( Alphabetic Case Mapping

Info Catalog ( String Searching ( Strings ( Appending Strings
 21.4.9 Alphabetic Case Mapping
 These are procedures for mapping strings to their upper- or lower-case
 equivalents, respectively, or for capitalizing strings.
  -- Scheme Procedure: string-upcase str
  -- C Function: scm_string_upcase (str)
      Return a freshly allocated string containing the characters of STR
      in upper case.
  -- Scheme Procedure: string-upcase! str
  -- C Function: scm_string_upcase_x (str)
      Destructively upcase every character in STR and return STR.
           y                  => "arrdefg"
           (string-upcase! y) => "ARRDEFG"
           y                  => "ARRDEFG"
  -- Scheme Procedure: string-downcase str
  -- C Function: scm_string_downcase (str)
      Return a freshly allocation string containing the characters in
      STR in lower case.
  -- Scheme Procedure: string-downcase! str
  -- C Function: scm_string_downcase_x (str)
      Destructively downcase every character in STR and return STR.
           y                     => "ARRDEFG"
           (string-downcase! y)  => "arrdefg"
           y                     => "arrdefg"
  -- Scheme Procedure: string-capitalize str
  -- C Function: scm_string_capitalize (str)
      Return a freshly allocated string with the characters in STR,
      where the first character of every word is capitalized.
  -- Scheme Procedure: string-capitalize! str
  -- C Function: scm_string_capitalize_x (str)
      Upcase the first character of every word in STR destructively and
      return STR.
           y                      => "hello world"
           (string-capitalize! y) => "Hello World"
           y                      => "Hello World"
Info Catalog ( String Searching ( Strings ( Appending Strings
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