( C header files

Info Catalog ( Library tips
 7.1 Writing C header files
 Writing portable C header files can be difficult, since they may be read
 by different types of compilers:
 C++ compilers
      C++ compilers require that functions be declared with full
      prototypes, since C++ is more strongly typed than C.  C functions
      and variables also need to be declared with the `extern "C"'
      directive, so that the names aren't mangled.   C++
      libraries, for other issues relevant to using C++ with libtool.
 ANSI C compilers
      ANSI C compilers are not as strict as C++ compilers, but functions
      should be prototyped to avoid unnecessary warnings when the header
      file is `#include'd.
 non-ANSI C compilers
      Non-ANSI compilers will report errors if functions are prototyped.
    These complications mean that your library interface headers must use
 some C preprocessor magic in order to be usable by each of the above
    `foo.h' in the `demo' subdirectory of the libtool distribution
 serves as an example for how to write a header file that can be safely
 installed in a system directory.
    Here are the relevant portions of that file:
      /* BEGIN_C_DECLS should be used at the beginning of your declarations,
         so that C++ compilers don't mangle their names.  Use END_C_DECLS at
         the end of C declarations. */
      #undef BEGIN_C_DECLS
      #undef END_C_DECLS
      #ifdef __cplusplus
      # define BEGIN_C_DECLS extern "C" {
      # define END_C_DECLS }
      # define BEGIN_C_DECLS /* empty */
      # define END_C_DECLS /* empty */
      /* PARAMS is a macro used to wrap function prototypes, so that
         compilers that don't understand ANSI C prototypes still work,
         and ANSI C compilers can issue warnings about type mismatches. */
      #undef PARAMS
      #if defined (__STDC__) || defined (_AIX) \
              || (defined (__mips) && defined (_SYSTYPE_SVR4)) \
              || defined(WIN32) || defined(__cplusplus)
      # define PARAMS(protos) protos
      # define PARAMS(protos) ()
    These macros are used in `foo.h' as follows:
      #ifndef FOO_H
      #define FOO_H 1
      /* The above macro definitions. */
      #include "..."
      int foo PARAMS((void));
      int hello PARAMS((void));
      #endif /* !FOO_H */
    Note that the `#ifndef FOO_H' prevents the body of `foo.h' from
 being read more than once in a given compilation.
    Also the only thing that must go outside the
 `BEGIN_C_DECLS'/`END_C_DECLS' pair are `#include' lines.  Strictly
 speaking it is only C symbol names that need to be protected, but your
 header files will be more maintainable if you have a single pair of of
 these macros around the majority of the header contents.
    You should use these definitions of `PARAMS', `BEGIN_C_DECLS', and
 `END_C_DECLS' into your own headers.  Then, you may use them to create
 header files that are valid for C++, ANSI, and non-ANSI compilers(1).
    Do not be naive about writing portable code.  Following the tips
 given above will help you miss the most obvious problems, but there are
 definitely other subtle portability issues.  You may need to cope with
 some of the following issues:
    * Pre-ANSI compilers do not always support the `void *' generic
      pointer type, and so need to use `char *' in its place.
    * The `const', `inline' and `signed' keywords are not supported by
      some compilers, especially pre-ANSI compilers.
    * The `long double' type is not supported by many compilers.
    ---------- Footnotes ----------
    (1) We used to recommend `__P', `__BEGIN_DECLS' and `__END_DECLS'.
 This was bad advice since symbols (even preprocessor macro names) that
 begin with an underscore are reserved for the use of the compiler.
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