( InnoDB transaction model

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 15.11 `InnoDB' Transaction Model and Locking
 In the `InnoDB' transaction model, the goal has been to combine the
 best properties of a multi-versioning database with traditional
 two-phase locking.  `InnoDB' does locking on the row level and runs
 queries as non-locking consistent reads by default, in the style of
 Oracle.  The lock table in `InnoDB' is stored so space-efficiently that
 lock escalation is not needed: Typically several users are allowed to
 lock every row in the database, or any random subset of the rows,
 without `InnoDB' running out of memory.


* InnoDB and AUTOCOMMIT       `InnoDB' and `AUTOCOMMIT'
* InnoDB transaction isolation  `InnoDB' and `TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL'
* InnoDB consistent read      Consistent Non-Locking Read
* InnoDB locking reads        Locking Reads `SELECT ... FOR UPDATE' and `SELECT ... LOCK IN SHARE MODE'
* InnoDB Next-key locking     Next-Key Locking: Avoiding the Phantom Problem
* InnoDB Consistent read example  An Example of How the Consistent Read Works in `InnoDB'
* InnoDB Locks set            Locks Set by Different SQL Statements in `InnoDB'
* InnoDB implicit command or rollback  When Does MySQL Implicitly Commit or Roll Back a Transaction?
* InnoDB Deadlock detection   Deadlock Detection and Rollback
* Innodb deadlocks            How to Cope with Deadlocks
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