( Ignoring user

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 A.2.14 `Ignoring user'
 If you get the following error, it means that when `mysqld' was started
 or when it reloaded the grant tables, it found an account in the `user'
 table that had an invalid password.
 `Found wrong password for user 'SOME_USER'@'SOME_HOST'; ignoring user'
 As a result, the account is simply ignored by the permission system.
 The following list indicates possible causes of and fixes for this
    * You may be running a new version of `mysqld' with an old `user'
      table.  You can check this by executing `mysqlshow mysql user' to
      see whether the `Password' column is shorter than 16 characters.
      If so, you can correct this condition by running the
      `scripts/add_long_password' script.
    * The account has an old password (eight characters long) and you
      didn't start `mysqld' with the `--old-protocol' option.  Update
      the account in the `user' table to have a new password or restart
      `mysqld' with the `--old-protocol' option.
    * You have specified a password in the `user' table without using the
      `PASSWORD()' function.  Use `mysql' to update the account in the
      `user' table with a new password, making sure to use the
      `PASSWORD()' function:
           mysql> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('NEWPWD')
               -> WHERE User='SOME_USER' AND Host='SOME_HOST';
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