(make.info.gz) MAKEFILE_LIST Variable
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(make.info.gz) MAKEFILES Variable
(make.info.gz) Makefiles
(make.info.gz) Special Variables
3.5 The Variable `MAKEFILE_LIST'
As `make' reads various makefiles, including any obtained from the
`MAKEFILES' variable, the command line, the default files, or from
`include' directives, their names will be automatically appended to the
`MAKEFILE_LIST' variable. They are added right before `make' begins to
parse them.
This means that if the first thing a makefile does is examine the
last word in this variable, it will be the name of the current makefile.
Once the current makefile has used `include', however, the last word
will be the just-included makefile.
If a makefile named `Makefile' has this content:
name1 := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
include inc.mk
name2 := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
@echo name1 = $(name1)
@echo name2 = $(name2)
then you would expect to see this output:
name1 = Makefile
name2 = inc.mk
Text Functions, for more information on the `word' and
`words' functions used above. The Two Flavors of Variables
Flavors, for more information on simply-expanded (`:=') variable
Info Catalog
(make.info.gz) MAKEFILES Variable
(make.info.gz) Makefiles
(make.info.gz) Special Variables
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