You can view CPU activity using sar -u on single processor systems:
23:59:44 %usr %sys %wio %idle 23:59:49 4 24 6 66 23:59:54 7 84 0 9 23:59:59 6 70 1 23On systems with an SCO SMP License, use the mpsar -u command to see activity averaged over all the CPUs and cpusar -u to report activity for an individual CPU.Average 5 59 2 32
indicates the percentage of time
that the operating system is executing processes in user mode.
indicates the percentage of time
that the operating system is executing in system mode.
indicates the percentage of time
that the operating system is idle with processes
that could run if they were not waiting for I/O to complete.
indicates the percentage of time
that the operating system is idle with no
runnable processes.
On systems with an SCO SMP License,
a CPU runs a process called idle
if there are no other runnable processes.
On systems using SMP, root can make a CPU inactive using the cpuonoff(ADM) command. The -c option displays the number of active and inactive CPUs:
$ cpuonoff -c cpu 1: active cpu 2: inactive cpu 3: activeThe base processor, which cannot be made inactivate, is always indicated by
cpu 1
An inactive CPU shows 100% idle
time with the cpusar -u command.
The following sections outline the different process
states and how processes can share the same CPU.