( MySQL Cluster Logging Management Commands

Info Catalog ( MySQL Cluster Event Reports ( MySQL Cluster Event Reports ( MySQL Cluster Log Events Logging Management Commands
 The following management commands are related to the cluster log:
      Turn cluster log on.
      Turn cluster log off.
      Information about cluster log settings.
 `<id> CLUSTERLOG <category>=<threshold>'
      Log category events with priority less than or equal to threshold
      in the cluster log.
      Toggles cluster logging of the specified severity type on/off.
 The following table describes the default setting (for all database
 nodes) of the cluster log category threshold.  If an event has a
 priority with a value lower than or equal to the priority threshold,
 then it is reported in the cluster log.
 Note that the events are reported per database node and that the
 thresholds can be set differently on different nodes.
 *Category*             *Default threshold (All database nodes)*
 STARTUP                7
 SHUTDOWN               7
 STATISTICS             7
 CHECKPOINT             7
 NODERESTART            7
 CONNECTION             7
 ERROR                  15
 INFO                   7
 The threshold is used to filter events within each category.  For
 example: a `STARTUP' event with a priority of 3 is never sent unless
 the threshold for `STARTUP' is changed to 3 or lower.  Only events with
 priority 3 or lower are sent if the threshold is 3.  The event
 severities are (corresponds to UNIX syslog levels):
 1                                    ALERT   A condition that should be
                                              corrected immediately, such as a
                                              corrupted system database
 2                                    CRITICALCritical conditions, such as device
                                              errors or out of resources
 3                                    ERROR   Conditions that should be
                                              corrected, such as configuration
 4                                    WARNING Conditions that are not error
                                              conditions but might require
 5                                    INFO    Informational messages
 6                                    DEBUG   Messages used during development of
                                              NDB Cluster
 Syslog's `LOG_EMERG' and `LOG_NOTICE' are not used/mapped.
 The event severities can be turned on or off.  If the severity is on
 then all events with priority less than or equal to the category
 thresholds are logged. If the severity is off then no events belonging
 to the severity are logged.
Info Catalog ( MySQL Cluster Event Reports ( MySQL Cluster Event Reports ( MySQL Cluster Log Events
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