lprint --
print to a printer attached to the user's terminal
lprint [ - | file ] ...
prints one or more files to the printer port of your terminal.
The option - instructs
lprint to print from its standard input.
If no other arguments are given, lprint prints
from the standard input alone.
lprint understands the following environment
If set to n or N,
disables the delay on carriage return.
If set to y or Y and FORMS is not
set to x (not transparent), output a form feed
character to the printer to start a new page.
If set to n or N and FORMS is not
set to x (not transparent), output the required number
of blank lines to start a new page.
The default for most terminals is to assume FORMFEED
is set to y or Y.
The default for terminals such as the DT-1, which cannot
handle form feeds, is to set FORMFEED to n
or N.
If set to x, lprint allows transparent printing
without any processing of characters (including form feeds).
If set to p=lines, defines the page length a
the number of lines. The default page length is 66 lines. The page size
is ignored if FORMFEED is set to y or Y.
If set to n or N,
disables ENQ/ACK handshaking with the printer.
If set to y or Y,
enables ENQ/ACK handshaking with the printer.
lprint times out after 10 minutes if it does not
receive an ACK from the printer.
ENQ/ACK handshaking is enabled by default.
This variable is needed for applications that require a form feed
at the end of the document.
lprint outputs a form feed to the
printer at the end of the document if:
NOFF is set to t or T,
and FORMS is not set to x (not transparent), and
FORMFEED is set to y or Y
NOFF is set to t or T,
and FORMS is set to x (transparent),
output a form feed to the printer at the end of the document.
If NOFF is set to f or F, no extra
form feed is output at the end of the document.
The default is to assume NOFF is set to f or
Determines the local printing capabilities for the terminal
(defined in its compiled
TERM must be set in the environment for
lprint to work.
Exit values
lprint exits with a value of 0 if successful; otherwise,
it exits with a value of 1 if an error occurs and prints a
diagnostic message on the standard error output.
Can't find terminal description for a
There is no
entry for the terminal type defined in the environment by the
variable TERM or no terminal type is defined.
terminal does not support local print
The terminfo entry for the terminal does not define
support for local printing.
Can't find your terminal!
The standard output of lprint is not directed to a
Print a message and the files report1 and
report2 on the local terminal printer:
lprint report1 - report2 <<%%
This message will be printed after report1 and before report2.
Your terminal must have local printing capability. Its terminal type
must also have entries defined in its
file for mc5 and mc4 (strings to start and stop
printing using ENQ/ACK handshaking). These
entries correspond to the entries for PN and PS
(or ps and pf) in the
Only certain terminals have entries that define the capability for
remote printing (for example, the Wyse 60 and Hewlett-Packard
hp2621p). You may need to add the appropriate control or escape
character sequences for mc5 and mc4 to the entry
for your terminal.
To do this:
to produce an ASCII version of the terminfo file
for the terminal.
Edit this to add the appropriate entries.
Recompile the file using
A terminfo entry for mc51 (corresponding to
5i in /etc/termcap) defines the string to
prevent text sent to the printer being echoed to the screen.
lprint does not attempt to use this entry if it exists.
You must also set the communications parameters on the terminal
for the printer port (transmission rate, handshaking,
data/stop bits, and parity).
DT-100 terminals should have their handshaking set to
OFF (preferred) or XON/XOFF; do not use
DTR handshaking for local printing on these terminals.
The delay on form feeds cannot be disabled.
compiled terminfo terminal capability files read by
terminal capability file; lprint does not use this
See also
``Managing printers and print jobs'' in the System Administration Guide
Standards conformance
lprint is not part of any currently supported standard;
it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by
The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
© 2003 Caldera International, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003