( C API functions

Info Catalog ( C API function overview ( C ( C API Prepared statements
 22.2.3 C API Function Descriptions


* mysql_affected_rows         `mysql_affected_rows()'
* mysql_change_user           `mysql_change_user()'
* mysql_character_set_name    `mysql_character_set_name()'
* mysql_close                 `mysql_close()'
* mysql_connect               `mysql_connect()'
* mysql_create_db             `mysql_create_db()'
* mysql_data_seek             `mysql_data_seek()'
* mysql_debug                 `mysql_debug()'
* mysql_drop_db               `mysql_drop_db()'
* mysql_dump_debug_info       `mysql_dump_debug_info()'
* mysql_eof                   `mysql_eof()'
* mysql_errno                 `mysql_errno()'
* mysql_error                 `mysql_error()'
* mysql_escape_string         `mysql_escape_string()'
* mysql_fetch_field           `mysql_fetch_field()'
* mysql_fetch_fields          `mysql_fetch_fields()'
* mysql_fetch_field_direct    `mysql_fetch_field_direct()'
* mysql_fetch_lengths         `mysql_fetch_lengths()'
* mysql_fetch_row             `mysql_fetch_row()'
* mysql_field_count           `mysql_field_count()'
* mysql_field_seek            `mysql_field_seek()'
* mysql_field_tell            `mysql_field_tell()'
* mysql_free_result           `mysql_free_result()'
* mysql_get_client_info       `mysql_get_client_info()'
* mysql_get_client_version    `mysql_get_client_version()'
* mysql_get_host_info         `mysql_get_host_info()'
* mysql_get_proto_info        `mysql_get_proto_info()'
* mysql_get_server_info       `mysql_get_server_info()'
* mysql_get_server_version    `mysql_get_server_version()'
* mysql_hex_string            `mysql_hex_string()'
* mysql_info                  `mysql_info()'
* mysql_init                  `mysql_init()'
* mysql_insert_id             `mysql_insert_id()'
* mysql_kill                  `mysql_kill()'
* mysql_library_init          `mysql_library_init()'
* mysql_library_end           `mysql_library_end()'
* mysql_list_dbs              `mysql_list_dbs()'
* mysql_list_fields           `mysql_list_fields()'
* mysql_list_processes        `mysql_list_processes()'
* mysql_list_tables           `mysql_list_tables()'
* mysql_num_fields            `mysql_num_fields()'
* mysql_num_rows              `mysql_num_rows()'
* mysql_options               `mysql_options()'
* mysql_ping                  `mysql_ping()'
* mysql_query                 `mysql_query()'
* mysql_real_connect          `mysql_real_connect()'
* mysql_real_escape_string    `mysql_real_escape_string()'
* mysql_real_query            `mysql_real_query()'
* mysql_reload                `mysql_reload()'
* mysql_row_seek              `mysql_row_seek()'
* mysql_row_tell              `mysql_row_tell()'
* mysql_select_db             `mysql_select_db()'
* mysql_set_server_option     `mysql_set_server_option()'
* mysql_shutdown              `mysql_shutdown()'
* mysql_sqlstate              `mysql_sqlstate()'
* mysql_ssl_set               `mysql_ssl_set()'
* mysql_stat                  `mysql_stat()'
* mysql_store_result          `mysql_store_result()'
* mysql_thread_id             `mysql_thread_id()'
* mysql_use_result            `mysql_use_result()'
* mysql_warning_count         `mysql_warning_count()'
* mysql_commit                `mysql_commit()'
* mysql_rollback              `mysql_rollback()'
* mysql_autocommit            `mysql_autocommit()'
* mysql_more_results          `mysql_more_results()'
* mysql_next_result           `mysql_next_result()'
 In the descriptions here, a parameter or return value of `NULL' means
 `NULL' in the sense of the C programming language, not a MySQL `NULL'
 Functions that return a value generally return a pointer or an integer.
 Unless specified otherwise, functions returning a pointer return a
 non-`NULL' value to indicate success or a `NULL' value to indicate an
 error, and functions returning an integer return zero to indicate
 success or non-zero to indicate an error.  Note that "non-zero" means
 just that.  Unless the function description says otherwise, do not test
 against a value other than zero:
      if (result)                   /* correct */
          ... error ...
      if (result < 0)               /* incorrect */
          ... error ...
      if (result == -1)             /* incorrect */
          ... error ...
 When a function returns an error, the *Errors* subsection of the
 function description lists the possible types of errors.  You can find
 out which of these occurred by calling `mysql_errno()'.  A string
 representation of the error may be obtained by calling `mysql_error()'.
Info Catalog ( C API function overview ( C ( C API Prepared statements
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