Info Catalog ( CREATE INDEX ( Data Definition ( CREATE VIEW
 13.2.6 `CREATE TABLE' Syntax


* Silent column changes       Silent Column Specification Changes
          [(] LIKE OLD_TBL_NAME [)];
              [INDEX_NAME] [INDEX_TYPE] (INDEX_COL_NAME,...)
        | CHECK (EXPR)
        | DATE
        | TIME
        | TIMESTAMP
        | DATETIME
        | TINYBLOB
        | BLOB
        | MEDIUMBLOB
        | LONGBLOB
        | TEXT [BINARY]
        | ENUM(VALUE1,VALUE2,VALUE3,...)
        | SET(VALUE1,VALUE2,VALUE3,...)
        | SPATIAL_TYPE
          COL_NAME [(LENGTH)] [ASC | DESC]
                     [MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE]
                     [ON DELETE REFERENCE_OPTION]
                     [ON UPDATE REFERENCE_OPTION]
        | CHECKSUM = {0 | 1}
        | COMMENT = 'STRING'
        | MAX_ROWS = VALUE
        | MIN_ROWS = VALUE
        | PACK_KEYS = {0 | 1 | DEFAULT}
        | PASSWORD = 'STRING'
        | DELAY_KEY_WRITE = {0 | 1}
        | RAID_TYPE = { 1 | STRIPED | RAID0 }
              RAID_CHUNKS = VALUE
              RAID_CHUNKSIZE = VALUE
        | UNION = (TBL_NAME[,TBL_NAME]...)
        | INSERT_METHOD = { NO | FIRST | LAST }
 `CREATE TABLE' creates a table with the given name.  You must have the
 `CREATE' privilege for the table.
 Rules for allowable table names are given in  Legal names.  By
 default, the table is created in the current database.  An error occurs
 if the table exists, if there is no current database, or if the
 database does not exist.
 In MySQL 3.22 or later, the table name can be specified as
 DB_NAME.TBL_NAME to create the table in a specific database.  This
 works whether or not there is a current database.  If you use quoted
 identifiers, quote the database and table names separately. For
 example, ``mydb`.`mytbl`' is legal, but ``mydb.mytbl`' is not.
 From MySQL 3.23 on, you can use the `TEMPORARY' keyword when creating a
 table. A `TEMPORARY' table is visible only to the current connection,
 and is dropped automatically when the connection is closed.  This means
 that two different connections can use the same temporary table name
 without conflicting with each other or with an existing non-`TEMPORARY'
 table of the same name. (The existing table is hidden until the
 temporary table is dropped.)  From MySQL 4.0.2 on, you must have the
 `CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES' privilege to be able to create temporary
 In MySQL 3.23 or later, you can use the keywords `IF NOT EXISTS' so
 that an error does not occur if the table exists.  Note that there is
 no verification that the existing table has a structure identical to
 that indicated by the `CREATE TABLE' statement.
 MySQL represents each table by an `.frm' table format (definition) file
 in the database directory. The storage engine for the table might
 create other files as well.  In the case of `MyISAM' tables, the
 storage engine creates three files for a table named TBL_NAME:
 *File*                 *Purpose*
 `TBL_NAME.frm'         Table format (definition) file
 `TBL_NAME.MYD'         Data file
 `TBL_NAME.MYI'         Index file
 The files created by each storage engine to represent tables are
 described in  Storage engines.
 For general information on the properties of the various column types,
 see  Column types.  For information about spatial column types,
 see  Spatial extensions in MySQL.
    * If neither `NULL' nor `NOT NULL' is specified, the column is
      treated as though `NULL' had been specified.
    * An integer column can have the additional attribute
      `AUTO_INCREMENT'.  When you insert a value of `NULL' (recommended)
      or `0' into an indexed `AUTO_INCREMENT' column, the column is set
      to the next sequence value.  Typically this is `VALUE+1', where
      VALUE is the largest value for the column currently in the table.
      `AUTO_INCREMENT' sequences begin with `1'.  
      `mysql_insert_id()' mysql_insert_id.
      As of MySQL 4.1.1, specifying the `NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' flag for
      the `--sql-mode' server option or the `sql_mode' system variable
      allows you to store `0' in `AUTO_INCREMENT' columns as `0' without
      generating a new sequence value.   Server options.
