(make.info.gz) Directory Search
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(make.info.gz) Wildcards
(make.info.gz) Rules
(make.info.gz) Phony Targets
4.5 Searching Directories for Prerequisites
For large systems, it is often desirable to put sources in a separate
directory from the binaries. The "directory search" features of `make'
facilitate this by searching several directories automatically to find
a prerequisite. When you redistribute the files among directories, you
do not need to change the individual rules, just the search paths.
* General Search Specifying a search path that applies
to every prerequisite.
* Selective Search Specifying a search path
for a specified class of names.
* Search Algorithm When and how search paths are applied.
* Commands/Search How to write shell commands that work together
with search paths.
* Implicit/Search How search paths affect implicit rules.
* Libraries/Search Directory search for link libraries.
Info Catalog
(make.info.gz) Wildcards
(make.info.gz) Rules
(make.info.gz) Phony Targets
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