( SRFI-13 Predicates

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 39.11.2 Predicates
 In addition to the primitives `string?' and `string-null?', which are
 already in the Guile core, the string predicates `string-any' and
 `string-every' are defined by SRFI-13.
  -- Scheme Procedure: string-any char_pred s [start end]
      Return true if `char_pred' is satisfied for any character in the
      string S.  CHAR_PRED can be
         * A character, to to test for any in S equal to that.
         * A character set ( SRFI-14), to test for any character
           in S in that character set.
         * A predicate function, called as `(CHAR_PRED c)' for each
           character in S, from left to right, to test for any on which
           CHAR_PRED returns true.
           When CHAR_PRED does return true (ie. non-`#f'), that value is
           the value returned by `string-any'.
      If there are no characters in S (ie. START equals END) then the
      return is `#f'.
      SRFI-13 specifies that when CHAR_PRED is a predicate function, the
      call on the last character of S (assuming that point is reached)
      is a tail call, but currently in Guile this is not the case.
  -- Scheme Procedure: string-every char_pred s [start end]
      Return true if CHAR_PRED is satisifed for every character in the
      string S.  CHAR_PRED can be
         * A character, to to test for every character in S equal to
         * A character set ( SRFI-14), to test for every
           character in S being in that character set.
         * A predicate function, called as `(CHAR_PRED c)' for each
           character in S, from left to right, to test that it returns
           true for every character in S.
           When CHAR_PRED does return true (ie. non-`#f') for every
           character, the return from the last call is the value
           returned by `string-every'.
      If there are no characters in S (ie. START equals END) then the
      return is `#t'.
      SRFI-13 specifies that when CHAR_PRED is a predicate function, the
      call on the last character of S (assuming that point is reached)
      is a tail call, but currently in Guile this is not the case.
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