( I/O of Floats

Info Catalog ( Float Comparison ( Floating-point Functions ( Miscellaneous Float Functions
 Input and Output Functions
 Functions that perform input from a stdio stream, and functions that
 output to a stdio stream.  Passing a `NULL' pointer for a STREAM
 argument to any of these functions will make them read from `stdin' and
 write to `stdout', respectively.
    When using any of these functions, it is a good idea to include
 `stdio.h' before `gmp.h', since that will allow `gmp.h' to define
 prototypes for these functions.
  - Function: size_t mpf_out_str (FILE *STREAM, int BASE, size_t
           N_DIGITS, mpf_t OP)
      Print OP to STREAM, as a string of digits.  Return the number of
      bytes written, or if an error occurred, return 0.
      The mantissa is prefixed with an `0.' and is in the given BASE,
      which may vary from 2 to 36.  An exponent then printed, separated
      by an `e', or if BASE is greater than 10 then by an `@'.  The
      exponent is always in decimal.  The decimal point follows the
      current locale, on systems providing `localeconv'.
      Up to N_DIGITS will be printed from the mantissa, except that no
      more digits than are accurately representable by OP will be
      printed.  N_DIGITS can be 0 to select that accurate maximum.
  - Function: size_t mpf_inp_str (mpf_t ROP, FILE *STREAM, int BASE)
      Read a string in base BASE from STREAM, and put the read float in
      ROP.  The string is of the form `M@N' or, if the base is 10 or
      less, alternatively `MeN'.  `M' is the mantissa and `N' is the
      exponent.  The mantissa is always in the specified base.  The
      exponent is either in the specified base or, if BASE is negative,
      in decimal.  The decimal point expected is taken from the current
      locale, on systems providing `localeconv'.
      The argument BASE may be in the ranges 2 to 36, or -36 to -2.
      Negative values are used to specify that the exponent is in
      Unlike the corresponding `mpz' function, the base will not be
      determined from the leading characters of the string if BASE is 0.
      This is so that numbers like `0.23' are not interpreted as octal.
      Return the number of bytes read, or if an error occurred, return 0.
Info Catalog ( Float Comparison ( Floating-point Functions ( Miscellaneous Float Functions
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