( Log file maintenance

Info Catalog ( Slow query log ( Log Files
 5.9.6 Log File Maintenance
 The MySQL Server can create a number of different log files that make
 it easy to see what is going on.  Log Files. However, you must
 clean up these files regularly to ensure that the logs don't take up
 too much disk space.
 When using MySQL with logging enabled, you will want to back up and
 remove old log files from time to time and tell MySQL to start logging
 to new files.   Backup.
 On a Linux (Red Hat) installation, you can use the `mysql-log-rotate'
 script for this. If you installed MySQL from an RPM distribution, the
 script should have been installed automatically.  You should be careful
 with this script if you are using the binary log for replication! (You
 should not remove binary logs until you are certain that their contents
 have been processed by all slaves.)
 On other systems, you must install a short script yourself that you
 start from `cron' to handle log files.
 You can force MySQL to start using new log files by using `mysqladmin
 flush-logs' or by using the SQL statement `FLUSH LOGS'.  If you are
 using MySQL 3.21, you must use `mysqladmin refresh'.
 A log flushing operation does the following:
    * If standard logging (`--log') or slow query logging
      (`--log-slow-queries') is used, closes and reopens the log file
      (`mysql.log' and ``hostname`-slow.log' as default).
    * If update logging (`--log-update') or binary logging (`--log-bin')
      is used, closes the log and opens a new log file with a higher
      sequence number.
 If you are using only an update log, you only have to rename the log
 file and then flush the logs before making a backup. For example, you
 can do something like this:
      shell> cd mysql-data-directory
      shell> mv mysql.log mysql.old
      shell> mysqladmin flush-logs
 Then make a backup and remove `mysql.old'.
Info Catalog ( Slow query log ( Log Files
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