid:                        OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line  91)
* keyeditsave:                          OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 227)
* keyeditsetpref:                       OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 177)
* keyeditshowphoto:                     OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 162)
* keyeditshowpref:                      OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 169)
* keyeditsign:                          OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line  31)
* keyedittoggle:                        OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 204)
* keyedittrust:                         OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line  62)
* keyedittsign:                         OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line  47)
* keyedituid:                           OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 151)
* list-config                           GPG Esoteric Options.
                                                               (line 424)
* list-keys                             Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line  88)
* list-options                          GPG Configuration Options.
                                                               (line  38)
* list-optionsshow-notations:           GPG Configuration Options.
                                                               (line  57)
* list-optionsshow-photos:              GPG Configuration Options.
                                                               (line  46)
* list-optionsshow-policy-urls:         GPG Configuration Options.
                                                               (line  51)
* list-optionsshow-std-notations:       GPG Configuration Options.
                                                               (line  57)
* list-optionsshow-user-notations:      GPG Configuration Options.
                                                               (line  57)
* list-packets                          Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 133)
* list-secret-keys                      Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 101)
* list-sigs                             Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 107)
* local-user                            GPG Key related Options.
                                                               (line  63)
* lsign-key                             OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 265)
* mangle-dos-filenames                  GPG Configuration Options.
                                                               (line 287)
* max-output                            GPG Input and Output.
                                                               (line  19)
* multifile                             Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line  69)
* no-default-recipient                  GPG Configuration Options.
                                                               (line  25)
* no-mangle-dos-filenames               GPG Configuration Options.
                                                               (line 287)
* no-verbose                            GPG Configuration Options.
                                                               (line  32)
* openpgp                               OpenPGP Options.     (line 118)
* output                                GPG Input and Output.
                                                               (line  16)
* pgp2                                  OpenPGP Options.     (line 133)
* pgp6                                  OpenPGP Options.     (line 147)
* pgp7                                  OpenPGP Options.     (line 158)
* pgp8                                  OpenPGP Options.     (line 164)
* print-md                              Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 266)
* quiet                                 GPG Configuration Options.
                                                               (line  35)
* rebuild-keydb-caches                  Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 260)
* recipient                             GPG Key related Options.
                                                               (line   8)
* recv-keys                             Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 199)
* refresh-keys                          Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 203)
* rfc1991                               OpenPGP Options.     (line 130)
* rfc2440                               OpenPGP Options.     (line 125)
* search-keys                           Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 212)
* send-keys                             Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 172)
* sign                                  Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line   8)
* sign-key                              OpenPGP Key Management.
                                                               (line 261)
* store                                 Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line  44)
* symmetric                             Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line  35)
* update-trustdb                        Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line 226)
* verbose                               GPG Configuration Options.
                                                               (line  28)
* verify                                Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line  56)
* verify-files                          Operational GPG Commands.
                                                               (line  77)
* version                               General GPG Commands.
                                                               (line   7)
* warranty                              General GPG Commands.
                                                               (line  16)
* with-colons                           GPG Input and Output.
                                                               (line 109)
* with-fingerprint                      GPG Input and Output.
                                                               (line 121)
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