( Network Address Conversion

Info Catalog ( Networking ( Network Databases
 38.11.1 Network Address Conversion
 This section describes procedures which convert internet addresses
 between numeric and string formats. IPv4 Address Conversion
  -- Scheme Procedure: inet-aton address
  -- C Function: scm_inet_aton (address)
      Convert an IPv4 Internet address from printable string (dotted
      decimal notation) to an integer.  E.g.,
           (inet-aton "") => 2130706433
  -- Scheme Procedure: inet-ntoa inetid
  -- C Function: scm_inet_ntoa (inetid)
      Convert an IPv4 Internet address to a printable (dotted decimal
      notation) string.  E.g.,
           (inet-ntoa 2130706433) => ""
  -- Scheme Procedure: inet-netof address
  -- C Function: scm_inet_netof (address)
      Return the network number part of the given IPv4 Internet address.
           (inet-netof 2130706433) => 127
  -- Scheme Procedure: inet-lnaof address
  -- C Function: scm_lnaof (address)
      Return the local-address-with-network part of the given IPv4
      Internet address, using the obsolete class A/B/C system.  E.g.,
           (inet-lnaof 2130706433) => 1
  -- Scheme Procedure: inet-makeaddr net lna
  -- C Function: scm_inet_makeaddr (net, lna)
      Make an IPv4 Internet address by combining the network number NET
      with the local-address-within-network number LNA.  E.g.,
           (inet-makeaddr 127 1) => 2130706433 IPv6 Address Conversion
  -- Scheme Procedure: inet-ntop family address
  -- C Function: scm_inet_ntop (family, address)
      Convert a network address into a printable string.  Note that
      unlike the C version of this function, the input is an integer
      with normal host byte ordering.  FAMILY can be `AF_INET' or
      `AF_INET6'.  E.g.,
           (inet-ntop AF_INET 2130706433) => ""
           (inet-ntop AF_INET6 (- (expt 2 128) 1)) =>
  -- Scheme Procedure: inet-pton family address
  -- C Function: scm_inet_pton (family, address)
      Convert a string containing a printable network address to an
      integer address.  Note that unlike the C version of this function,
      the result is an integer with normal host byte ordering.  FAMILY
      can be `AF_INET' or `AF_INET6'.  E.g.,
           (inet-pton AF_INET "") => 2130706433
           (inet-pton AF_INET6 "::1") => 1
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