This example demonstrates the use of ntpq and ntpdc to list the servers that chicago.your_company.com is currently polling. The server marked with an asterisk (*) is the one that chicago is currently synchronizing with. chicago is also listening for broadcast packets on the subnet with IP address 10.0.246, but no packets are currently being broadcast there. Note the difference in the units used by ntpq and ntpdc to display delay, offset, and dispersion. The former uses milliseconds, whereas the latter uses seconds.
chicago# ntpq ntpq> peerremote refid st when poll reach delay offset disp ========================================================================== 16 never 64 0 0.0 0.00 64000 *acapulco.your_company.com clepsydra.dec 2 53 64 376 81.1 -1.00 12.4 +moscow.your_company.com norad.arc.nas 2 11 64 37 41.2 30.00 7504.3
chicago# ntpd ntpd> peer
remote local st poll reach delay offset disp =========================================================================== *acapulco.your_company.com 2 64 376 0.0811 -0.001003 0.0124 -moscow.your_company.com 2 64 37 0.0412 0.030001 7.5043 ^ 16 64 0 0.0000 0.000000 64.000
This information tells us, among other things, that: