Displaying machine language statements
To display the machine language statements associated with line 25
in function main, use the command:
The ? command is similar to the /
command except that it searches backwards.
The default format for printing text space is the i format,
which interprets the machine-language instruction.
The control-d command may be used to print the next ten instructions.
Absolute addresses may be specified instead of line numbers
by appending a : to them, so that the following example
displays the contents of address 0x1024 in text space:
The command displays the instruction corresponding to line 0x1024 in the
current function:
It is also possible to set or delete a breakpoint by specifying
its absolute address, so that the following sets a breakpoint
at address 0x1024:
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Manipulating registers
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Machine language debugging
© 2003 Caldera International, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003