( Using log files

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 E.1.5 Using Log Files to Find Cause of Errors in `mysqld'
 Note that before starting `mysqld' with `--log' you should check all
 your tables with `myisamchk'.   MySQL Database Administration.
 If `mysqld' dies or hangs, you should start `mysqld' with `--log'.
 When `mysqld' dies again, you can examine the end of the log file for
 the query that killed `mysqld'.
 If you are using `--log' without a file name, the log is stored in the
 database directory as `HOST_NAME.log' In most cases it is the last
 query in the log file that killed `mysqld', but if possible you should
 verify this by restarting `mysqld' and executing the found query from
 the `mysql' command-line tools. If this works, you should also test all
 complicated queries that didn't complete.
 You can also try the command `EXPLAIN' on all `SELECT' statements that
 takes a long time to ensure that `mysqld' is using indexes properly.
 You can find the queries that take a long time to execute by starting
 `mysqld' with `--log-slow-queries'.  Slow query log.
 If you find the text `mysqld restarted' in the error log file (normally
 named `hostname.err') you probably have found a query that causes
 `mysqld' to fail.  If this happens, you should check all your tables
 with `myisamchk' ( MySQL Database Administration), and test the
 queries in the MySQL log files to see if one doesn't work.  If you find
 such a query, try first upgrading to the newest MySQL version.  If this
 doesn't help and you can't find anything in the `mysql' mail archive,
 you should report the bug to a MySQL mailing list.  The mailing lists
 are described at `', which also has links to
 online list archives.
 If you have started `mysqld' with `myisam-recover', MySQL will
 automatically check and try to repair `MyISAM' tables if they are
 marked as 'not closed properly' or 'crashed'.  If this happens, MySQL
 will write an entry in the `hostname.err' file `'Warning: Checking
 table ...'' which is followed by `Warning: Repairing table' if the
 table needs to be repaired.  If you get a lot of these errors, without
 `mysqld' having died unexpectedly just before, then something is wrong
 and needs to be investigated further.  Server options.
 It's not a good sign if `mysqld' did died unexpectedly, but in this
 case one shouldn't investigate the `Checking table...' messages but
 instead try to find out why `mysqld' died.
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