You might have an existing list of personal aliases in a file called .palias in your home directory, which you used in the past with previous versions of Mail. You can continue to use the .palias file with this version as well.
Each alias in the .palias file is defined using this format:
aliasname: username1, username2, username3, username4, username5The names of the users in the list should be set apart with commas. The name list can span multiple lines, but each line after the first in the definition must begin with a <Tab> character.
For example, an alias called ``bowling'' that includes the users jay, tammy, and kelly, looks like:
bowling: jay, tammy, kellyAfter creating this alias, when you enter bowling in the ``To'' header line in a Message window, all the user names (jay, tammy, and kelly) appear on the To line when you deliver the message.
The .palias file can contain as many alias definitions as you need.