
Routines -- List of all system service (S) section routines


This Routines(S) manual page lists all the routines, system calls, and prominent variables documented in section (S).

Each routine appears with its appropriate manual page, the type of routine, and the cc(CP) library link argument. Each macro appears with the header file to be included before the macro may be used.

The type of routine is identified in the third column of the table. If the symbol is a variable name, it is also identified in this column. The column may have one of the following meanings:

Code Meaning
C indicates a system call
F indicates a function defined in a header file
G indicates that it is generated by the C compiler
L indicates a library routine
M indicates a macro
V indicates a variable

 |Code | Meaning                                          |
 | C   | indicates a system call                          |
 | F   | indicates a function defined in a header file    |
 | G   | indicates that it is generated by the C compiler |
 | L   | indicates a library routine                      |
 | M   | indicates a macro                                |
 | V   | indicates a variable                             |

System calls and standard C library routines all have a -lc library usage entry. Since system calls and libc routines are linked automatically, the -lc option need not be specified explicitly; it is included in this table for information purposes only. System calls (and some library routines) derived from XENIX retain the -lx option as an indication of their heritage.

Routine name Manual page Type cc library option
a64l a64l(S) L -lc
abort abort(S) L -lc
abs abs(S) L -lc
acceptable_password accept_pw(S) L -lprot
access access(S) C -lc
acct acct(S) C -lc
acos trig(S) L -lm
addch curs_addch(S) L -lcurses
addch tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
addchnstr curs_addchstr(S) L -lcurses
addchstr curs_addchstr(S) L -lcurses
addnstr curs_addstr(S) L -lcurses
addnwstr curs_addwstr(S) L -lcurses
addsev addsev(S) L -lc
addseverity addseverity(S) L -lc
addstr curs_addstr(S) L -lcurses
addstr tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
addwch curs_addwch(S) L -lcurses
addwchnstr curs_addwchstr(S) L -lcurses
addwchstr curs_addwchstr(S) L -lcurses
addwstr curs_addwstr(S) L -lcurses
adf_gttok tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
adf_gtwrd tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
adf_gtxcd tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
adjtime adjtime(S) C -lc
advance regexp(S) F function - regexp.h
agetdefault authcap(S) L -lprot -lx
agetfile authcap(S) L -lprot -lx
agetflag authcap(S) L -lprot -lx
agetstr authcap(S) L -lprot -lx
agettty authcap(S) L -lprot -lx
agetuser authcap(S) L -lprot -lx
aio_error aio_error(S) L -lsuds
aio_mkcbs aio_mkcbs(S) L -lsuds
aio_read aio_read(S) L -lsuds
aio_return aio_return(S) L -lsuds
aio_write aio_write(S) L -lsuds
alarm alarm(S) C -lc
allocldptr ldptr(S) L -lld
altzone ctime(S) V variable - time.h
arc plot(S) L -lplot
ascftime strftime(S) L -lc
asctime ctime(S) L -lc
asetdefaults authcap(S) L -lprot -lx
asin trig(S) L -lm
assert assert(S) M macro - assert.h
atan trig(S) L -lm
atan2 trig(S) L -lm
atexit atexit(S) L -lc
atof atof(S) L -lc
atoi atof(S) L -lc
atol atof(S) L -lc
attroff curs_attr(S) L -lcurses
attroff tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
attron curs_attr(S) L -lcurses
attron tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
attrset curs_attr(S) L -lcurses
audit_adjust_mask authaudit(S) L -lprot
audit_auth_entry authaudit(S) L -lprot
audit_close audit(S) L -laudit
audit_lax_file authaudit(S) L -lprot
audit_lock authaudit(S) L -lprot
audit_login authaudit(S) L -lprot
audit_no_resource authaudit(S) L -lprot
audit_open audit(S) L -laudit
audit_passwd authaudit(S) L -lprot
audit_read audit(S) L -laudit
audit_security_failure authaudit(S) L -lprot
audit_subsystem authaudit(S) L -lprot
authorized_user subsystems(S) L -lprot -lx

   Routine name             Manual page         Type   cc library option
   a64l                     a64l(S)             L      -lc
   abort                    abort(S)            L      -lc
   abs                      abs(S)              L      -lc
   acceptable_password      accept_pw(S)        L      -lprot
   access                   access(S)           C      -lc
   acct                     acct(S)             C      -lc
   acos                     trig(S)             L      -lm
   addch                    curs_addch(S)       L      -lcurses
   addch                    tam(S)              L      -Itam -ltam -lcurses
   addchnstr                curs_addchstr(S)    L      -lcurses
   addchstr                 curs_addchstr(S)    L      -lcurses
   addnstr                  curs_addstr(S)      L      -lcurses
   addnwstr                 curs_addwstr(S)     L      -lcurses
   addsev                   addsev(S)           L      -lc
   addseverity              addseverity(S)      L      -lc
   addstr                   curs_addstr(S)      L      -lcurses
   addstr                   tam(S)              L      -Itam -ltam -lcurses
   addwch                   curs_addwch(S)      L      -lcurses
   addwchnstr               curs_addwchstr(S)   L      -lcurses
   addwchstr                curs_addwchstr(S)   L      -lcurses
   addwstr                  curs_addwstr(S)     L      -lcurses
   adf_gttok                tam(S)              L      -Itam -ltam -lcurses
   adf_gtwrd                tam(S)              L      -Itam -ltam -lcurses
   adf_gtxcd                tam(S)              L      -Itam -ltam -lcurses
   adjtime                  adjtime(S)          C      -lc
   advance                  regexp(S)           F      function - regexp.h
   agetdefault              authcap(S)          L      -lprot -lx
   agetfile                 authcap(S)          L      -lprot -lx
   agetflag                 authcap(S)          L      -lprot -lx
   agetstr                  authcap(S)          L      -lprot -lx
   agettty                  authcap(S)          L      -lprot -lx
   agetuser                 authcap(S)          L      -lprot -lx
   aio_error                aio_error(S)        L      -lsuds
   aio_mkcbs                aio_mkcbs(S)        L      -lsuds
   aio_read                 aio_read(S)         L      -lsuds
   aio_return               aio_return(S)       L      -lsuds
   aio_write                aio_write(S)        L      -lsuds
   alarm                    alarm(S)            C      -lc
   allocldptr               ldptr(S)            L      -lld
   altzone                  ctime(S)            V      variable - time.h
   arc                      plot(S)             L      -lplot
   ascftime                 strftime(S)         L      -lc
   asctime                  ctime(S)            L      -lc
   asetdefaults             authcap(S)          L      -lprot -lx
   asin                     trig(S)             L      -lm
   assert                   assert(S)           M      macro - assert.h
   atan                     trig(S)             L      -lm
   atan2                    trig(S)             L      -lm
   atexit                   atexit(S)           L      -lc
   atof                     atof(S)             L      -lc
   atoi                     atof(S)             L      -lc
   atol                     atof(S)             L      -lc
   attroff                  curs_attr(S)        L      -lcurses
   attroff                  tam(S)              L      -Itam -ltam -lcurses
   attron                   curs_attr(S)        L      -lcurses
   attron                   tam(S)              L      -Itam -ltam -lcurses
   attrset                  curs_attr(S)        L      -lcurses
   audit_adjust_mask        authaudit(S)        L      -lprot
   audit_auth_entry         authaudit(S)        L      -lprot
   audit_close              audit(S)            L      -laudit
   audit_lax_file           authaudit(S)        L      -lprot
   audit_lock               authaudit(S)        L      -lprot
   audit_login              authaudit(S)        L      -lprot
   audit_no_resource        authaudit(S)        L      -lprot
   audit_open               audit(S)            L      -laudit
   audit_passwd             authaudit(S)        L      -lprot
   audit_read               audit(S)            L      -laudit
   audit_security_failure   authaudit(S)        L      -lprot
   audit_subsystem          authaudit(S)        L      -lprot
   authorized_user          subsystems(S)       L      -lprot -lx

baudrate curs_termattrs(S) L -lcurses
baudrate tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
bcmp bstring(S) L -lc
bcopy bstring(S) L -lc
beep curs_beep(S) L -lcurses
beep tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
bigcrypt getpasswd(S) L -lprot -lx
bigcryptmax getpasswd(S) L -lprot -lx
bkgd curs_bkgd(S) L -lcurses
bkgdset curs_bkgd(S) L -lcurses
border curs_border(S) L -lcurses
Bottom libwindows(S) L -lwindows
bottom_panel panel_top(S) L -lpanel -lcurses
box curs_border(S) L -lcurses
box plot(S) L -lplot
brk brk(S) C -lc
bsearch bsearch(S) L -lc
bzero bstring(S) L -lc

       baudrate         curs_termattrs(S)   L     -lcurses
       baudrate         tam(S)              L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
       bcmp             bstring(S)          L     -lc
       bcopy            bstring(S)          L     -lc
       beep             curs_beep(S)        L     -lcurses
       beep             tam(S)              L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
       bigcrypt         getpasswd(S)        L     -lprot -lx
       bigcryptmax      getpasswd(S)        L     -lprot -lx
       bkgd             curs_bkgd(S)        L     -lcurses
       bkgdset          curs_bkgd(S)        L     -lcurses
       border           curs_border(S)      L     -lcurses
       Bottom           libwindows(S)       L     -lwindows
       bottom_panel     panel_top(S)        L     -lpanel -lcurses
       box              curs_border(S)      L     -lcurses
       box              plot(S)             L     -lplot
       brk              brk(S)              C     -lc
       bsearch          bsearch(S)          L     -lc
       bzero            bstring(S)          L     -lc

calloc malloc(S) L -lc
can_change_color curs_color(S) L -lcurses
catclose catopen(S) L -lc
catgets catgets(S) L -lc
catopen catopen(S) L -lc
cbreak curs_inopts(S) L -lcurses
cbreak tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
ceil floor(S) L -lm
ceilf floor(S) L -lm
cfgetispeed cfspeed(S) L -lc
cfgetispeed termios(S) L -lc
cfgetospeed cfspeed(S) L -lc
cfgetospeed termios(S) L -lc
cfree malloc(S) L -lc
cfsetispeed cfspeed(S) L -lc
cfsetispeed termios(S) L -lc
cfsetospeed cfspeed(S) L -lc
cfsetospeed termios(S) L -lc
cftime strftime(S) L -lc
chdir chdir(S) C -lc
check_auth_parameters identity(S) L -lprot
chmod chmod(S) C -lc
chown chown(S) C -lc
chroot chroot(S) C -lc
chsize chsize(S) C -lx
circf regexp(S) V variable - regexp.h
circle plot(S) L -lplot
clear curs_clear(S) L -lcurses
clear tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
clearerr ferror(S) M macro - stdio.h
clearok curs_outopts(S) L -lcurses
clearok tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
clock clock(S) L -lc
close close(S) C -lc
closedir directory(S) L -lc
closepl plot(S) L -lplot
clrtobot curs_clear(S) L -lcurses
clrtobot tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
clrtoeol curs_clear(S) L -lcurses
clrtoeol tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
color_content curs_color(S) L -lcurses
compile regexp(S) F function - regexp.h
confstr confstr(S) L -lc
cont plot(S) L -lplot
copydvagent getdvagent(S) L -lprot -lx
copysign floor(S) L -lm
copywin curs_overlay(S) L -lcurses
cos trig(S) L -lm
cosh sinh(S) L -lm
creat creat(S) C -lc
create_file_securely create_file_securely(S) L -lprot -lx
creatsem creatsem(S) C -lx
crmode tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
crypt crypt(S) L -lcrypt
crypt_close crypt(S) L -lcrypt
ctermid ctermid(S) L -lc
ctime ctime(S) L -lc
ctime strftime(S) L -lc
Current libwindows(S) L -lwindows
current_field form_page(S) L -lform -lcurses
current_item menu_item_current(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
curs_set curs_kernel(S) L -lcurses
cuserid cuserid(S) L -lc