      * There can be only one `AUTO_INCREMENT' column per table,
      it must be indexed, and it cannot have a `DEFAULT' value.  As of
      MySQL 3.23, an `AUTO_INCREMENT' column will work properly only if
      it contains only positive values. Inserting a negative number is
      regarded as inserting a very large positive number.  This is done
      to avoid precision problems when numbers "wrap" over from positive
      to negative and also to ensure that you don't accidentally get an
      `AUTO_INCREMENT' column that contains `0'.
      For `MyISAM' and `BDB' tables, you can specify an `AUTO_INCREMENT'
      secondary column in a multiple-column key.  
      example-`AUTO_INCREMENT' example-AUTO_INCREMENT.
      To make MySQL compatible with some ODBC applications, you can find
      the `AUTO_INCREMENT' value for the last inserted row with the
      following query:
    * As of MySQL 4.1, character column definitions can include a
      `CHARACTER SET' attribute to specify the character set and,
      optionally, a collation for the column. For details, see 
           CREATE TABLE t (c CHAR(20) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin);
      Also as of 4.1, MySQL interprets length specifications in
      character column definitions in characters. (Earlier versions
      interpret them in bytes.)
    * `NULL' values are handled differently for `TIMESTAMP' columns than
      for other column types.  Before MySQL 4.1.6, you cannot store a
      literal `NULL' in a `TIMESTAMP' column; setting the column to
      `NULL' sets it to the current date and time.  Because `TIMESTAMP'
      columns behave this way, the `NULL' and `NOT NULL' attributes do
      not apply in the normal way and are ignored if you specify them.
      On the other hand, to make it easier for MySQL clients to use
      `TIMESTAMP' columns, the server reports that such columns can be
      assigned `NULL' values (which is true), even though `TIMESTAMP'
      never actually will contain a `NULL' value.  You can see this when
      you use `DESCRIBE TBL_NAME' to get a description of your table.
      Note that setting a `TIMESTAMP' column to `0' is not the same as
      setting it to `NULL', because `0' is a valid `TIMESTAMP' value.
    * The `DEFAULT' clause specifies a default value for a column.  With
      one exception, the default value must be a constant; it cannot be
      a function or an expression.  This means, for example, that you
      cannot set the default for a date column to be the value of a
      function such as `NOW()' or `CURRENT_DATE'. The exception is that
      you can specify `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' as the default for a
      `TIMESTAMP' column as of MySQL 4.1.2.    
      TIMESTAMP 4.1.
      Prior to MySQL 5.0.2, if a column definition includes no explicit
      `DEFAULT' value, MySQL determines the default value as follows:
      If the column can take `NULL' as a value, the column is defined
      with an explicit `DEFAULT NULL' clause.
      If the column cannot take `NULL' as the value, MySQL defines the
      column with an explicit `DEFAULT' clause, using the implicit
      default value for the column data type. Implicit defaults are
      defined as follows:
         - For numeric types other than those declared with the
           `AUTO_INCREMENT' attribute, the default is `0'.  For an
           `AUTO_INCREMENT' column, the default value is the next value
           in the sequence.
         - For date and time types other than `TIMESTAMP', the default
           is the appropriate "zero" value for the type.  For the first
           `TIMESTAMP' column in a table, the default value is the
           current date and time.   Date and time types.
         - For string types other than `ENUM', the default value is the
           empty string.  For `ENUM', the default is the first
           enumeration value.
      `BLOB' and `TEXT' columns cannot be assigned a default value.
      As of MySQL 5.0.2, if a column definition includes no explicit
      `DEFAULT' value, MySQL determines the default value as follows:
      If the column can take `NULL' as a value, the column is defined
      with an explicit `DEFAULT NULL' clause.  This is the same as
      before 5.0.2.
      If the column cannot take `NOT NULL' as the value, MySQL defines
      the column with no explicit `DEFAULT' clause.  For data entry, if
      an `INSERT' or `REPLACE' statement includes no value for the
      column, MySQL handles the column according to the SQL mode in
      effect at the time:
         * If strict mode is not enabled, MySQL sets the column to the
           implicit value for the column data type.
         * If strict mode is enabled, an error occurs for transactional
           tables and the statement is rolled back. For non-transactional
           tables, an error occurs unless the row is the second or
           subsequent row of a multiple-row statement, in which case a
           warning occurs.
       Server SQL mode.
      For a given table, you can use the `SHOW CREATE TABLE' statement to
      see which columns have an explicit `DEFAULT' clause.
    * A comment for a column can be specified with the `COMMENT' option.
      The comment is displayed by the `SHOW CREATE TABLE' and `SHOW FULL
      COLUMNS' statements.  This option is operational as of MySQL 4.1.
