( Scoping Example

Info Catalog ( Lexical Scope An Example of Non-Lexical Scoping
 To demonstrate that non-lexical scoping does exist and can be useful, we
 present the following example from Emacs Lisp, which is a "dynamically
 scoped" language.
      (defvar currency-abbreviation "USD")
      (defun currency-string (units hundredths)
        (concat currency-abbreviation
                (number-to-string units)
                (number-to-string hundredths)))
      (defun french-currency-string (units hundredths)
        (let ((currency-abbreviation "FRF"))
          (currency-string units hundredths)))
    The question to focus on here is: what does the identifier
 `currency-abbreviation' refer to in the `currency-string' function?
 The answer, in Emacs Lisp, is that all variable bindings go onto a
 single stack, and that `currency-abbreviation' refers to the topmost
 binding from that stack which has the name "currency-abbreviation".
 The binding that is created by the `defvar' form, to the value `"USD"',
 is only relevant if none of the code that calls `currency-string'
 rebinds the name "currency-abbreviation" in the meanwhile.
    The second function `french-currency-string' works precisely by
 taking advantage of this behaviour.  It creates a new binding for the
 name "currency-abbreviation" which overrides the one established by the
 `defvar' form.
      ;; Note!  This is Emacs Lisp evaluation, not Scheme!
      (french-currency-string 33 44)
    Now let's look at the corresponding, _lexically scoped_ Scheme code:
      (define currency-abbreviation "USD")
      (define (currency-string units hundredths)
        (string-append currency-abbreviation
                       (number->string units)
                       (number->string hundredths)))
      (define (french-currency-string units hundredths)
        (let ((currency-abbreviation "FRF"))
          (currency-string units hundredths)))
    According to the rules of lexical scoping, the
 `currency-abbreviation' in `currency-string' refers to the variable
 location in the innermost environment at that point in the code which
 has a binding for `currency-abbreviation', which is the variable
 location in the top level environment created by the preceding `(define
 currency-abbreviation ...)' expression.
    In Scheme, therefore, the `french-currency-string' procedure does
 not work as intended.  The variable binding that it creates for
 "currency-abbreviation" is purely local to the code that forms the body
 of the `let' expression.  Since this code doesn't directly use the name
 "currency-abbreviation" at all, the binding is pointless.
      (french-currency-string 33 44)
    This begs the question of how the Emacs Lisp behaviour can be
 implemented in Scheme.  In general, this is a design question whose
 answer depends upon the problem that is being addressed.  In this case,
 the best answer may be that `currency-string' should be redesigned so
 that it can take an optional third argument.  This third argument, if
 supplied, is interpreted as a currency abbreviation that overrides the
    It is possible to change `french-currency-string' so that it mostly
 works without changing `currency-string', but the fix is inelegant, and
 susceptible to interrupts that could leave the `currency-abbreviation'
 variable in the wrong state:
      (define (french-currency-string units hundredths)
        (set! currency-abbreviation "FRF")
        (let ((result (currency-string units hundredths)))
          (set! currency-abbreviation "USD")
    The key point here is that the code does not create any local binding
 for the identifier `currency-abbreviation', so all occurrences of this
 identifier refer to the top level variable.
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