 calloc                  malloc(S)                 L     -lc
 can_change_color        curs_color(S)             L     -lcurses
 catclose                catopen(S)                L     -lc
 catgets                 catgets(S)                L     -lc
 catopen                 catopen(S)                L     -lc
 cbreak                  curs_inopts(S)            L     -lcurses
 cbreak                  tam(S)                    L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
 ceil                    floor(S)                  L     -lm
 ceilf                   floor(S)                  L     -lm
 cfgetispeed             cfspeed(S)                L     -lc
 cfgetispeed             termios(S)                L     -lc
 cfgetospeed             cfspeed(S)                L     -lc
 cfgetospeed             termios(S)                L     -lc
 cfree                   malloc(S)                 L     -lc
 cfsetispeed             cfspeed(S)                L     -lc
 cfsetispeed             termios(S)                L     -lc
 cfsetospeed             cfspeed(S)                L     -lc
 cfsetospeed             termios(S)                L     -lc
 cftime                  strftime(S)               L     -lc
 chdir                   chdir(S)                  C     -lc
 check_auth_parameters   identity(S)               L     -lprot
 chmod                   chmod(S)                  C     -lc
 chown                   chown(S)                  C     -lc
 chroot                  chroot(S)                 C     -lc
 chsize                  chsize(S)                 C     -lx
 circf                   regexp(S)                 V     variable - regexp.h
 circle                  plot(S)                   L     -lplot
 clear                   curs_clear(S)             L     -lcurses
 clear                   tam(S)                    L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
 clearerr                ferror(S)                 M     macro - stdio.h
 clearok                 curs_outopts(S)           L     -lcurses
 clearok                 tam(S)                    L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
 clock                   clock(S)                  L     -lc
 close                   close(S)                  C     -lc
 closedir                directory(S)              L     -lc
 closepl                 plot(S)                   L     -lplot
 clrtobot                curs_clear(S)             L     -lcurses
 clrtobot                tam(S)                    L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
 clrtoeol                curs_clear(S)             L     -lcurses
 clrtoeol                tam(S)                    L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
 color_content           curs_color(S)             L     -lcurses
 compile                 regexp(S)                 F     function - regexp.h
 confstr                 confstr(S)                L     -lc
 cont                    plot(S)                   L     -lplot
 copydvagent             getdvagent(S)             L     -lprot -lx
 copysign                floor(S)                  L     -lm
 copywin                 curs_overlay(S)           L     -lcurses
 cos                     trig(S)                   L     -lm
 cosh                    sinh(S)                   L     -lm
 creat                   creat(S)                  C     -lc
 create_file_securely    create_file_securely(S)   L     -lprot -lx
 creatsem                creatsem(S)               C     -lx
 crmode                  tam(S)                    L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
 crypt                   crypt(S)                  L     -lcrypt
 crypt_close             crypt(S)                  L     -lcrypt
 ctermid                 ctermid(S)                L     -lc
 ctime                   ctime(S)                  L     -lc
 ctime                   strftime(S)               L     -lc
 Current                 libwindows(S)             L     -lwindows
 current_field           form_page(S)              L     -lform -lcurses
 current_item            menu_item_current(S)      L     -lmenu -lcurses
 curs_set                curs_kernel(S)            L     -lcurses
 cuserid                 cuserid(S)                L     -lc

data_ahead form_data(S) L -lform -lcurses
data_behind form_data(S) L -lform -lcurses
daylight ctime(S) V variable - time.h
dbminit dbm(S) L -ldbm
defopen defopen(S) L -lc
def_prog_mode curs_kernel(S) L -lcurses
defread defopen(S) L -lc
def_shell_mode curs_kernel(S) L -lcurses
delay_output curs_util(S) L -lcurses
delch curs_delch(S) L -lcurses
delch tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
del_curterm curs_terminfo(S) L -ltinfo
Delete libwindows(S) L -lwindows
delete dbm(S) L -ldbm
deleteln curs_deleteln(S) L -lcurses
deleteln tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
del_panel panel_new(S) L -lpanel -lcurses
delscreen curs_initscr(S) L -lcurses
delwin curs_window(S) L -lcurses
derwin curs_window(S) L -lcurses
des_crypt crypt(S) L -lcrypt
des_encrypt crypt(S) L -lcrypt
des_setkey crypt(S) L -lcrypt
dial dial(S) L -lc
difftime difftime(S) L -lc
div div(S) L -lc
dlclose dlclose(S) L -lc
dlerror dlerror(S) L -lc
dlopen dlopen(S) L -lc
dlsym dlsym(S) L -lc
doupdate curs_refresh(S) L -lcurses
draino curs_util(S) L -lcurses
drand48 drand48(S) L -lc
dup dup(S) C -lc
dup2 dup2(S) L -lc
dup_field form_field_new(S) L -lform -lcurses
dupwin curs_window(S) L -lcurses
dynamic_field_info form_field_info(S) L -lform -lcurses

     data_ahead           form_data(S)         L     -lform -lcurses
     data_behind          form_data(S)         L     -lform -lcurses
     daylight             ctime(S)             V     variable - time.h
     dbminit              dbm(S)               L     -ldbm
     defopen              defopen(S)           L     -lc
     def_prog_mode        curs_kernel(S)       L     -lcurses
     defread              defopen(S)           L     -lc
     def_shell_mode       curs_kernel(S)       L     -lcurses
     delay_output         curs_util(S)         L     -lcurses
     delch                curs_delch(S)        L     -lcurses
     delch                tam(S)               L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
     del_curterm          curs_terminfo(S)     L     -ltinfo
     Delete               libwindows(S)        L     -lwindows
     delete               dbm(S)               L     -ldbm
     deleteln             curs_deleteln(S)     L     -lcurses
     deleteln             tam(S)               L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
     del_panel            panel_new(S)         L     -lpanel -lcurses
     delscreen            curs_initscr(S)      L     -lcurses
     delwin               curs_window(S)       L     -lcurses
     derwin               curs_window(S)       L     -lcurses
     des_crypt            crypt(S)             L     -lcrypt
     des_encrypt          crypt(S)             L     -lcrypt
     des_setkey           crypt(S)             L     -lcrypt
     dial                 dial(S)              L     -lc
     difftime             difftime(S)          L     -lc
     div                  div(S)               L     -lc
     dlclose              dlclose(S)           L     -lc
     dlerror              dlerror(S)           L     -lc
     dlopen               dlopen(S)            L     -lc
     dlsym                dlsym(S)             L     -lc
     doupdate             curs_refresh(S)      L     -lcurses
     draino               curs_util(S)         L     -lcurses
     drand48              drand48(S)           L     -lc
     dup                  dup(S)               C     -lc
     dup2                 dup2(S)              L     -lc
     dup_field            form_field_new(S)    L     -lform -lcurses
     dupwin               curs_window(S)       L     -lcurses
     dynamic_field_info   form_field_info(S)   L     -lform -lcurses

eaccess access(S) C -lc
echo curs_inopts(S) L -lcurses
echo tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
echochar curs_addch(S) L -lcurses
echowchar curs_addwch(S) L -lcurses
ecvt ecvt(S) L -lc
_edata end(S) G C compiler generated
edata end(S) G C compiler generated
elf32_fsize elf_fsize(S) L -lelf
elf32_getehdr elf_getehdr(S) L -lelf
elf32_getphdr elf_getphdr(S) L -lelf
elf32_getshdr elf_getshdr(S) L -lelf
elf32_newehdr elf_getehdr(S) L -lelf
elf32_newphdr elf_getphdr(S) L -lelf
elf32_xlatetof elf_xlate(S) L -lelf
elf32_xlatetom elf_xlate(S) L -lelf
elf_begin elf_begin(S) L -lelf
elf_cntl elf_cntl(S) L -lelf
elf_end elf_end(S) L -lelf
elf_errmsg elf_error(S) L -lelf
elf_errno elf_error(S) L -lelf
elf_fill elf_fill(S) L -lelf
elf_flagdata elf_flag(S) L -lelf
elf_flagehdr elf_flag(S) L -lelf
elf_flagelf elf_flag(S) L -lelf
elf_flagphdr elf_flag(S) L -lelf
elf_flagscn elf_flag(S) L -lelf
elf_flagshdr elf_flag(S) L -lelf
elf_getarhdr elf_getarhdr(S) L -lelf
elf_getarsym elf_getarsym(S) L -lelf
elf_getbase elf_getbase(S) L -lelf
elf_getdata elf_getdata(S) L -lelf
elf_getident elf_getident(S) L -lelf
elf_getscn elf_getscn(S) L -lelf
elf_hash elf_hash(S) L -lelf
elf_kind elf_kind(S) L -lelf
elf_ndxscn elf_getscn(S) L -lelf
elf_newdata elf_getdata(S) L -lelf
elf_newscn elf_getscn(S) L -lelf
elf_next elf_next(S) L -lelf
elf_nextscn elf_getscn(S) L -lelf
elf_rand elf_rand(S) L -lelf
elf_rawdata elf_getdata(S) L -lelf
elf_rawfile elf_rawfile(S) L -lelf
elf_strptr elf_strptr(S) L -lelf
elf_update elf_update(S) L -lelf
elf_version elf_version(S) L -lelf
encrypt crypt(S) L -lcrypt
_end end(S) G C compiler generated
end end(S) G C compiler generated
enddvagent getdvagent(S) L -lprot -lx
endgrent getgrent(S) L -lc
endprdfent getprdfent(S) L -lprot -lx
endprfient getprfient(S) L -lprot -lx
endprpwent getprpwent(S) L -lprot -lx
endprtcent getprtcent(S) L -lprot -lx
endpwent getpwent(S) L -lc
endspent getspent(S) L -lc
endutent getut(S) L -lc
endutxent getutx(S) L -lc
endwin curs_initscr(S) L -lcurses
endwin tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
enter_quiet_zone dblock(S) L -lprot -lx
environ exec(S) V variable, user must declare
erand48 drand48(S) L -lc
erase curs_clear(S) L -lcurses
erase plot(S) L -lplot
erase tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
erasechar curs_termattrs(S) L -lcurses
erf erf(S) L -lm
erfc erf(S) L -lm
errno perror(S) V variable - errno.h
ERROR regexp(S) M macro - regexp.h
_etext end(S) G C compiler generated
etext end(S) G C compiler generated
ev_block ev_block(S) L -levent
ev_close ev_close(S) L -levent
ev_count ev_count(S) L -levent
ev_flush ev_flush(S) L -levent
ev_getdev ev_getdev(S) L -levent
ev_getemask ev_getemask(S) L -levent
ev_gindev ev_gindev(S) L -levent
ev_init ev_init(S) L -levent
ev_initf ev_init(S) L -levent
ev_open ev_open(S) L -levent
ev_pop ev_pop(S) L -levent
ev_read ev_read(S) L -levent
ev_resume ev_resume(S) L -levent
ev_setemask ev_setemask(S) L -levent
ev_suspend ev_suspend(S) L -levent
execl exec(S) C -lc
execle exec(S) C -lc
execlp exec(S) C -lc
execseg execseg(S) C -lx
execv exec(S) C -lc
execve exec(S) C -lc
execvp exec(S) C -lc
exhelp tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
Exit libwindows(S) L -lwindows
_exit exit(S) C -lc
exit exit(S) L -lc
exit_quiet_zone dblock(S) L -lprot -lx
exp exp(S) L -lm