      (It is allowed but ignored in earlier versions.)
    * From MySQL 4.1.0 on, the attribute `SERIAL' can be used as an alias
    * `KEY' is normally a synonym for `INDEX'.  From MySQL 4.1, the key
      attribute `PRIMARY KEY' can also be specified as just `KEY' when
      given in a column definition. This was implemented for
      compatibility with other database systems.
    * In MySQL, a `UNIQUE' index is one in which all values in the index
      must be distinct.  An error occurs if you try to add a new row
      with a key that matches an existing row.  The exception to this is
      that if a column in the index is allowed to contain `NULL' values,
      it can contain multiple `NULL' values.  This exception does not
      apply to `BDB' tables, for which an indexed column allows only a
      single `NULL'.
    * A `PRIMARY KEY' is a unique `KEY' where all key columns must be
      defined as `NOT NULL'. If they are not explicitly declared as `NOT
      NULL', MySQL will declare them so implicitly (and silently).  A
      table can have only one `PRIMARY KEY'.  If you don't have a
      `PRIMARY KEY' and an application asks for the `PRIMARY KEY' in
      your tables, MySQL returns the first `UNIQUE' index that has no
      `NULL' columns as the `PRIMARY KEY'.
    * In the created table, a `PRIMARY KEY' is placed first, followed by
      all `UNIQUE' indexes, and then the non-unique indexes.  This helps
      the MySQL optimizer to prioritize which index to use and also more
      quickly to detect duplicated `UNIQUE' keys.
    * A `PRIMARY KEY' can be a multiple-column index.  However, you
      cannot create a multiple-column index using the `PRIMARY KEY' key
      attribute in a column specification.  Doing so will mark only that
      single column as primary.  You must use a separate `PRIMARY
      KEY(index_col_name, ...)' clause.
    * If a `PRIMARY KEY' or `UNIQUE' index consists of only one column
      that has an integer type, you can also refer to the column as
      `_rowid' in `SELECT' statements (new in MySQL 3.23.11).
    * In MySQL, the name of a `PRIMARY KEY' is `PRIMARY'.  For other
      indexes, if you don't assign a name, the index is assigned the
      same name as the first indexed column, with an optional suffix
      (`_2', `_3', `...') to make it unique.  You can see index names
      for a table using `SHOW INDEX FROM TBL_NAME'.   `SHOW INDEX'
    * From MySQL 4.1.0 on, some storage engines allow you to specify an
      index type when creating an index.  The syntax for the INDEX_TYPE
      specifier is `USING type_name'.
           CREATE TABLE lookup
               (id INT, INDEX USING BTREE (id))
               ENGINE = MEMORY;
      For details about `USING', see  `CREATE INDEX' CREATE INDEX.
      For more information about how MySQL uses indexes, see  MySQL
    * Only the `MyISAM', `InnoDB', `BDB', and (as of MySQL 4.0.2)
      `MEMORY' storage engines support indexes on columns that can have
      `NULL' values. In other cases, you must declare indexed columns as
      `NOT NULL' or an error results.
    * With `COL_NAME(LENGTH)' syntax in an index specification, you can
      create an index that uses only the first LENGTH characters of a
      `CHAR' or `VARCHAR' column. Indexing only a prefix of column
      values like this can make the index file much smaller.  
      The `MyISAM' and (as of MySQL 4.0.14) `InnoDB' storage engines also
      support indexing on `BLOB' and `TEXT' columns.  When indexing a
      `BLOB' or `TEXT' column, you _must_ specify a prefix length for
      the index. For example:
           CREATE TABLE test (blob_col BLOB, INDEX(blob_col(10)));
      Prefixes can be up to 255 bytes long (or 1000 bytes for `MyISAM'
      and `InnoDB' tables as of MySQL 4.1.2).  Note that prefix limits
      are measured in bytes, whereas the prefix length in `CREATE TABLE'
      statements is interpreted as number of characters.  Take this into
      account when specifying a prefix length for a column that uses a
      multi-byte character set.
    * An INDEX_COL_NAME specification can end with `ASC' or `DESC'.
      These keywords are allowed for future extensions for specifying
      ascending or descending index value storage.  Currently they are
      parsed but ignored; index values are always stored in ascending
    * When you use `ORDER BY' or `GROUP BY' with a `TEXT' or `BLOB'
      column, the server sorts values using only the initial number of
      bytes indicated by the `max_sort_length' system variable.  
