( Macro index

Info Catalog ( Concept index ( Indices
 B.2 Index for all `m4' macros
 References are exclusively to the places where a builtin is introduced
 the first time.


* __file__                              Location.             (line 10)
* __gnu__                               Platform macros.      (line 12)
* __line__                              Location.             (line 11)
* __os2__                               Platform macros.      (line 13)
* __program__                           Location.             (line 12)
* __unix__                              Platform macros.      (line 15)
* __windows__                           Platform macros.      (line 17)
* builtin                               Builtin.              (line  9)
* capitalize                            Patsubst.             (line 54)
* changecom                             Changecom.            (line 10)
* changequote                           Changequote.          (line 10)
* changeword                            Changeword.           (line 23)
* cleardivert                           Cleardiv.             (line 26)
* debugfile                             Debug Output.         (line 11)
* debugmode                             Debug Levels.         (line 63)
* decr                                  Incr.                 (line 11)
* define                                Define.               (line 10)
* defn                                  Defn.                 (line 10)
* divert                                Divert.               (line  9)
* divnum                                Divnum.               (line  9)
* dnl                                   Dnl.                  (line  9)
* downcase                              Patsubst.             (line 53)
* dumpdef                               Dumpdef.              (line 10)
* errprint                              Errprint.             (line  9)
* esyscmd                               Esyscmd.              (line  9)
* eval                                  Eval.                 (line  9)
* example                               Manual.               (line 32)
* fatal_error                           M4exit.               (line 18)
* forloop                               Loops.                (line 53)
* format                                Format.               (line  9)
* ifdef                                 Ifdef.                (line 10)
* ifelse                                Ifelse.               (line 12)
* include                               Include.              (line  9)
* incr                                  Incr.                 (line 10)
* index                                 Index macro.          (line  9)
* indir                                 Indir.                (line  9)
* len                                   Len.                  (line  9)
* m4exit                                M4exit.               (line 10)
* m4wrap                                M4wrap.               (line 14)
* maketemp                              Maketemp.             (line 11)
* os2                                   Platform macros.      (line 14)
* patsubst                              Patsubst.             (line  9)
* popdef                                Pushdef.              (line 12)
* pushdef                               Pushdef.              (line 11)
* regexp                                Regexp.               (line  9)
* reverse                               Loops.                (line 32)
* shift                                 Loops.                (line 17)
* sinclude                              Include.              (line 10)
* substr                                Substr.               (line  9)
* syscmd                                Syscmd.               (line  9)
* sysval                                Sysval.               (line  9)
* traceoff                              Trace.                (line 11)
* traceon                               Trace.                (line 10)
* translit                              Translit.             (line  9)
* undefine                              Undefine.             (line  9)
* undivert                              Undivert.             (line  9)
* unix                                  Platform macros.      (line 16)
* upcase                                Patsubst.             (line 52)
* windows                               Platform macros.      (line 18)
Info Catalog ( Concept index ( Indices
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