   eaccess            access(S)           C     -lc
   echo               curs_inopts(S)      L     -lcurses
   echo               tam(S)              L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
   echochar           curs_addch(S)       L     -lcurses
   echowchar          curs_addwch(S)      L     -lcurses
   ecvt               ecvt(S)             L     -lc
   _edata             end(S)              G     C compiler generated
   edata              end(S)              G     C compiler generated
   elf32_fsize        elf_fsize(S)        L     -lelf
   elf32_getehdr      elf_getehdr(S)      L     -lelf
   elf32_getphdr      elf_getphdr(S)      L     -lelf
   elf32_getshdr      elf_getshdr(S)      L     -lelf
   elf32_newehdr      elf_getehdr(S)      L     -lelf
   elf32_newphdr      elf_getphdr(S)      L     -lelf
   elf32_xlatetof     elf_xlate(S)        L     -lelf
   elf32_xlatetom     elf_xlate(S)        L     -lelf
   elf_begin          elf_begin(S)        L     -lelf
   elf_cntl           elf_cntl(S)         L     -lelf
   elf_end            elf_end(S)          L     -lelf
   elf_errmsg         elf_error(S)        L     -lelf
   elf_errno          elf_error(S)        L     -lelf
   elf_fill           elf_fill(S)         L     -lelf
   elf_flagdata       elf_flag(S)         L     -lelf
   elf_flagehdr       elf_flag(S)         L     -lelf
   elf_flagelf        elf_flag(S)         L     -lelf
   elf_flagphdr       elf_flag(S)         L     -lelf
   elf_flagscn        elf_flag(S)         L     -lelf
   elf_flagshdr       elf_flag(S)         L     -lelf
   elf_getarhdr       elf_getarhdr(S)     L     -lelf
   elf_getarsym       elf_getarsym(S)     L     -lelf
   elf_getbase        elf_getbase(S)      L     -lelf
   elf_getdata        elf_getdata(S)      L     -lelf
   elf_getident       elf_getident(S)     L     -lelf
   elf_getscn         elf_getscn(S)       L     -lelf
   elf_hash           elf_hash(S)         L     -lelf
   elf_kind           elf_kind(S)         L     -lelf
   elf_ndxscn         elf_getscn(S)       L     -lelf
   elf_newdata        elf_getdata(S)      L     -lelf
   elf_newscn         elf_getscn(S)       L     -lelf
   elf_next           elf_next(S)         L     -lelf
   elf_nextscn        elf_getscn(S)       L     -lelf
   elf_rand           elf_rand(S)         L     -lelf
   elf_rawdata        elf_getdata(S)      L     -lelf
   elf_rawfile        elf_rawfile(S)      L     -lelf
   elf_strptr         elf_strptr(S)       L     -lelf
   elf_update         elf_update(S)       L     -lelf
   elf_version        elf_version(S)      L     -lelf
   encrypt            crypt(S)            L     -lcrypt
   _end               end(S)              G     C compiler generated
   end                end(S)              G     C compiler generated
   enddvagent         getdvagent(S)       L     -lprot -lx
   endgrent           getgrent(S)         L     -lc
   endprdfent         getprdfent(S)       L     -lprot -lx
   endprfient         getprfient(S)       L     -lprot -lx
   endprpwent         getprpwent(S)       L     -lprot -lx
   endprtcent         getprtcent(S)       L     -lprot -lx
   endpwent           getpwent(S)         L     -lc
   endspent           getspent(S)         L     -lc
   endutent           getut(S)            L     -lc
   endutxent          getutx(S)           L     -lc
   endwin             curs_initscr(S)     L     -lcurses
   endwin             tam(S)              L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
   enter_quiet_zone   dblock(S)           L     -lprot -lx
   environ            exec(S)             V     variable, user must declare
   erand48            drand48(S)          L     -lc
   erase              curs_clear(S)       L     -lcurses
   erase              plot(S)             L     -lplot
   erase              tam(S)              L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
   erasechar          curs_termattrs(S)   L     -lcurses
   erf                erf(S)              L     -lm
   erfc               erf(S)              L     -lm
   errno              perror(S)           V     variable - errno.h
   ERROR              regexp(S)           M     macro - regexp.h
   _etext             end(S)              G     C compiler generated
   etext              end(S)              G     C compiler generated
   ev_block           ev_block(S)         L     -levent
   ev_close           ev_close(S)         L     -levent
   ev_count           ev_count(S)         L     -levent
   ev_flush           ev_flush(S)         L     -levent
   ev_getdev          ev_getdev(S)        L     -levent
   ev_getemask        ev_getemask(S)      L     -levent
   ev_gindev          ev_gindev(S)        L     -levent
   ev_init            ev_init(S)          L     -levent
   ev_initf           ev_init(S)          L     -levent
   ev_open            ev_open(S)          L     -levent
   ev_pop             ev_pop(S)           L     -levent
   ev_read            ev_read(S)          L     -levent
   ev_resume          ev_resume(S)        L     -levent
   ev_setemask        ev_setemask(S)      L     -levent
   ev_suspend         ev_suspend(S)       L     -levent
   execl              exec(S)             C     -lc
   execle             exec(S)             C     -lc
   execlp             exec(S)             C     -lc
   execseg            execseg(S)          C     -lx
   execv              exec(S)             C     -lc
   execve             exec(S)             C     -lc
   execvp             exec(S)             C     -lc
   exhelp             tam(S)              L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
   Exit               libwindows(S)       L     -lwindows
   _exit              exit(S)             C     -lc
   exit               exit(S)             L     -lc
   exit_quiet_zone    dblock(S)           L     -lprot -lx
   exp                exp(S)              L     -lm

fabs floor(S) L -lm
fabsf floor(S) L -lm
fchdir chdir(S) C -lc
fchmod chmod(S) C -lc
fchown chown(S) C -lc
fclose fclose(S) L -lc
fcntl fcntl(S) C -lc
fcvt ecvt(S) L -lc
FD_CLR select(S) M macro - unistd.h
FD_ISSET select(S) M macro - unistd.h
fdopen fopen(S) L -lc
FD_SET select(S) M macro - unistd.h
FD_ZERO select(S) M macro - unistd.h
feof ferror(S) M macro - stdio.h
ferror ferror(S) M macro - stdio.h
fetch dbm(S) L -ldbm
fflush fclose(S) L -lc
ffs ffs(S) L -lc
fgetc getc(S) L -lc
fgetgrent getgrent(S) L -lc
fgetpasswd getpasswd(S) L -lprot -lx
fgetpos fgetpos(S) L -lc
fgetpwent getpwent(S) L -lc
fgets gets(S) L -lc
fgetspent getspent(S) L -lc
fgetwc getwc(S) L -lc
fgetws fgetws(S) L -lc
field_arg form_field_validation(S) L -lform -lcurses
field_back form_field_attributes(S) L -lform -lcurses
field_buffer form_field_buffer(S) L -lform -lcurses
field_count form_field(S) L -lform -lcurses
field_fore form_field_attributes(S) L -lform -lcurses
field_index form_page(S) L -lform -lcurses
field_info form_field_info(S) L -lform -lcurses
field_init form_hook(S) L -lform -lcurses
field_just form_field_just(S) L -lform -lcurses
field_opts form_field_opts(S) L -lform -lcurses
field_opts_off form_field_opts(S) L -lform -lcurses
field_opts_on form_field_opts(S) L -lform -lcurses
field_pad form_field_attributes(S) L -lform -lcurses
field_status form_field_buffer(S) L -lform -lcurses
field_term form_hook(S) L -lform -lcurses
field_type form_field_validation(S) L -lform -lcurses
field_userptr form_field_userptr(S) L -lform -lcurses
fileno ferror(S) M macro - stdio.h
filter curs_util(S) L -lcurses
firstkey dbm(S) L -ldbm
fixterm tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
flash curs_beep(S) L -lcurses
flash tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
floor floor(S) L -lm
floorf floor(S) L -lm
flushinp curs_util(S) L -lcurses
flushinp tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
fmod floor(S) L -lm
fmodf floor(S) L -lm
fmtmsg fmtmsg(S) L -lc
fnmatch fnmatch(S) L -lc
fopen fopen(S) L -lc
fork fork(S) C -lc
form tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
form_driver form_driver(S) L -lform -lcurses
form_fields form_field(S) L -lform -lcurses
form_init form_hook(S) L -lform -lcurses
form_opts form_opts(S) L -lform -lcurses
form_opts_off form_opts(S) L -lform -lcurses
form_opts_on form_opts(S) L -lform -lcurses
form_page form_page(S) L -lform -lcurses
form_sub form_win(S) L -lform -lcurses
form_term form_hook(S) L -lform -lcurses
form_userptr form_userptr(S) L -lform -lcurses
form_win form_win(S) L -lform -lcurses
fpathconf pathconf(S) C -lc
fpgetmask fpgetround(S) L -lc
fpgetround fpgetround(S) L -lc
fpgetsticky fpgetround(S) L -lc
fprintf printf(S) L -lc
fpsetmask fpgetround(S) L -lc
fpsetround fpgetround(S) L -lc
fpsetsticky fpgetround(S) L -lc
fputc putc(S) L -lc
fputs puts(S) L -lc
fputwc putwc(S) L -lc
fputws fputws(S) L -lc
fread fread(S) L -lc
free malloc(S) L -lc
free_field form_field_new(S) L -lform -lcurses
free_fieldtype form_fieldtype(S) L -lform -lcurses
free_form form_new(S) L -lform -lcurses
free_item menu_item_new(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
freeldptr ldptr(S) L -lld
free_menu menu_new(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
freopen fopen(S) L -lc
frexp frexp(S) L -lc
frexpl frexp(S) L -lc
fscanf scanf(S) L -lc
fseek fseek(S) L -lc
fsetpos fsetpos(S) L -lc
fstat stat(S) C -lc
fstatfs statfs(S) C -lc
fstatvfs statvfs(S) C -lc
fsync fsync(S) C -lc
ftell fseek(S) L -lc
ftime time(S) C -lc
ftok ftok(S) L -lc
ftruncate truncate(S) C -lc
ftw ftw(S) L -lc
fwrite fread(S) L -lc
fxlist xlist(S) M macro - x.out.h

    fabs             floor(S)                   L     -lm
    fabsf            floor(S)                   L     -lm
    fchdir           chdir(S)                   C     -lc
    fchmod           chmod(S)                   C     -lc
    fchown           chown(S)                   C     -lc
    fclose           fclose(S)                  L     -lc
    fcntl            fcntl(S)                   C     -lc
    fcvt             ecvt(S)                    L     -lc
    FD_CLR           select(S)                  M     macro - unistd.h
    FD_ISSET         select(S)                  M     macro - unistd.h
    fdopen           fopen(S)                   L     -lc
    FD_SET           select(S)                  M     macro - unistd.h
    FD_ZERO          select(S)                  M     macro - unistd.h
    feof             ferror(S)                  M     macro - stdio.h
    ferror           ferror(S)                  M     macro - stdio.h
    fetch            dbm(S)                     L     -ldbm
    fflush           fclose(S)                  L     -lc
    ffs              ffs(S)                     L     -lc
    fgetc            getc(S)                    L     -lc
    fgetgrent        getgrent(S)                L     -lc
    fgetpasswd       getpasswd(S)               L     -lprot -lx
    fgetpos          fgetpos(S)                 L     -lc
    fgetpwent        getpwent(S)                L     -lc
    fgets            gets(S)                    L     -lc
    fgetspent        getspent(S)                L     -lc
    fgetwc           getwc(S)                   L     -lc
    fgetws           fgetws(S)                  L     -lc
    field_arg        form_field_validation(S)   L     -lform -lcurses
    field_back       form_field_attributes(S)   L     -lform -lcurses
    field_buffer     form_field_buffer(S)       L     -lform -lcurses
    field_count      form_field(S)              L     -lform -lcurses
    field_fore       form_field_attributes(S)   L     -lform -lcurses
    field_index      form_page(S)               L     -lform -lcurses
    field_info       form_field_info(S)         L     -lform -lcurses
    field_init       form_hook(S)               L     -lform -lcurses
    field_just       form_field_just(S)         L     -lform -lcurses
    field_opts       form_field_opts(S)         L     -lform -lcurses
    field_opts_off   form_field_opts(S)         L     -lform -lcurses
    field_opts_on    form_field_opts(S)         L     -lform -lcurses
    field_pad        form_field_attributes(S)   L     -lform -lcurses
    field_status     form_field_buffer(S)       L     -lform -lcurses
    field_term       form_hook(S)               L     -lform -lcurses
    field_type       form_field_validation(S)   L     -lform -lcurses
    field_userptr    form_field_userptr(S)      L     -lform -lcurses
    fileno           ferror(S)                  M     macro - stdio.h
    filter           curs_util(S)               L     -lcurses
    firstkey         dbm(S)                     L     -ldbm
    fixterm          tam(S)                     L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
    flash            curs_beep(S)               L     -lcurses
    flash            tam(S)                     L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
    floor            floor(S)                   L     -lm
    floorf           floor(S)                   L     -lm
    flushinp         curs_util(S)               L     -lcurses
    flushinp         tam(S)                     L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
    fmod             floor(S)                   L     -lm
    fmodf            floor(S)                   L     -lm
    fmtmsg           fmtmsg(S)                  L     -lc
    fnmatch          fnmatch(S)                 L     -lc
    fopen            fopen(S)                   L     -lc
    fork             fork(S)                    C     -lc
    form             tam(S)                     L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
    form_driver      form_driver(S)             L     -lform -lcurses
    form_fields      form_field(S)              L     -lform -lcurses
    form_init        form_hook(S)               L     -lform -lcurses
    form_opts        form_opts(S)               L     -lform -lcurses
    form_opts_off    form_opts(S)               L     -lform -lcurses
    form_opts_on     form_opts(S)               L     -lform -lcurses
    form_page        form_page(S)               L     -lform -lcurses
    form_sub         form_win(S)                L     -lform -lcurses
    form_term        form_hook(S)               L     -lform -lcurses
    form_userptr     form_userptr(S)            L     -lform -lcurses
    form_win         form_win(S)                L     -lform -lcurses
    fpathconf        pathconf(S)                C     -lc
    fpgetmask        fpgetround(S)              L     -lc
    fpgetround       fpgetround(S)              L     -lc
    fpgetsticky      fpgetround(S)              L     -lc
    fprintf          printf(S)                  L     -lc
    fpsetmask        fpgetround(S)              L     -lc
    fpsetround       fpgetround(S)              L     -lc
    fpsetsticky      fpgetround(S)              L     -lc
    fputc            putc(S)                    L     -lc
    fputs            puts(S)                    L     -lc
    fputwc           putwc(S)                   L     -lc
    fputws           fputws(S)                  L     -lc
    fread            fread(S)                   L     -lc
    free             malloc(S)                  L     -lc
    free_field       form_field_new(S)          L     -lform -lcurses
    free_fieldtype   form_fieldtype(S)          L     -lform -lcurses
    free_form        form_new(S)                L     -lform -lcurses
    free_item        menu_item_new(S)           L     -lmenu -lcurses
    freeldptr        ldptr(S)                   L     -lld
    free_menu        menu_new(S)                L     -lmenu -lcurses
    freopen          fopen(S)                   L     -lc
    frexp            frexp(S)                   L     -lc
    frexpl           frexp(S)                   L     -lc
    fscanf           scanf(S)                   L     -lc
    fseek            fseek(S)                   L     -lc
    fsetpos          fsetpos(S)                 L     -lc
    fstat            stat(S)                    C     -lc
    fstatfs          statfs(S)                  C     -lc
    fstatvfs         statvfs(S)                 C     -lc
    fsync            fsync(S)                   C     -lc
    ftell            fseek(S)                   L     -lc
    ftime            time(S)                    C     -lc
    ftok             ftok(S)                    L     -lc
    ftruncate        truncate(S)                C     -lc
    ftw              ftw(S)                     L     -lc
    fwrite           fread(S)                   L     -lc
    fxlist           xlist(S)                   M     macro - x.out.h

gamma gamma(S) L -lm
gcvt ecvt(S) L -lc
getbegyx curs_getyx(S) M macro - tinfo.h
GETC regexp(S) M macro - regexp.h
getc getc(S) M macro - stdio.h
getch curs_getch(S) L -lcurses
getch tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
getchar getc(S) L -lc
getcontext getcontext(S) C -lc
getcwd getcwd(S) L -lc
getdate getdate(S) L -lc
getdtablesize getdtablesize(S) L -lc
getdvagent getdvagent(S) L -lprot -lx
getdvagnam getdvagent(S) L -lprot -lx
getegid getuid(S) C -lc
getenv getenv(S) L -lc
geteuid getuid(S) C -lc
getgid getuid(S) C -lc
getgrent getgrent(S) L -lc
getgrgid getgrent(S) L -lc
getgrnam getgrent(S) L -lc
getgroups getgroups(S) C -lc
gethz gethz(S) L -lc
getitimer getitimer(S) C -lc
getlogin getlogin(S) L -lc
getlogin_r getlogin(S) L -lc
getluid getluid(S) L -lprot
getmaxyx curs_getyx(S) M macro - tinfo.h
getmsg getmsg(S) C -lc
getnwstr curs_getwstr(S) L -lcurses
getopt getopt(S) L -lc
getpagesize getpagesize(S) L -lc
getparyx curs_getyx(S) M macro - tinfo.h
getpass getpass(S) L -lc
getpasswd getpasswd(S) L -lprot -lx
getpgid getpid(S) C -lc
getpgrp getpid(S) C -lc
getpid getpid(S) C -lc
getpmsg getmsg(S) C -lc
getppid getpid(S) C -lc
getprdfent getprdfent(S) L -lprot -lx
getprdfnam getprdfent(S) L -lprot -lx
getprfient getprfient(S) L -lprot -lx
getprfinam getprfient(S) L -lprot -lx
getpriority getpriority(S) L -lc
getpriv getpriv(S) L -lprot
getprpwent getprpwent(S) L -lprot -lx
getprpwnam getprpwent(S) L -lprot -lx
getprpwuid getprpwent(S) L -lprot -lx
getprtcent getprtcent(S) L -lprot -lx
getprtcnam getprtcent(S) L -lprot -lx
getpw getpw(S) L -lc
getpwent getpwent(S) L -lc
getpwnam getpwent(S) L -lc
getpwuid getpwent(S) L -lc
getrlimit getrlimit(S) C -lc
gets gets(S) L -lc
get_seed seed(S) L -lprot
getsid getsid(S) C -lc
getspent getspent(S) L -lc
getspnam getspent(S) L -lc
getstr curs_getstr(S) L -lcurses
getsubopt getsubopt(S) L -lc
getsyx curs_kernel(S) M macro - tinfo.h
gettimeofday gettimeofday(S) C -lc
gettxt gettxt(S) L -lc
getuid getuid(S) C -lc
getutent getut(S) L -lc
getutid getut(S) L -lc
getutline getut(S) L -lc
getutmp getutx(S) L -lc
getutmpx getutx(S) L -lc
getutxent getutx(S) L -lc
getutxid getutx(S) L -lc
getutxline getutx(S) L -lc
getw getc(S) L -lc
getwc getwc(S) L -lc
getwch curs_getwch(S) L -lcurses
getwchar getwc(S) L -lc
getwd getwd(S) L -lc
getwin curs_util(S) L -lcurses
getwstr curs_getwstr(S) L -lcurses
getyx curs_getyx(S) M macro - tcap.h getyx
getyx tam(S) M macro - tcap.h getyx
glob glob(S) L -lc
globfree glob(S) L -lc
gmtime ctime(S) L -lc
goodpw_check_other goodpw_check_other(S) L -lprot
goodpw_set_other_checks goodpw_set_other_checks(S) L -lprot
grantpt grantpt(S) L -lc
gr_idtoname pw_nametoid(S) L -lprot
gr_nametoid pw_nametoid(S) L -lprot
gsignal ssignal(S) L -lc

 gamma                     gamma(S)                     L     -lm
 gcvt                      ecvt(S)                      L     -lc
 getbegyx                  curs_getyx(S)                M     macro - tinfo.h
 GETC                      regexp(S)                    M     macro - regexp.h
 getc                      getc(S)                      M     macro - stdio.h
 getch                     curs_getch(S)                L     -lcurses
 getch                     tam(S)                       L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
 getchar                   getc(S)                      L     -lc
 getcontext                getcontext(S)                C     -lc
 getcwd                    getcwd(S)                    L     -lc
 getdate                   getdate(S)                   L     -lc
 getdtablesize             getdtablesize(S)             L     -lc
 getdvagent                getdvagent(S)                L     -lprot -lx
 getdvagnam                getdvagent(S)                L     -lprot -lx
 getegid                   getuid(S)                    C     -lc
 getenv                    getenv(S)                    L     -lc
 geteuid                   getuid(S)                    C     -lc
 getgid                    getuid(S)                    C     -lc
 getgrent                  getgrent(S)                  L     -lc
 getgrgid                  getgrent(S)                  L     -lc
 getgrnam                  getgrent(S)                  L     -lc
 getgroups                 getgroups(S)                 C     -lc
 gethz                     gethz(S)                     L     -lc
 getitimer                 getitimer(S)                 C     -lc
 getlogin                  getlogin(S)                  L     -lc
 getlogin_r                getlogin(S)                  L     -lc
 getluid                   getluid(S)                   L     -lprot
 getmaxyx                  curs_getyx(S)                M     macro - tinfo.h
 getmsg                    getmsg(S)                    C     -lc
 getnwstr                  curs_getwstr(S)              L     -lcurses
 getopt                    getopt(S)                    L     -lc
 getpagesize               getpagesize(S)               L     -lc
 getparyx                  curs_getyx(S)                M     macro - tinfo.h
 getpass                   getpass(S)                   L     -lc
 getpasswd                 getpasswd(S)                 L     -lprot -lx
 getpgid                   getpid(S)                    C     -lc
 getpgrp                   getpid(S)                    C     -lc
 getpid                    getpid(S)                    C     -lc
 getpmsg                   getmsg(S)                    C     -lc
 getppid                   getpid(S)                    C     -lc
 getprdfent                getprdfent(S)                L     -lprot -lx
 getprdfnam                getprdfent(S)                L     -lprot -lx
 getprfient                getprfient(S)                L     -lprot -lx
 getprfinam                getprfient(S)                L     -lprot -lx
 getpriority               getpriority(S)               L     -lc
 getpriv                   getpriv(S)                   L     -lprot
 getprpwent                getprpwent(S)                L     -lprot -lx
 getprpwnam                getprpwent(S)                L     -lprot -lx
 getprpwuid                getprpwent(S)                L     -lprot -lx
 getprtcent                getprtcent(S)                L     -lprot -lx
 getprtcnam                getprtcent(S)                L     -lprot -lx
 getpw                     getpw(S)                     L     -lc
 getpwent                  getpwent(S)                  L     -lc
 getpwnam                  getpwent(S)                  L     -lc
 getpwuid                  getpwent(S)                  L     -lc
 getrlimit                 getrlimit(S)                 C     -lc
 gets                      gets(S)                      L     -lc
 get_seed                  seed(S)                      L     -lprot
 getsid                    getsid(S)                    C     -lc
 getspent                  getspent(S)                  L     -lc
 getspnam                  getspent(S)                  L     -lc
 getstr                    curs_getstr(S)               L     -lcurses
 getsubopt                 getsubopt(S)                 L     -lc
 getsyx                    curs_kernel(S)               M     macro - tinfo.h
 gettimeofday              gettimeofday(S)              C     -lc
 gettxt                    gettxt(S)                    L     -lc
 getuid                    getuid(S)                    C     -lc
 getutent                  getut(S)                     L     -lc
 getutid                   getut(S)                     L     -lc
 getutline                 getut(S)                     L     -lc
 getutmp                   getutx(S)                    L     -lc
 getutmpx                  getutx(S)                    L     -lc
 getutxent                 getutx(S)                    L     -lc
 getutxid                  getutx(S)                    L     -lc
 getutxline                getutx(S)                    L     -lc
 getw                      getc(S)                      L     -lc
 getwc                     getwc(S)                     L     -lc
 getwch                    curs_getwch(S)               L     -lcurses
 getwchar                  getwc(S)                     L     -lc
 getwd                     getwd(S)                     L     -lc
 getwin                    curs_util(S)                 L     -lcurses
 getwstr                   curs_getwstr(S)              L     -lcurses
 getyx                     curs_getyx(S)                M     macro - tcap.h getyx
 getyx                     tam(S)                       M     macro - tcap.h getyx
 glob                      glob(S)                      L     -lc
 globfree                  glob(S)                      L     -lc
 gmtime                    ctime(S)                     L     -lc
 goodpw_check_other        goodpw_check_other(S)        L     -lprot
 goodpw_set_other_checks   goodpw_set_other_checks(S)   L     -lprot
 grantpt                   grantpt(S)                   L     -lc
 gr_idtoname                pw_nametoid(S)              L     -lprot
 gr_nametoid                pw_nametoid(S)              L     -lprot
 gsignal                   ssignal(S)                   L     -lc

halfdelay curs_inopts(S) L -lcurses
has_colors curs_color(S) L -lcurses
has_ic curs_termattrs(S) L -lcurses
has_il curs_termattrs(S) L -lcurses
hcreate hsearch(S) L -lc
hdestroy hsearch(S) L -lc
hide_panel panel_show(S) L -lpanel -lcurses
hline curs_border(S) L -lcurses
hsearch hsearch(S) L -lc
hypot hypot(S) L -lm

         halfdelay        curs_inopts(S)      L     -lcurses
         has_colors       curs_color(S)       L     -lcurses
         has_ic           curs_termattrs(S)   L     -lcurses
         has_il           curs_termattrs(S)   L     -lcurses
         hcreate          hsearch(S)          L     -lc
         hdestroy         hsearch(S)          L     -lc
         hide_panel       panel_show(S)       L     -lpanel -lcurses
         hline            curs_border(S)      L     -lcurses
         hsearch          hsearch(S)          L     -lc
         hypot            hypot(S)            L     -lm

iconv iconv(S) L -lc
iconv_close iconv(S) L -lc
iconv_open iconv(S) L -lc
idcok curs_outopts(S) L -lcurses
idlok curs_outopts(S) L -lcurses
immedok curs_outopts(S) L -lcurses
inch curs_inch(S) L -lcurses
inchnstr curs_inchstr(S) L -lcurses
inchstr curs_inchstr(S) L -lcurses
index index(S) L -lc
INIT regexp(S) V variable - regexp.h
init_color curs_color(S) L -lcurses
initgroups initgroups(S) L -lc
init_pair curs_color(S) L -lcurses
initscr curs_initscr(S) L -lcurses
initscr tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
initstate random(S) L -lc
innstr curs_instr(S) L -lcurses
innwstr curs_inwstr(S) L -lcurses
insch curs_insch(S) L -lcurses
insch tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
insdelln curs_deleteln(S) L -lcurses
insertln curs_deleteln(S) L -lcurses
insertln tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
insnstr curs_insstr(S) L -lcurses
insnwstr curs_inswstr(S) L -lcurses
insque insque(S) L -lc
insstr curs_insstr(S) L -lcurses
instr curs_instr(S) L -lcurses
inswch curs_inswch(S) L -lcurses
inswstr curs_inswstr(S) L -lcurses
intrflush curs_inopts(S) L -lcurses
inwch curs_inwch(S) L -lcurses
inwchnstr curs_inwchstr(S) L -lcurses
inwchstr curs_inwchstr(S) L -lcurses
inwstr curs_inwstr(S) L -lcurses
ioctl ioctl(S) C -lc
isalnum ctype(S) M macro - ctype.h
isalpha ctype(S) M macro - ctype.h
isascii ctype(S) M macro - ctype.h
isastream isastream(S) L -lc
isatty ttyname(S) L -lc
iscntrl ctype(S) M macro - ctype.h
isdigit ctype(S) M macro - ctype.h
isendwin curs_initscr(S) L -lcurses
isgraph ctype(S) M macro - ctype.h
is_linetouched curs_touch(S) L -lcurses
islower ctype(S) M macro - ctype.h
isnan isnan(S) L -lc
isnand isnan(S) L -lc
isnanf isnan(S) M macro - ieeefp.h
isprint ctype(S) M macro - ctype.h
ispunct ctype(S) M macro - ctype.h
isspace ctype(S) M macro - ctype.h
is_starting_egid identity(S) L -lprot
is_starting_euid identity(S) L -lprot
is_starting_luid identity(S) L -lprot
is_starting_rgid identity(S) L -lprot
is_starting_ruid identity(S) L -lprot
isupper ctype(S) M macro - ctype.h
iswalnum iswctype(S) L -lc
iswalpha iswctype(S) L -lc
iswcntrl iswctype(S) L -lc
iswctype iswctype(S) L -lc
iswdigit iswctype(S) L -lc
iswgraph iswctype(S) L -lc
iswind tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
is_wintouched curs_touch(S) L -lcurses
iswlower iswctype(S) L -lc
iswprint iswctype(S) L -lc
iswpunct iswctype(S) L -lc
iswspace iswctype(S) L -lc
iswupper iswctype(S) L -lc
iswxdigit iswctype(S) L -lc
isxdigit ctype(S) M macro - ctype.h
item_count menu_items(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
item_description menu_item_name(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
item_index menu_item_current(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
item_init menu_hook(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
item_name menu_item_name(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
item_opts menu_item_opts(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
item_opts_off menu_item_opts(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
item_opts_on menu_item_opts(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
item_term menu_hook(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
item_userptr menu_item_userptr(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
item_value menu_item_value(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
item_visible menu_item_visible(S) L -lmenu -lcurses

     iconv              iconv(S)               L     -lc
     iconv_close        iconv(S)               L     -lc
     iconv_open         iconv(S)               L     -lc
     idcok              curs_outopts(S)        L     -lcurses
     idlok              curs_outopts(S)        L     -lcurses
     immedok            curs_outopts(S)        L     -lcurses
     inch               curs_inch(S)           L     -lcurses
     inchnstr           curs_inchstr(S)        L     -lcurses
     inchstr            curs_inchstr(S)        L     -lcurses
     index              index(S)               L     -lc
     INIT               regexp(S)              V     variable - regexp.h
     init_color         curs_color(S)          L     -lcurses
     initgroups         initgroups(S)          L     -lc
     init_pair          curs_color(S)          L     -lcurses
     initscr            curs_initscr(S)        L     -lcurses
     initscr            tam(S)                 L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
     initstate          random(S)              L     -lc
     innstr             curs_instr(S)          L     -lcurses
     innwstr            curs_inwstr(S)         L     -lcurses
     insch              curs_insch(S)          L     -lcurses
     insch              tam(S)                 L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
     insdelln           curs_deleteln(S)       L     -lcurses
     insertln           curs_deleteln(S)       L     -lcurses
     insertln           tam(S)                 L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
     insnstr            curs_insstr(S)         L     -lcurses
     insnwstr           curs_inswstr(S)        L     -lcurses
     insque             insque(S)              L     -lc
     insstr             curs_insstr(S)         L     -lcurses
     instr              curs_instr(S)          L     -lcurses
     inswch             curs_inswch(S)         L     -lcurses
     inswstr            curs_inswstr(S)        L     -lcurses
     intrflush          curs_inopts(S)         L     -lcurses
     inwch              curs_inwch(S)          L     -lcurses
     inwchnstr          curs_inwchstr(S)       L     -lcurses
     inwchstr           curs_inwchstr(S)       L     -lcurses
     inwstr             curs_inwstr(S)         L     -lcurses
     ioctl              ioctl(S)               C     -lc
     isalnum            ctype(S)               M     macro - ctype.h
     isalpha            ctype(S)               M     macro - ctype.h
     isascii            ctype(S)               M     macro - ctype.h
     isastream          isastream(S)           L     -lc
     isatty             ttyname(S)             L     -lc
     iscntrl            ctype(S)               M     macro - ctype.h
     isdigit            ctype(S)               M     macro - ctype.h
     isendwin           curs_initscr(S)        L     -lcurses
     isgraph            ctype(S)               M     macro - ctype.h
     is_linetouched     curs_touch(S)          L     -lcurses
     islower            ctype(S)               M     macro - ctype.h
     isnan              isnan(S)               L     -lc
     isnand             isnan(S)               L     -lc
     isnanf             isnan(S)               M     macro - ieeefp.h
     isprint            ctype(S)               M     macro - ctype.h
     ispunct            ctype(S)               M     macro - ctype.h
     isspace            ctype(S)               M     macro - ctype.h
     is_starting_egid   identity(S)            L     -lprot
     is_starting_euid   identity(S)            L     -lprot
     is_starting_luid   identity(S)            L     -lprot
     is_starting_rgid   identity(S)            L     -lprot
     is_starting_ruid   identity(S)            L     -lprot
     isupper            ctype(S)               M     macro - ctype.h
     iswalnum           iswctype(S)            L     -lc
     iswalpha           iswctype(S)            L     -lc
     iswcntrl           iswctype(S)            L     -lc
     iswctype           iswctype(S)            L     -lc
     iswdigit           iswctype(S)            L     -lc
     iswgraph           iswctype(S)            L     -lc
     iswind             tam(S)                 L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
     is_wintouched      curs_touch(S)          L     -lcurses
     iswlower           iswctype(S)            L     -lc
     iswprint           iswctype(S)            L     -lc
     iswpunct           iswctype(S)            L     -lc
     iswspace           iswctype(S)            L     -lc
     iswupper           iswctype(S)            L     -lc
     iswxdigit          iswctype(S)            L     -lc
     isxdigit           ctype(S)               M     macro - ctype.h
     item_count         menu_items(S)          L     -lmenu -lcurses
     item_description   menu_item_name(S)      L     -lmenu -lcurses
     item_index         menu_item_current(S)   L     -lmenu -lcurses
     item_init          menu_hook(S)           L     -lmenu -lcurses
     item_name          menu_item_name(S)      L     -lmenu -lcurses
     item_opts          menu_item_opts(S)      L     -lmenu -lcurses
     item_opts_off      menu_item_opts(S)      L     -lmenu -lcurses
     item_opts_on       menu_item_opts(S)      L     -lmenu -lcurses
     item_term          menu_hook(S)           L     -lmenu -lcurses
     item_userptr       menu_item_userptr(S)   L     -lmenu -lcurses
     item_value         menu_item_value(S)     L     -lmenu -lcurses
     item_visible       menu_item_visible(S)   L     -lmenu -lcurses

j0 bessel(S) L -lm
j1 bessel(S) L -lm
jn bessel(S) L -lm
jrand48 drand48(S) L -lc

           j0               bessel(S)         L     -lm
           j1               bessel(S)         L     -lm
           jn               bessel(S)         L     -lm
           jrand48          drand48(S)        L     -lc

kcodemap tam(S) M macro - tam.h
keyname curs_util(S) L -lcurses
keypad curs_inopts(S) L -lcurses
keypad tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
kill kill(S) C -lc
killchar curs_termattrs(S) L -lcurses
killpg killpg(S) L -lc

       kcodemap         tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
       keyname          curs_util(S)        L     -lcurses
       keypad           curs_inopts(S)      L     -lcurses
       keypad           tam(S)              L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
       kill             kill(S)             C     -lc
       killchar         curs_termattrs(S)   L     -lcurses
       killpg           killpg(S)           L     -lc

l3tol l3tol(S) L -lc
l64a a64l(S) L -lc
label plot(S) L -lplot
labs labs(S) L -lc
latch_close latch_close(S) L -lsuds
latch_getvalue latch_getvalue(S) L -lsuds
latch_open latch_open(S) L -lsuds
latch_post latch_post(S) L -lsuds
latch_trywait latch_wait(S) L -lsuds
latch_unlink latch_unlink(S) L -lsuds
latch_wait latch_wait(S) L -lsuds
lchown chown(S) C -lc
lckpwdf getspent(S) L -lc
lcong48 drand48(S) L -lc
ldaclose ldclose(S) L -lld
ldahread ldahread(S) L -lld
ldaopen ldopen(S) L -lld
ldclose ldclose(S) L -lld
ldexp frexp(S) L -lc
ldexpl frexp(S) L -lc
ldfhread ldfhread(S) L -lld
ldgetname ldgetname(S) L -lld
ldiv ldiv(S) L -lc
ldlinit ldlread(S) L -lld
ldlitem ldlread(S) L -lld
ldlread ldlread(S) L -lld
ldlseek ldlseek(S) L -lld
ldnlseek ldlseek(S) L -lld
ldnrseek ldrseek(S) L -lld
ldnshread ldshread(S) L -lld
ldnsseek ldsseek(S) L -lld
ldohseek ldohseek(S) L -lld
ldopen ldopen(S) L -lld
ldrseek ldrseek(S) L -lld
ldshread ldshread(S) L -lld
ldsseek ldsseek(S) L -lld
ldtbindex ldtbindex(S) L -lld
ldtbread ldtbread(S) L -lld
ldtbseek ldtbseek(S) L -lld
leaveok curs_outopts(S) L -lcurses
leaveok tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
lfind lsearch(S) L -lc
lgamma gamma(S) L -lm
line plot(S) L -lplot
linemod plot(S) L -lplot
link link(S) C -lc
link_field form_field_new(S) L -lform -lcurses
link_fieldtype form_fieldtype(S) L -lform -lcurses
lio_listio lio_listio(S) L -lsuds
__loc1 regcmp(S) V variable - libgen.h
loc1 regexp(S) V variable - regexp.h
loc2 regexp(S) V variable - regexp.h
localeconv localeconv(S) L -lc
localtime ctime(S) L -lc
lock lock(S) L -lx
locked_out fields(S) L -lprot -lx
lockf lockf(S) L -lc
locking locking(S) C -lx
locs regexp(S) V variable - regexp.h
log exp(S) L -lm
log10 exp(S) L -lm
logb frexp(S) L -lc
logbl frexp(S) L -lc
logname logname(S) L -lPW
longjmp setjmp(S) L -lc
longname curs_termattrs(S) L -lcurses
lrand48 drand48(S) L -lc
lsearch lsearch(S) L -lc
lseek lseek(S) C -lc
lstat stat(S) C -lc
ltol3 l3tol(S) L -lc

       l3tol            l3tol(S)            L     -lc
       l64a             a64l(S)             L     -lc
       label            plot(S)             L     -lplot
       labs             labs(S)             L     -lc
       latch_close      latch_close(S)      L     -lsuds
       latch_getvalue   latch_getvalue(S)   L     -lsuds
       latch_open       latch_open(S)       L     -lsuds
       latch_post       latch_post(S)       L     -lsuds
       latch_trywait    latch_wait(S)       L     -lsuds
       latch_unlink     latch_unlink(S)     L     -lsuds
       latch_wait       latch_wait(S)       L     -lsuds
       lchown           chown(S)            C     -lc
       lckpwdf          getspent(S)         L     -lc
       lcong48          drand48(S)          L     -lc
       ldaclose         ldclose(S)          L     -lld
       ldahread         ldahread(S)         L     -lld
       ldaopen          ldopen(S)           L     -lld
       ldclose          ldclose(S)          L     -lld
       ldexp            frexp(S)            L     -lc
       ldexpl           frexp(S)            L     -lc
       ldfhread         ldfhread(S)         L     -lld
       ldgetname        ldgetname(S)        L     -lld
       ldiv             ldiv(S)             L     -lc
       ldlinit          ldlread(S)          L     -lld
       ldlitem          ldlread(S)          L     -lld
       ldlread          ldlread(S)          L     -lld
       ldlseek          ldlseek(S)          L     -lld
       ldnlseek         ldlseek(S)          L     -lld
       ldnrseek         ldrseek(S)          L     -lld
       ldnshread        ldshread(S)         L     -lld
       ldnsseek         ldsseek(S)          L     -lld
       ldohseek         ldohseek(S)         L     -lld
       ldopen           ldopen(S)           L     -lld
       ldrseek          ldrseek(S)          L     -lld
       ldshread         ldshread(S)         L     -lld
       ldsseek          ldsseek(S)          L     -lld
       ldtbindex        ldtbindex(S)        L     -lld
       ldtbread         ldtbread(S)         L     -lld
       ldtbseek         ldtbseek(S)         L     -lld
       leaveok          curs_outopts(S)     L     -lcurses
       leaveok          tam(S)              L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
       lfind            lsearch(S)          L     -lc
       lgamma           gamma(S)            L     -lm
       line             plot(S)             L     -lplot
       linemod          plot(S)             L     -lplot
       link             link(S)             C     -lc
       link_field       form_field_new(S)   L     -lform -lcurses
       link_fieldtype   form_fieldtype(S)   L     -lform -lcurses
       lio_listio       lio_listio(S)       L     -lsuds
       __loc1           regcmp(S)           V     variable - libgen.h
       loc1             regexp(S)           V     variable - regexp.h
       loc2             regexp(S)           V     variable - regexp.h
       localeconv       localeconv(S)       L     -lc
       localtime        ctime(S)            L     -lc
       lock             lock(S)             L     -lx
       locked_out       fields(S)           L     -lprot -lx
       lockf            lockf(S)            L     -lc
       locking          locking(S)          C     -lx
       locs             regexp(S)           V     variable - regexp.h
       log              exp(S)              L     -lm
       log10            exp(S)              L     -lm
       logb             frexp(S)            L     -lc
       logbl            frexp(S)            L     -lc
       logname          logname(S)          L     -lPW
       longjmp          setjmp(S)           L     -lc
       longname         curs_termattrs(S)   L     -lcurses
       lrand48          drand48(S)          L     -lc
       lsearch          lsearch(S)          L     -lc
       lseek            lseek(S)            C     -lc
       lstat            stat(S)             C     -lc
       ltol3            l3tol(S)            L     -lc

make_transition_files dblock(S) L -lprot -lx
mallinfo malloc(S) L -lc
malloc malloc(S) L -lc
mallopt malloc(S) L -lmalloc
matherr matherr(S) L -lm
mblen mbchar(S) L -lc
mbrlen mbchar(S) L -lc
mbrtowc mbchar(S) L -lc
mbsrtowcs mbstring(S) L -lc
mbstowcs mbstring(S) L -lc
mbtowc mbchar(S) L -lc
memccpy memory(S) L -lc
memchr memory(S) L -lc
memcmp memory(S) L -lc
memcpy memory(S) L -lc
memmove memmove(S) L -lc
memset memory(S) L -lc
menu tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
menu_back menu_attributes(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
menu_driver menu_driver(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
menu_fore menu_attributes(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
menu_format menu_format(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
menu_grey menu_attributes(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
menu_init menu_hook(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
menu_items menu_items(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
menu_mark menu_mark(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
menu_opts menu_opts(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
menu_opts_off menu_opts(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
menu_opts_on menu_opts(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
menu_pad menu_attributes(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
menu_pattern menu_pattern(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
menu_sub menu_win(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
menu_term menu_hook(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
menu_userptr menu_userptr(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
menu_win menu_win(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
message tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
meta curs_inopts(S) L -lcurses
mkdir mkdir(S) C -lc
mkfifo mkfifo(S) L -lc
mknod mknod(S) C -lc
mktemp mktemp(S) L -lc
mktime mktime(S) L -lc
mmap mmap(S) C -lc
modf frexp(S) L -lc
modff frexp(S) L -lc
modfl frexp(S) L -lc
monitor monitor(S) L -lc
mount mount(S) C -lc
Move libwindows(S) L -lwindows
move curs_move(S) L -lcurses
move plot(S) L -lplot
move tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
move_field form_field(S) L -lform -lcurses
move_panel panel_move(S) L -lpanel -lcurses
mprotect mprotect(S) C -lc
mrand48 drand48(S) L -lc
msgctl msgctl(S) C -lc
msgget msgget(S) C -lc
msgrcv msgop(S) C -lc
msgsnd msgop(S) C -lc
msync msync(S) C -lc
munmap munmap(S) C -lc
mvaddch curs_addch(S) L -lcurses
mvaddch tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
mvaddchnstr curs_addchstr(S) L -lcurses
mvaddchstr curs_addchstr(S) L -lcurses
mvaddnstr curs_addstr(S) L -lcurses
mvaddnwstr curs_addwstr(S) L -lcurses
mvaddstr curs_addstr(S) L -lcurses
mvaddstr tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
mvaddwch curs_addwch(S) L -lcurses
mvaddwchnstr curs_addwchstr(S) L -lcurses
mvaddwchstr curs_addwchstr(S) L -lcurses
mvaddwstr curs_addwstr(S) L -lcurses
mvcur curs_terminfo(S) L -ltinfo
mvdelch curs_delch(S) L -lcurses
mvderwin curs_window(S) L -lcurses
mvgetch curs_getch(S) L -lcurses
mvgetnwstr curs_getwstr(S) L -lcurses
mvgetstr curs_getstr(S) L -lcurses
mvgetwch curs_getwch(S) L -lcurses
mvgetwstr curs_getwstr(S) L -lcurses
mvinch curs_inch(S) L -lcurses
mvinch tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
mvinchnstr curs_inchstr(S) L -lcurses
mvinchstr curs_inchstr(S) L -lcurses
mvinnstr curs_instr(S) L -lcurses
mvinnwstr curs_inwstr(S) L -lcurses
mvinsch curs_insch(S) L -lcurses
mvinsnstr curs_insstr(S) L -lcurses
mvinsnwstr curs_inswstr(S) L -lcurses
mvinsstr curs_insstr(S) L -lcurses
mvinstr curs_instr(S) L -lcurses
mvinswch curs_inswch(S) L -lcurses
mvinswstr curs_inswstr(S) L -lcurses
mvinwch curs_inwch(S) L -lcurses
mvinwchnstr curs_inwchstr(S) L -lcurses
mvinwchstr curs_inwchstr(S) L -lcurses
mvinwstr curs_inwstr(S) L -lcurses
mvprintw curs_printw(S) L -lcurses
mvscanw curs_scanw(S) L -lcurses
mvwaddch curs_addch(S) L -lcurses
mvwaddchnstr curs_addchstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwaddchstr curs_addchstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwaddnstr curs_addstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwaddnwstr curs_addwstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwaddstr curs_addstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwaddwch curs_addwch(S) L -lcurses
mvwaddwchnstr curs_addwchstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwaddwchstr curs_addwchstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwaddwstr curs_addwstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwdelch curs_delch(S) L -lcurses
mvwgetch curs_getch(S) L -lcurses
mvwgetnwstr curs_getwstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwgetstr curs_getstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwgetwch curs_getwch(S) L -lcurses
mvwgetwstr curs_getwstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwin curs_window(S) L -lcurses
mvwinch curs_inch(S) L -lcurses
mvwinchnstr curs_inchstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwinchstr curs_inchstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwinnstr curs_instr(S) L -lcurses
mvwinnwstr curs_inwstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwinsch curs_insch(S) L -lcurses
mvwinsnstr curs_insstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwinsnwstr curs_inswstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwinsstr curs_insstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwinstr curs_instr(S) L -lcurses
mvwinswch curs_inswch(S) L -lcurses
mvwinswstr curs_inswstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwinwch curs_inwch(S) L -lcurses
mvwinwchnstr curs_inwchstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwinwchstr curs_inwchstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwinwstr curs_inwstr(S) L -lcurses
mvwprintw curs_printw(S) L -lcurses
mvwscanw curs_scanw(S) L -lcurses

