
cqs -- component query script


cqs [keyword_list] package_list


The component query script (cqs), located in SSOroot/cntl/cqs, is responsible for prompting the user for information and then passing that input to the ccs. The custom(ADM) utility calls the cqs during installations and upgrades, but not during removals.

The cqs takes two arguments:


The keyword_list is a space-separated list of one or more keywords that apply to the current query being performed by the cqs:

Upgrades an older version of an SSO-based component to the new version of an SSO-based component (installation only).

Upgrades an old-custom component to an SSO component.

The cqs is running on the CPU of the target system and can query the kernel or take other actions to provide the user with intelligent defaults.

The cqs is running with a root directory equal to the root directory of the target system. TRUE_CLIENT_ROOT is always specified when FOR_LOCAL_CLIENT is specified; this keyword might be specified alone if the cqs is running on the server system of a diskless client, but with a chroot(S) area specified that is equal to the real root of the client.


The package_list is a space-separated list of the fully-qualified package names in the component. Package names are in the form:


See ``Component identifiers'' in Developer's Topics.

To use the simpler package instead, use the getPackageCode function in the ccsSetup(CDMT) library. Note that packages are listed if any of its subpackages are selected, but this does not mean that a package is fully selected.

In addition to these arguments, the cqs receives information from custom by way of environment variables. See ``Component script environment variables'' in Developer's Topics for more information.

Exit values

Component query scripts should exit with one of the following values:

Value Variable Description
0 OK script executed successfully.
1 FAIL script execution was unsuccessful and the installation or removal is aborted; the user can choose to STOP the component.
2 WARN script execution logged warnings, but the installation or removal proceeded; the user can choose to STOP or continue the component.
3 STOP script stopped processing on this component (the component is left in the state it was in when the cqs returned STOP), but continued other component installation without user intervention.

 Value   Variable   Description
 0       OK         script executed successfully.
 1       FAIL       script execution was unsuccessful
                    and the installation or removal is
                    aborted; the user can choose to
                    STOP the component.
 2       WARN       script execution logged warnings,
                    but the installation or removal
                    proceeded; the user can choose to
                    STOP or continue the component.
 3       STOP       script stopped processing on this
                    component (the component is left in
                    the state it was in when the cqs
                    returned STOP), but continued other
                    component installation without user


The following limitations apply to cqs operation:



See also

ccs(CDMT), ccsSetup(CDMT), custom(ADM)

``Software management phases'' and
``Component script guidelines'' in Developer's Topics

Standards conformance

cqs is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
© 2003 Caldera International, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003