      `BLOB' BLOB.
    * In MySQL 3.23.23 or later, you can create special `FULLTEXT'
      indexes. They are used for full-text search. Only the `MyISAM'
      table type supports `FULLTEXT' indexes. They can be created only
      from `CHAR', `VARCHAR', and `TEXT' columns.  Indexing always
      happens over the entire column; partial indexing is not supported
      and any prefix length is ignored if specified. See  Fulltext
      Search for details of operation.
    * In MySQL 4.1 or later, you can create `SPATIAL' indexes on spatial
      column types. Spatial types are supported only for `MyISAM' tables
      and indexed columns must be declared as `NOT NULL'.  See 
      Spatial extensions in MySQL.
    * In MySQL 3.23.44 or later, `InnoDB' tables support checking of
      foreign key constraints.  `InnoDB' InnoDB. Note that the
      `FOREIGN KEY' syntax in `InnoDB' is more restrictive than the
      syntax presented for the `CREATE TABLE' statement at the beginning
      of this section: The columns of the referenced table must always
      be explicitly named.  `InnoDB' supports both `ON DELETE' and `ON
      UPDATE' actions on foreign keys as of MySQL 3.23.50 and 4.0.8,
      respectively.  For the precise syntax, see  `InnoDB' foreign
      key constraints InnoDB foreign key constraints.
      For other storage engines, MySQL Server parses the `FOREIGN KEY'
      and `REFERENCES' syntax in `CREATE TABLE' statements, but without
      further action being taken.  The `CHECK' clause is parsed but
      ignored by all storage engines.    ANSI diff Foreign Keys.
    * For `MyISAM' and `ISAM' tables, each `NULL' column takes one bit
      extra, rounded up to the nearest byte.  The maximum record length
      in bytes can be calculated as follows:
           row length = 1
                        + (SUM OF COLUMN LENGTHS)
                        + (NUMBER OF NULL COLUMNS + DELETE_FLAG + 7)/8
                        + (NUMBER OF VARIABLE-LENGTH COLUMNS)
      DELETE_FLAG is 1 for tables with static record format. Static
      tables use a bit in the row record for a flag that indicates
      whether the row has been deleted.  DELETE_FLAG is 0 for dynamic
      tables because the flag is stored in the dynamic row header.
      These calculations do not apply for `InnoDB' tables, for which
      storage size is no different for `NULL' columns than for `NOT
      NULL' columns.
 The TABLE_OPTIONS part of the `CREATE TABLE' syntax can be used in
 MySQL 3.23 and above.
 The `ENGINE' and `TYPE' options specify the storage engine for the
 table.  `ENGINE' was added in MySQL 4.0.18 (for 4.0) and 4.1.2 (for
 4.1).  It is the preferred option name as of those versions, and `TYPE'
 has become deprecated.  `TYPE' will be supported throughout the 4.x
 series, but likely will be removed in MySQL 5.1.
 The `ENGINE' and `TYPE' options take the following values:
 *Storage Engine*   *Description*
 `BDB'              Transaction-safe tables with page locking. 
                    `BDB' storage engine BDB storage engine.
 `BerkeleyDB'       An alias for `BDB'.
 `HEAP'             The data for this table is stored only in memory.
                     `MEMORY' storage engine MEMORY storage
 `ISAM'             The original MySQL storage engine.  `ISAM'
                    storage engine ISAM storage engine.
 `InnoDB'           Transaction-safe tables with row locking and
                    foreign keys.   `InnoDB' InnoDB.
 `MEMORY'           An alias for `HEAP'. (Actually, as of MySQL 4.1,
                    `MEMORY' is the preferred term.)
 `MERGE'            A collection of `MyISAM' tables used as one
                    table.  `MERGE' storage engine MERGE
                    storage engine.
 `MRG_MyISAM'       An alias for `MERGE'.
 `MyISAM'           The binary portable storage engine that is the
                    improved replacement for `ISAM'.  `MyISAM'
                    storage engine MyISAM storage engine.
  Storage engines.
 If a storage engine is specified that is not available, MySQL uses
 `MyISAM' instead.  For example, if a table definition includes the
 `ENGINE=BDB' option but the MySQL server does not support `BDB' tables,
 the table is created as a `MyISAM' table.  This makes it possible to
 have a replication setup where you have transactional tables on the
 master but tables created on the slave are non-transactional (to get
 more speed).  In MySQL 4.1.1, a warning occurs if the storage engine
 specification is not honored.
 The other table options are used to optimize the behavior of the table.
 In most cases, you don't have to specify any of them.  The options work
 for all storage engines unless otherwise indicated:
      The initial `AUTO_INCREMENT' value for the table. This works for
      `MyISAM' only. To set the first auto-increment value for an
      `InnoDB' table, insert a dummy row with a value one less than the
      desired value after creating the table, and then delete the dummy
      In MySQL 5.0.3 or later, the initial `AUTO_INCREMENT' value for
      the table works also for the `InnoDB' table.
      An approximation of the average row length for your table. You
      need to set this only for large tables with variable-size records.
      When you create a `MyISAM' table, MySQL uses the product of the
      `MAX_ROWS' and `AVG_ROW_LENGTH' options to decide how big the
      resulting table will be.  If you don't specify either option, the
      maximum size for a table will be 4GB (or 2GB if your operating
      system only supports 2GB tables). The reason for this is just to
      keep down the pointer sizes to make the index smaller and faster
      if you don't really need big files.  If you want all your tables
      to be able to grow above the 4GB limit and are willing to have
      your smaller tables slightly slower and larger than necessary, you
      may increase the default pointer size by setting the
      `myisam_data_pointer_size' system variable, which was added in
      MySQL 4.1.2.   `myisam_data_pointer_size' Server system
      Set this to 1 if you want MySQL to maintain a live checksum for
      all rows (that is, a checksum that MySQL updates automatically as
      the table changes).  This makes the table a little slower to
      update, but also makes it easier to find corrupted tables.  The
      `CHECKSUM TABLE' statement reports the checksum.  (`MyISAM' only.)
      A comment for your table, up to 60 characters long.
      The maximum number of rows you plan to store in the table.
      The minimum number of rows you plan to store in the table.
      Set this option to 1 if you want to have smaller indexes.  This
      usually makes updates slower and reads faster.  Setting the option
      to 0 disables all packing of keys. Setting it to `DEFAULT' (MySQL
      4.0) tells the storage engine to only pack long `CHAR'/`VARCHAR'
      columns.  (`MyISAM' and `ISAM' only.)
      If you don't use `PACK_KEYS', the default is to only pack strings,
      not numbers.  If you use `PACK_KEYS=1', numbers will be packed as
      When packing binary number keys, MySQL uses prefix compression:
         * Every key needs one extra byte to indicate how many bytes of
           the previous key are the same for the next key.
         * The pointer to the row is stored in high-byte-first order
           directly after the key, to improve compression.
      This means that if you have many equal keys on two consecutive
      rows, all following "same" keys will usually only take two bytes
      (including the pointer to the row).  Compare this to the ordinary
      case where the following keys will take `storage_size_for_key +
      pointer_size' (where the pointer size is usually 4). Conversely,
      you will get a big benefit from prefix compression only if you
      have many numbers that are the same.  If all keys are totally
      different, you will use one byte more per key, if the key isn't a
      key that can have `NULL' values. (In this case, the packed key
      length will be stored in the same byte that is used to mark if a
      key is `NULL'.)
      Encrypt the `.frm' file with a password.  This option doesn't do
      anything in the standard MySQL version.
      Set this to 1 if you want to delay key updates for the table until
      the table is closed. (`MyISAM' only.)
      Defines how the rows should be stored. Currently this option works
      only with `MyISAM' tables. The option value can `FIXED' or
      `DYNAMIC' for static or variable-length row format. `myisampack'
      sets the type to `COMPRESSED'.   `MyISAM' table formats
      MyISAM table formats.
      Starting with MySQL/InnoDB-5.0.3, InnoDB records are stored in a
      more compact format (`ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT') by default.  The old
      format can be requested by specifying `ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT'.
      The `RAID_TYPE' option can help you to exceed the 2GB/4GB limit for
      the `MyISAM' data file (not the index file) on operating systems
      that don't support big files. This option is unnecessary and not
      recommended for filesystems that support big files.
      You can get more speed from the I/O bottleneck by putting `RAID'
      directories on different physical disks.  The only allowed
      `RAID_TYPE' is `STRIPED'. `1' and `RAID0' are aliases for
      If you specify the `RAID_TYPE' option for a `MyISAM' table,
      specify the `RAID_CHUNKS' and `RAID_CHUNKSIZE' options as well.
