Custom Distribution Mastering Toolkit

About the SSO Path Mapping API

The SSO Path Mapping API is a utility function that enables you to construct an SSO so that only a few files are ``public'' (exported to the public space) and the majority of the files are ``private'' (visible only to programs in the component).

Marking files that are only accessed directly by programs in the component as private reduces the possibility of:

See ``About Software Storage Objects (SSO)'' for information about private and public files.

When you mark a file as private, it exists only in the SSO and is not exported to a public directory. Because private files are not exported, even files within the SSO cannot locate them unless you place hardcoded references to the private files in your source. However, in this case, if the version or name of the component changes, you must change the references and recompile the programs. Instead of placing hardcoded references in your source, use the SSO Path Mapping API.

The API cooperates with custom(ADM) to allow the component to find the location of its own private files, so that the component does not need to make all of its files public.

The Path Mapping API adds a patch area to scripts or binaries. When you recut the component, the CDMT tools run ssoPatch(CDMT); this utility dynamically changes this patch area whenever the path to the root of the SSO (SSOroot) changes. For example, in an update, the original component is updated with new files to create a new version. In this case, custom creates the SSO for the new version at installation time, adding files from the original SSO to the update distribution, and patching those files with the new SSO's version number.

See also:

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© 2003 Caldera International, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003