   make_transition_files   dblock(S)            L     -lprot -lx
   mallinfo                malloc(S)            L     -lc
   malloc                  malloc(S)            L     -lc
   mallopt                 malloc(S)            L     -lmalloc
   matherr                 matherr(S)           L     -lm
   mblen                   mbchar(S)            L     -lc
   mbrlen                  mbchar(S)            L     -lc
   mbrtowc                 mbchar(S)            L     -lc
   mbsrtowcs               mbstring(S)          L     -lc
   mbstowcs                mbstring(S)          L     -lc
   mbtowc                  mbchar(S)            L     -lc
   memccpy                 memory(S)            L     -lc
   memchr                  memory(S)            L     -lc
   memcmp                  memory(S)            L     -lc
   memcpy                  memory(S)            L     -lc
   memmove                 memmove(S)           L     -lc
   memset                  memory(S)            L     -lc
   menu                    tam(S)               L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
   menu_back               menu_attributes(S)   L     -lmenu -lcurses
   menu_driver             menu_driver(S)       L     -lmenu -lcurses
   menu_fore               menu_attributes(S)   L     -lmenu -lcurses
   menu_format             menu_format(S)       L     -lmenu -lcurses
   menu_grey               menu_attributes(S)   L     -lmenu -lcurses
   menu_init               menu_hook(S)         L     -lmenu -lcurses
   menu_items              menu_items(S)        L     -lmenu -lcurses
   menu_mark               menu_mark(S)         L     -lmenu -lcurses
   menu_opts               menu_opts(S)         L     -lmenu -lcurses
   menu_opts_off           menu_opts(S)         L     -lmenu -lcurses
   menu_opts_on            menu_opts(S)         L     -lmenu -lcurses
   menu_pad                menu_attributes(S)   L     -lmenu -lcurses
   menu_pattern            menu_pattern(S)      L     -lmenu -lcurses
   menu_sub                menu_win(S)          L     -lmenu -lcurses
   menu_term               menu_hook(S)         L     -lmenu -lcurses
   menu_userptr            menu_userptr(S)      L     -lmenu -lcurses
   menu_win                menu_win(S)          L     -lmenu -lcurses
   message                 tam(S)               L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
   meta                    curs_inopts(S)       L     -lcurses
   mkdir                   mkdir(S)             C     -lc
   mkfifo                  mkfifo(S)            L     -lc
   mknod                   mknod(S)             C     -lc
   mktemp                  mktemp(S)            L     -lc
   mktime                  mktime(S)            L     -lc
   mmap                    mmap(S)              C     -lc
   modf                    frexp(S)             L     -lc
   modff                   frexp(S)             L     -lc
   modfl                   frexp(S)             L     -lc
   monitor                 monitor(S)           L     -lc
   mount                   mount(S)             C     -lc
   Move                    libwindows(S)        L     -lwindows
   move                    curs_move(S)         L     -lcurses
   move                    plot(S)              L     -lplot
   move                    tam(S)               L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
   move_field              form_field(S)        L     -lform -lcurses
   move_panel              panel_move(S)        L     -lpanel -lcurses
   mprotect                mprotect(S)          C     -lc
   mrand48                 drand48(S)           L     -lc
   msgctl                  msgctl(S)            C     -lc
   msgget                  msgget(S)            C     -lc
   msgrcv                  msgop(S)             C     -lc
   msgsnd                  msgop(S)             C     -lc
   msync                   msync(S)             C     -lc
   munmap                  munmap(S)            C     -lc
   mvaddch                 curs_addch(S)        L     -lcurses
   mvaddch                 tam(S)               L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
   mvaddchnstr             curs_addchstr(S)     L     -lcurses
   mvaddchstr              curs_addchstr(S)     L     -lcurses
   mvaddnstr               curs_addstr(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvaddnwstr              curs_addwstr(S)      L     -lcurses
   mvaddstr                curs_addstr(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvaddstr                tam(S)               L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
   mvaddwch                curs_addwch(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvaddwchnstr            curs_addwchstr(S)    L     -lcurses
   mvaddwchstr             curs_addwchstr(S)    L     -lcurses
   mvaddwstr               curs_addwstr(S)      L     -lcurses
   mvcur                   curs_terminfo(S)     L     -ltinfo
   mvdelch                 curs_delch(S)        L     -lcurses
   mvderwin                curs_window(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvgetch                 curs_getch(S)        L     -lcurses
   mvgetnwstr              curs_getwstr(S)      L     -lcurses
   mvgetstr                curs_getstr(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvgetwch                curs_getwch(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvgetwstr               curs_getwstr(S)      L     -lcurses
   mvinch                  curs_inch(S)         L     -lcurses
   mvinch                  tam(S)               L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
   mvinchnstr              curs_inchstr(S)      L     -lcurses
   mvinchstr               curs_inchstr(S)      L     -lcurses
   mvinnstr                curs_instr(S)        L     -lcurses
   mvinnwstr               curs_inwstr(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvinsch                 curs_insch(S)        L     -lcurses
   mvinsnstr               curs_insstr(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvinsnwstr              curs_inswstr(S)      L     -lcurses
   mvinsstr                curs_insstr(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvinstr                 curs_instr(S)        L     -lcurses
   mvinswch                curs_inswch(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvinswstr               curs_inswstr(S)      L     -lcurses
   mvinwch                 curs_inwch(S)        L     -lcurses
   mvinwchnstr             curs_inwchstr(S)     L     -lcurses
   mvinwchstr              curs_inwchstr(S)     L     -lcurses
   mvinwstr                curs_inwstr(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvprintw                curs_printw(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvscanw                 curs_scanw(S)        L     -lcurses
   mvwaddch                curs_addch(S)        L     -lcurses
   mvwaddchnstr            curs_addchstr(S)     L     -lcurses
   mvwaddchstr             curs_addchstr(S)     L     -lcurses
   mvwaddnstr              curs_addstr(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvwaddnwstr             curs_addwstr(S)      L     -lcurses
   mvwaddstr               curs_addstr(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvwaddwch               curs_addwch(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvwaddwchnstr           curs_addwchstr(S)    L     -lcurses
   mvwaddwchstr            curs_addwchstr(S)    L     -lcurses
   mvwaddwstr              curs_addwstr(S)      L     -lcurses
   mvwdelch                curs_delch(S)        L     -lcurses
   mvwgetch                curs_getch(S)        L     -lcurses
   mvwgetnwstr             curs_getwstr(S)      L     -lcurses
   mvwgetstr               curs_getstr(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvwgetwch               curs_getwch(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvwgetwstr              curs_getwstr(S)      L     -lcurses
   mvwin                   curs_window(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvwinch                 curs_inch(S)         L     -lcurses
   mvwinchnstr             curs_inchstr(S)      L     -lcurses
   mvwinchstr              curs_inchstr(S)      L     -lcurses
   mvwinnstr               curs_instr(S)        L     -lcurses
   mvwinnwstr              curs_inwstr(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvwinsch                curs_insch(S)        L     -lcurses
   mvwinsnstr              curs_insstr(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvwinsnwstr             curs_inswstr(S)      L     -lcurses
   mvwinsstr               curs_insstr(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvwinstr                curs_instr(S)        L     -lcurses
   mvwinswch               curs_inswch(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvwinswstr              curs_inswstr(S)      L     -lcurses
   mvwinwch                curs_inwch(S)        L     -lcurses
   mvwinwchnstr            curs_inwchstr(S)     L     -lcurses
   mvwinwchstr             curs_inwchstr(S)     L     -lcurses
   mvwinwstr               curs_inwstr(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvwprintw               curs_printw(S)       L     -lcurses
   mvwscanw                curs_scanw(S)        L     -lcurses

nap nap(S) C -lc
napms curs_kernel(S) L -lcurses
nbra regexp(S) V variable - regexp.h
nbwaitsem waitsem(S) C -lx
New libwindows(S) L -lwindows
new_field form_field_new(S) L -lform -lcurses
new_fieldtype form_fieldtype(S) L -lform -lcurses
new_form form_new(S) L -lform -lcurses
new_item menu_item_new(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
Newlayer libwindows(S) L -lwindows
new_menu menu_new(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
newpad curs_pad(S) L -lcurses
new_page form_new_page(S) L -lform -lcurses
new_panel panel_new(S) L -lpanel -lcurses
newterm curs_initscr(S) L -lcurses
newwin curs_window(S) L -lcurses
nextafter frexp(S) L -lc
nextafterl frexp(S) L -lc
nextkey dbm(S) L -ldbm
nice nice(S) C -lc
nl curs_outopts(S) L -lcurses
nl tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
nl_ascxtime nl_cxtime(S) L -lc
nl_cxtime nl_cxtime(S) L -lc
nl_fprintf nl_printf(S) L -lc
nl_fscanf nl_scanf(S) L -lc
nl_init nl_init(S) L -lc
nlist nlist(S) L -lc
nl_langinfo nl_langinfo(S) L -lc
nl_printf nl_printf(S) L -lc
nl_scanf nl_scanf(S) L -lc
nl_sprintf nl_printf(S) L -lc
nl_sscanf nl_scanf(S) L -lc
nl_strcmp nl_strcmp(S) L -lc
nl_strncmp nl_strcmp(S) L -lc
nocbreak curs_inopts(S) L -lcurses
nocbreak tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
nocrmode tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
nodelay curs_inopts(S) L -lcurses
nodelay tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
noecho curs_inopts(S) L -lcurses
noecho tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
nonl curs_outopts(S) L -lcurses
nonl tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
noqiflush curs_inopts(S) L -lcurses
noraw curs_inopts(S) L -lcurses
notimeout curs_inopts(S) L -lcurses
nrand48 drand48(S) L -lc

       nap              nap(S)              C     -lc
       napms            curs_kernel(S)      L     -lcurses
       nbra             regexp(S)           V     variable - regexp.h
       nbwaitsem        waitsem(S)          C     -lx
       New              libwindows(S)       L     -lwindows
       new_field        form_field_new(S)   L     -lform -lcurses
       new_fieldtype    form_fieldtype(S)   L     -lform -lcurses
       new_form         form_new(S)         L     -lform -lcurses
       new_item         menu_item_new(S)    L     -lmenu -lcurses
       Newlayer         libwindows(S)       L     -lwindows
       new_menu         menu_new(S)         L     -lmenu -lcurses
       newpad           curs_pad(S)         L     -lcurses
       new_page         form_new_page(S)    L     -lform -lcurses
       new_panel        panel_new(S)        L     -lpanel -lcurses
       newterm          curs_initscr(S)     L     -lcurses
       newwin           curs_window(S)      L     -lcurses
       nextafter        frexp(S)            L     -lc
       nextafterl       frexp(S)            L     -lc
       nextkey          dbm(S)              L     -ldbm
       nice             nice(S)             C     -lc
       nl               curs_outopts(S)     L     -lcurses
       nl               tam(S)              L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
       nl_ascxtime      nl_cxtime(S)        L     -lc
       nl_cxtime        nl_cxtime(S)        L     -lc
       nl_fprintf       nl_printf(S)        L     -lc
       nl_fscanf        nl_scanf(S)         L     -lc
       nl_init          nl_init(S)          L     -lc
       nlist            nlist(S)            L     -lc
       nl_langinfo      nl_langinfo(S)      L     -lc
       nl_printf        nl_printf(S)        L     -lc
       nl_scanf         nl_scanf(S)         L     -lc
       nl_sprintf       nl_printf(S)        L     -lc
       nl_sscanf        nl_scanf(S)         L     -lc
       nl_strcmp        nl_strcmp(S)        L     -lc
       nl_strncmp       nl_strcmp(S)        L     -lc
       nocbreak         curs_inopts(S)      L     -lcurses
       nocbreak         tam(S)              L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
       nocrmode         tam(S)              L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
       nodelay          curs_inopts(S)      L     -lcurses
       nodelay          tam(S)              L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
       noecho           curs_inopts(S)      L     -lcurses
       noecho           tam(S)              L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
       nonl             curs_outopts(S)     L     -lcurses
       nonl             tam(S)              L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
       noqiflush        curs_inopts(S)      L     -lcurses
       noraw            curs_inopts(S)      L     -lcurses
       notimeout        curs_inopts(S)      L     -lcurses
       nrand48          drand48(S)          L     -lc

open open(S) C -lc
openagent libwindows(S) L -lwindows
openchan libwindows(S) L -lwindows
opendir directory(S) L -lc
openpl plot(S) L -lplot
opensem opensem(S) C -lx
optarg getopt(S) L -lc
opterr getopt(S) L -lc
optind getopt(S) L -lc
optopt getopt(S) V variable - unistd.h
overlay curs_overlay(S) L -lcurses
overwrite curs_overlay(S) L -lcurses

         open             open(S)           C     -lc
         openagent        libwindows(S)     L     -lwindows
         openchan         libwindows(S)     L     -lwindows
         opendir          directory(S)      L     -lc
         openpl           plot(S)           L     -lplot
         opensem          opensem(S)        C     -lx
         optarg           getopt(S)         L     -lc
         opterr           getopt(S)         L     -lc
         optind           getopt(S)         L     -lc
         optopt           getopt(S)         V     variable - unistd.h
         overlay          curs_overlay(S)   L     -lcurses
         overwrite        curs_overlay(S)   L     -lcurses

p2close p2open(S) L -lc
p2open p2open(S) L -lc
paccess paccess(S) C -lc
pair_content curs_color(S) L -lcurses
panel_above panel_above(S) L -lpanel -lcurses
panel_below panel_above(S) L -lpanel -lcurses
panel_hidden panel_show(S) L -lpanel -lcurses
panel_userptr panel_userptr(S) L -lpanel -lcurses
panel_window panel_window(S) L -lpanel -lcurses
passlen passlen(S) L -lprot -lm
pathconf pathconf(S) C -lc
pause pause(S) C -lc
pb_check tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
pb_empty tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
pb_gbuf tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
pb_gets tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
pb_name tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
pb_open tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
pb_puts tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
pb_seek tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
pb_weof tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
pclose popen(S) L -lc
pechochar curs_pad(S) L -lcurses
pechowchar curs_pad(S) L -lcurses
PEEKC regexp(S) M macro - regexp.h
perror perror(S) L -lc
pfmt pfmt(S) L -lc
pipe pipe(S) C -lc
plock plock(S) C -lc
pnoutrefresh curs_pad(S) L -lcurses
point plot(S) L -lplot
poll poll(S) C -lc
popen popen(S) L -lc
pos_form_cursor form_cursor(S) L -lform -lcurses
pos_menu_cursor menu_cursor(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
post_form form_post(S) L -lform -lcurses
post_menu menu_post(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
pow exp(S) L -lm
prefresh curs_pad(S) L -lcurses
primary_auth subsystems(S) L -lprot -lx
primary_of_secondary_auth subsystems(S) L -lprot -lx
printf printf(S) L -lc
printw curs_printw(S) L -lcurses
printw tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
proctl proctl(S) C -lc
profil profil(S) C -lc
psiginfo psignal(S) L -lc
psignal psignal(S) L -lc
ptrace ptrace(S) C -lc
ptsname ptsname(S) L -lc
putc putc(S) M macro - stdio.h
putchar putc(S) L -lc
putdvagnam getdvagent(S) L -lprot -lx
putenv putenv(S) L -lc
putmsg putmsg(S) C -lc
putp curs_terminfo(S) L -ltinfo
putpmsg putmsg(S) C -lc
putprdfnam getprdfent(S) L -lprot -lx
putprfinam getprfient(S) L -lprot -lx
putprpwnam getprpwent(S) L -lprot -lx
putprtcnam getprtcent(S) L -lprot -lx
putpwent putpwent(S) L -lc
puts puts(S) L -lc
putspent putspent(S) L -lc
pututline getut(S) L -lc
pututxline getutx(S) L -lc
putw putc(S) L -lc
putwc putwc(S) L -lc
putwchar putwc(S) L -lc
putwin curs_util(S) L -lcurses
pw_idtoname pw_nametoid(S) L -lprot
pw_nametoid pw_nametoid(S) L -lprot

