( Miscellaneous Float Functions

Info Catalog ( I/O of Floats ( Floating-point Functions
 Miscellaneous Functions
  - Function: void mpf_ceil (mpf_t ROP, mpf_t OP)
  - Function: void mpf_floor (mpf_t ROP, mpf_t OP)
  - Function: void mpf_trunc (mpf_t ROP, mpf_t OP)
      Set ROP to OP rounded to an integer.  `mpf_ceil' rounds to the
      next higher integer, `mpf_floor' to the next lower, and `mpf_trunc'
      to the integer towards zero.
  - Function: int mpf_integer_p (mpf_t OP)
      Return non-zero if OP is an integer.
  - Function: int mpf_fits_ulong_p (mpf_t OP)
  - Function: int mpf_fits_slong_p (mpf_t OP)
  - Function: int mpf_fits_uint_p (mpf_t OP)
  - Function: int mpf_fits_sint_p (mpf_t OP)
  - Function: int mpf_fits_ushort_p (mpf_t OP)
  - Function: int mpf_fits_sshort_p (mpf_t OP)
      Return non-zero if OP would fit in the respective C data type, when
      truncated to an integer.
  - Function: void mpf_urandomb (mpf_t ROP, gmp_randstate_t STATE,
           unsigned long int NBITS)
      Generate a uniformly distributed random float in ROP, such that 0
      <= ROP < 1, with NBITS significant bits in the mantissa.
      The variable STATE must be initialized by calling one of the
      `gmp_randinit' functions ( Random State Initialization)
      before invoking this function.
  - Function: void mpf_random2 (mpf_t ROP, mp_size_t MAX_SIZE, mp_exp_t
      Generate a random float of at most MAX_SIZE limbs, with long
      strings of zeros and ones in the binary representation.  The
      exponent of the number is in the interval -EXP to EXP (in limbs).
      This function is useful for testing functions and algorithms,
      since these kind of random numbers have proven to be more likely
      to trigger corner-case bugs.  Negative random numbers are
      generated when MAX_SIZE is negative.
Info Catalog ( I/O of Floats ( Floating-point Functions
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