When you start the installation from the Boot Disk, the system displays information about your hardware configuration, followed by a series of diagnostic messages. These messages display quickly and overwrite each other, so they are not generally visible, although the process normally pauses for a while at certain points if lengthy checks or initialization are involved. If the process stops and does not continue, this usually indicates a problem with the initialization of the corresponding device driver. The startup messages are described in ``Kernel initialization check letters''.
If your system hangs at this point, the problem might be an improperly installed adapter as described in ``Hardware self-check stops'', or it might be an I/O address conflict.
If you are using the BTLD utility and need to restart,
insert the Boot Disk and enter
restart link=pkg1 at the Boot:
(where pkg1 is the name of the package from which to extract
the required BTLD drivers).
For more information, see
``Installing Boot-Time Loadable Drivers (BTLDs)''.
If the system hangs at the hardware configuration screen again, contact your software supplier for more information and be prepared to report the last message displayed.