( Intro to Writing New Modules

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 5.5.2 Intro to Writing New Modules
 Of course it is possible to write modules yourself.  Using modules for
 structuring your programs makes them more readable and lets you
 distribute them more easily.  Also, explicitly defining the procedures
 and variables which are exported from a module adds documentation to the
 source and specifies the interface a module provides.
    In Guile, you can create new modules and switch to existing modules
 in order to add bindings to them using the syntactic form
      (define-module (foo bar))
      (define (frob x) x)
    Will create the module `(foo bar)'.(1) All definitions following
 this statement will add bindings to the module `(foo bar)', and these
 bindings will not be visible outside of the module.  To make the
 bindings accessible to other modules, you have to export them
 explicitly using one of the following means:
    * Export them with the `export' form:
           (export frob)
    * Include them into the `define-module' form with the keyword
           (define-module (foo bar)
             #:export (frob))
    * Change the definition of `frob' to use `define-public', which is a
      combination of `define' and `export'.
           (define-public (frob x) x)
    After exporting, other modules can access the exported items simply
 by using `use-modules' to load the module `(foo bar)'.
    ---------- Footnotes ----------
    (1) It is only convention that the module names in this section have
 two elements.  One or more than two elements are perfectly fine, such
 as `(foo)' or `(foo bar braz)'
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