( Rx Regexps

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 44 The Rx Regular Expression Library
 [FIXME: this is taken from Gary and Mark's quick summaries and should be
 reviewed and expanded.  Rx is pretty stable, so could already be done!]
    The `guile-lang-allover' package provides an interface to Tom Lord's
 Rx library (currently only to POSIX regular expressions).  Use of the
 library requires a two step process: compile a regular expression into
 an efficient structure, then use the structure in any number of string
    For example, given the regular expression `abc.' (which matches any
 string containing `abc' followed by any single character):
      guile> (define r (regcomp "abc."))
      guile> r
      #<rgx abc.>
      guile> (regexec r "abc")
      guile> (regexec r "abcd")
      #((0 . 4))
    The definitions of `regcomp' and `regexec' are as follows:
  -- Scheme Procedure: regcomp pattern [flags]
      Compile the regular expression pattern using POSIX rules.  Flags is
      optional and should be specified using symbolic names:
       -- Variable: REG_EXTENDED
           use extended POSIX syntax
       -- Variable: REG_ICASE
           use case-insensitive matching
       -- Variable: REG_NEWLINE
           allow anchors to match after newline characters in the string
           and prevents `.' or `[^...]' from matching newlines.
      The `logior' procedure can be used to combine multiple flags.  The
      default is to use POSIX basic syntax, which makes `+' and `?'
      literals and `\+' and `\?' operators.  Backslashes in PATTERN must
      be escaped if specified in a literal string e.g., `"\\(a\\)\\?"'.
  -- Scheme Procedure: regexec regex string [match-pick] [flags]
      Match STRING against the compiled POSIX regular expression REGEX.
      MATCH-PICK and FLAGS are optional.  Possible flags (which can be
      combined using the logior procedure) are:
       -- Variable: REG_NOTBOL
           The beginning of line operator won't match the beginning of
           STRING (presumably because it's not the beginning of a line)
       -- Variable: REG_NOTEOL
           Similar to REG_NOTBOL, but prevents the end of line operator
           from matching the end of STRING.
      If no match is possible, regexec returns #f.  Otherwise MATCH-PICK
      determines the return value:
      `#t' or unspecified: a newly-allocated vector is returned,
      containing pairs with the indices of the matched part of STRING
      and any substrings.
      `""': a list is returned: the first element contains a nested list
      with the matched part of STRING surrounded by the the unmatched
      parts.  Remaining elements are matched substrings (if any).  All
      returned substrings share memory with STRING.
      `#f': regexec returns #t if a match is made, otherwise #f.
      vector: the supplied vector is returned, with the first element
      replaced by a pair containing the indices of the matched portion
      of STRING and further elements replaced by pairs containing the
      indices of matched substrings (if any).
      list: a list will be returned, with each member of the list
      specified by a code in the corresponding position of the supplied
      a number: the numbered matching substring (0 for the entire match).
      `#\<': the beginning of STRING to the beginning of the part matched
      by regex.
      `#\>': the end of the matched part of STRING to the end of STRING.
      `#\c': the "final tag", which seems to be associated with the "cut
      operator", which doesn't seem to be available through the posix
      e.g., `(list #\< 0 1 #\>)'.  The returned substrings share memory
      with STRING.
    Here are some other procedures that might be used when using regular
  -- Scheme Procedure: compiled-regexp? obj
      Test whether obj is a compiled regular expression.
  -- Scheme Procedure: regexp->dfa regex [flags]
  -- Scheme Procedure: dfa-fork dfa
  -- Scheme Procedure: reset-dfa! dfa
  -- Scheme Procedure: dfa-final-tag dfa
  -- Scheme Procedure: dfa-continuable? dfa
  -- Scheme Procedure: advance-dfa! dfa string
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