      The maximum `RAID_CHUNKS' value is 255.  `MyISAM' will create
      `RAID_CHUNKS' subdirectories named `00', `01', `02', ... `09',
      `0a', `0b', ...  in the database directory.  In each of these
      directories, `MyISAM' will create a file `TBL_NAME.MYD'.  When
      writing data to the data file, the `RAID' handler maps the first
      `RAID_CHUNKSIZE*1024' bytes to the first file, the next
      `RAID_CHUNKSIZE*1024' bytes to the next file, and so on.
      `RAID_TYPE' works on any operating system, as long as you have
      built MySQL with the `--with-raid' option to `configure'. To
      determine whether a server supports `RAID' tables, use `SHOW
      VARIABLES LIKE 'have_raid'' to see whether the variable value is
      `UNION' is used when you want to use a collection of identical
      tables as one. This works only with `MERGE' tables.   `MERGE'
      storage engine MERGE storage engine.
      For the moment, you must have `SELECT', `UPDATE', and `DELETE'
      privileges for the tables you map to a `MERGE' table.  Originally,
      all used tables had to be in the same database as the `MERGE'
      table itself. This restriction has been lifted as of MySQL 4.1.1.
      If you want to insert data in a `MERGE' table, you have to specify
      with `INSERT_METHOD' into which table the row should be inserted.
      `INSERT_METHOD' is an option useful for `MERGE' tables only.  This
      option was introduced in MySQL 4.0.0.   `MERGE' storage
      engine MERGE storage engine.
      DIRECTORY='DIRECTORY'' you can specify where the `MyISAM' storage
      engine should put a table's data file and index file.  Note that
      the directory should be a full path to the directory (not a
      relative path).
      These options work only for `MyISAM' tables from MySQL 4.0 on, when
      you are not using the `--skip-symbolic-links' option. Your
      operating system must also have a working, thread-safe
      `realpath()' call.   Symbolic links to tables.
 As of MySQL 3.23, you can create one table from another by adding a
 `SELECT' statement at the end of the `CREATE TABLE' statement:
 MySQL will create new column for all elements in the `SELECT'.  For
          ->        PRIMARY KEY (a), KEY(b))
          ->        TYPE=MyISAM SELECT b,c FROM test2;
 This creates a `MyISAM' table with three columns, `a', `b', and `c'.
 Notice that the columns from the `SELECT' statement are appended to the
 right side of the table, not overlapped onto it.  Take the following
      mysql> SELECT * FROM foo;
      | n |
      | 1 |
      mysql> CREATE TABLE bar (m INT) SELECT n FROM foo;
      Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
      Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
      mysql> SELECT * FROM bar;
      | m    | n |
      | NULL | 1 |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 For each row in table `foo', a row is inserted in `bar' with the values
 from `foo' and default values for the new columns.
 If any errors occur while copying the data to the table, it is
 automatically dropped and not created.
 `CREATE TABLE ... SELECT' will not automatically create any indexes for
 you.  This is done intentionally to make the statement as flexible as
 possible.  If you want to have indexes in the created table, you should
 specify these before the `SELECT' statement:
      mysql> CREATE TABLE bar (UNIQUE (n)) SELECT n FROM foo;
 Some conversion of column types might occur. For example, the
 `AUTO_INCREMENT' attribute is not preserved, and `VARCHAR' columns can
 become `CHAR' columns.
 When creating a table with `CREATE ... SELECT', make sure to alias any
 function calls or expressions in the query. If you do not, the `CREATE'
 statement might fail or result in undesirable column names.
      CREATE TABLE artists_and_works
      SELECT, COUNT(work.artist_id) AS number_of_works
      FROM artist LEFT JOIN work ON = work.artist_id
      GROUP BY;
 As of MySQL 4.1, you can explicitly specify the type for a generated
 In MySQL 4.1, you can also use `LIKE' to create an empty table based on
 the definition of another table, including any column attributes and
 indexes the original table has:
 `CREATE TABLE ... LIKE' does not copy any `DATA DIRECTORY' or `INDEX
 DIRECTORY' table options that were specified for the original table, or
 any foreign key definitions.
 You can precede the `SELECT' by `IGNORE' or `REPLACE' to indicate how
 to handle records that duplicate unique key values.  With `IGNORE', new
 records that duplicate an existing record on a unique key value are
 discarded.  With `REPLACE', new records replace records that have the
 same unique key value.  If neither `IGNORE' nor `REPLACE' is specified,
 duplicate unique key values result in an error.
 To ensure that the update log/binary log can be used to re-create the
 original tables, MySQL will not allow concurrent inserts during `CREATE
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