  p2close                     p2open(S)          L     -lc
  p2open                      p2open(S)          L     -lc
  paccess                     paccess(S)         C     -lc
  pair_content                curs_color(S)      L     -lcurses
  panel_above                 panel_above(S)     L     -lpanel -lcurses
  panel_below                 panel_above(S)     L     -lpanel -lcurses
  panel_hidden                panel_show(S)      L     -lpanel -lcurses
  panel_userptr               panel_userptr(S)   L     -lpanel -lcurses
  panel_window                panel_window(S)    L     -lpanel -lcurses
  passlen                     passlen(S)         L     -lprot -lm
  pathconf                    pathconf(S)        C     -lc
  pause                       pause(S)           C     -lc
  pb_check                    tam(S)             L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
  pb_empty                    tam(S)             L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
  pb_gbuf                     tam(S)             L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
  pb_gets                     tam(S)             L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
  pb_name                     tam(S)             L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
  pb_open                     tam(S)             L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
  pb_puts                     tam(S)             L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
  pb_seek                     tam(S)             L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
  pb_weof                     tam(S)             L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
  pclose                      popen(S)           L     -lc
  pechochar                   curs_pad(S)        L     -lcurses
  pechowchar                  curs_pad(S)        L     -lcurses
  PEEKC                       regexp(S)          M     macro - regexp.h
  perror                      perror(S)          L     -lc
  pfmt                        pfmt(S)            L     -lc
  pipe                        pipe(S)            C     -lc
  plock                       plock(S)           C     -lc
  pnoutrefresh                curs_pad(S)        L     -lcurses
  point                       plot(S)            L     -lplot
  poll                        poll(S)            C     -lc
  popen                       popen(S)           L     -lc
  pos_form_cursor             form_cursor(S)     L     -lform -lcurses
  pos_menu_cursor             menu_cursor(S)     L     -lmenu -lcurses
  post_form                   form_post(S)       L     -lform -lcurses
  post_menu                   menu_post(S)       L     -lmenu -lcurses
  pow                         exp(S)             L     -lm
  prefresh                    curs_pad(S)        L     -lcurses
  primary_auth                subsystems(S)      L     -lprot -lx
  primary_of_secondary_auth   subsystems(S)      L     -lprot -lx
  printf                      printf(S)          L     -lc
  printw                      curs_printw(S)     L     -lcurses
  printw                      tam(S)             L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
  proctl                      proctl(S)          C     -lc
  profil                      profil(S)          C     -lc
  psiginfo                    psignal(S)         L     -lc
  psignal                     psignal(S)         L     -lc
  ptrace                      ptrace(S)          C     -lc
  ptsname                     ptsname(S)         L     -lc
  putc                        putc(S)            M     macro - stdio.h
  putchar                     putc(S)            L     -lc
  putdvagnam                  getdvagent(S)      L     -lprot -lx
  putenv                      putenv(S)          L     -lc
  putmsg                      putmsg(S)          C     -lc
  putp                        curs_terminfo(S)   L     -ltinfo
  putpmsg                     putmsg(S)          C     -lc
  putprdfnam                  getprdfent(S)      L     -lprot -lx
  putprfinam                  getprfient(S)      L     -lprot -lx
  putprpwnam                  getprpwent(S)      L     -lprot -lx
  putprtcnam                  getprtcent(S)      L     -lprot -lx
  putpwent                    putpwent(S)        L     -lc
  puts                        puts(S)            L     -lc
  putspent                    putspent(S)        L     -lc
  pututline                   getut(S)           L     -lc
  pututxline                  getutx(S)          L     -lc
  putw                        putc(S)            L     -lc
  putwc                       putwc(S)           L     -lc
  putwchar                    putwc(S)           L     -lc
  putwin                      curs_util(S)       L     -lcurses
  pw_idtoname                  pw_nametoid(S)    L     -lprot
  pw_nametoid                  pw_nametoid(S)    L     -lprot

qiflush curs_inopts(S) L -lcurses
qsort qsort(S) L -lc

           qiflush          curs_inopts(S)    L     -lcurses
           qsort            qsort(S)          L     -lc

raise raise(S) L -lc
rand rand(S) L -lc
random random(S) L -lc
randomword randomword(S) L -lprot
raw curs_inopts(S) L -lcurses
rdchk rdchk(S) C -lx
re_comp re_comp(S) L -lc
re_exec re_comp(S) L -lc
read read(S) C -lc
readdir directory(S) L -lc
readlink readlink(S) C -lc
read_pw_fields fields(S) L -lprot -lx
read_tc_fields fields(S) L -lprot -lx
readv read(S) C -lc
realloc malloc(S) L -lc
realpath realpath(S) L -lc
redrawwin curs_refresh(S) L -lcurses
refresh curs_refresh(S) L -lcurses
refresh tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
regcmp regcmp(S) L -lc
regcomp regcomp(S) L -lc
regerror regcomp(S) L -lc
regex regcmp(S) L -lgen
regexec regcomp(S) L -lc
regfree regcomp(S) L -lc
remainder floor(S) L -lm
remove remove(S) L -lc
remque insque(S) L -lc
rename rename(S) C -lc
replace_file dblock(S) L -lprot -lx
replace_panel panel_window(S) L -lpanel -lcurses
reset_prog_mode curs_kernel(S) L -lcurses
reset_shell_mode curs_kernel(S) L -lcurses
resetty curs_kernel(S) L -lcurses
resetty tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
Reshape libwindows(S) L -lwindows
restartterm curs_terminfo(S) L -ltinfo
RETURN regexp(S) M macro - regexp.h
rewind fseek(S) L -lc
rewinddir directory(S) M macro - dirent.h
rindex index(S) L -lc
rint floor(S) L -lm
ripoffline curs_kernel(S) L -lcurses
rmdir rmdir(S) C -lc
run_crypt crypt(S) L -lcrypt
Runlayer libwindows(S) L -lwindows
run_setkey crypt(S) L -lcrypt

       raise              raise(S)           L     -lc
       rand               rand(S)            L     -lc
       random             random(S)          L     -lc
       randomword         randomword(S)      L     -lprot
       raw                curs_inopts(S)     L     -lcurses
       rdchk              rdchk(S)           C     -lx
       re_comp            re_comp(S)         L     -lc
       re_exec            re_comp(S)         L     -lc
       read               read(S)            C     -lc
       readdir            directory(S)       L     -lc
       readlink           readlink(S)        C     -lc
       read_pw_fields     fields(S)          L     -lprot -lx
       read_tc_fields     fields(S)          L     -lprot -lx
       readv              read(S)            C     -lc
       realloc            malloc(S)          L     -lc
       realpath           realpath(S)        L     -lc
       redrawwin          curs_refresh(S)    L     -lcurses
       refresh            curs_refresh(S)    L     -lcurses
       refresh            tam(S)             L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
       regcmp             regcmp(S)          L     -lc
       regcomp            regcomp(S)         L     -lc
       regerror           regcomp(S)         L     -lc
       regex              regcmp(S)          L     -lgen
       regexec            regcomp(S)         L     -lc
       regfree            regcomp(S)         L     -lc
       remainder          floor(S)           L     -lm
       remove             remove(S)          L     -lc
       remque             insque(S)          L     -lc
       rename             rename(S)          C     -lc
       replace_file       dblock(S)          L     -lprot -lx
       replace_panel      panel_window(S)    L     -lpanel -lcurses
       reset_prog_mode    curs_kernel(S)     L     -lcurses
       reset_shell_mode   curs_kernel(S)     L     -lcurses
       resetty            curs_kernel(S)     L     -lcurses
       resetty            tam(S)             L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
       Reshape            libwindows(S)      L     -lwindows
       restartterm        curs_terminfo(S)   L     -ltinfo
       RETURN             regexp(S)          M     macro - regexp.h
       rewind             fseek(S)           L     -lc
       rewinddir          directory(S)       M     macro - dirent.h
       rindex             index(S)           L     -lc
       rint               floor(S)           L     -lm
       ripoffline         curs_kernel(S)     L     -lcurses
       rmdir              rmdir(S)           C     -lc
       run_crypt          crypt(S)           L     -lcrypt
       Runlayer           libwindows(S)      L     -lwindows
       run_setkey         crypt(S)           L     -lcrypt

savetty curs_kernel(S) L -lcurses
savetty tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
sbrk brk(S) C -lc
scalb frexp(S) L -lc
scalbl frexp(S) L -lc
scale_form form_win(S) L -lform -lcurses
scale_menu menu_win(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
scanf scanf(S) L -lc
scanw curs_scanw(S) L -lcurses
sc_copyscstate sc_raw(S) L -lsc_s
sc_exit sc_init(S) L -lsc_s
sc_getfkeystr sc_init(S) L -lsc_s
sc_getinfo sc_raw(S) L -lsc_s
sc_getkbmap sc_init(S) L -lsc_s
sc_getkeymap sc_init(S) L -lsc_s
sc_getled sc_init(S) L -lsc_s
sc_getscreenswitch sc_raw(S) L -lsc_s
sched_getparam sched_getparam(S) L -lc
sched_get_priority_max sched_get_priority_max(S) L -lc
sched_get_priority_min sched_get_priority_max(S) L -lc
sched_getscheduler sched_getscheduler(S) L -lc
sched_rr_get_interval sched_rr_get_interval(S) L -lc
sched_setparam sched_setparam(S) L -lc
sched_setscheduler sched_setscheduler(S) L -lc
sched_yield sched_yield(S) L -lc
sc_init sc_init(S) L -lsc_s
sc_kb2mapcode sc_readkb(S) L -lsc_s
sc_mapcode2kb sc_readkb(S) L -lsc_s
sc_mapcode2str sc_readkb(S) L -lsc_s
sc_mapin sc_readkb(S) L -lsc_s
sc_mapinit sc_init(S) L -lsc_s
sc_mapout sc_readkb(S) L -lsc_s
__scoinfo __scoinfo(S) C  
sc_raw sc_raw(S) L -lsc_s
scr_dump curs_scr_dump(S) L -lcurses
sc_readkb sc_readkb(S) L -lsc_s
sc_readmapcode sc_readkb(S) L -lsc_s
sc_readstr sc_readkb(S) L -lsc_s
sc_receive_kb sc_init(S) L -lsc_s
scr_init curs_scr_dump(S) L -lcurses
scrl curs_scroll(S) L -lcurses
scroll curs_scroll(S) L -lcurses
scrollok curs_outopts(S) L -lcurses
scr_restore curs_scr_dump(S) L -lcurses
scr_set curs_scr_dump(S) L -lcurses
sc_setfkeystr sc_init(S) L -lsc_s
sc_setinfo sc_raw(S) L -lsc_s
sc_setkeymap sc_init(S) L -lsc_s
sc_setled sc_init(S) L -lsc_s
sc_setscreenswitch sc_raw(S) L -lsc_s
sc_str2kb sc_readkb(S) L -lsc_s
sc_unraw sc_raw(S) L -lsc_s
sdenter sdenter(S) C -lx
sdfree sdget(S) C -lx
sdget sdget(S) C -lx
sdgetv sdgetv(S) C -lx
sdleave sdenter(S) C -lx
sdwaitv sdgetv(S) C -lx
secondary_auth subsystems(S) L -lprot -lx
sed regexp(S) V variable - regexp.h
seed48 drand48(S) L -lc
seekdir directory(S) L -lc
select select(S) C -lc
sem_close sem_close(S) L -lsuds
semctl semctl(S) C -lc
sem_destroy sem_destroy(S) L -lsuds
semget semget(S) C -lc
sem_getvalue sem_getvalue(S) L -lsuds
sem_init sem_init(S) L -lsuds
semop semop(S) C -lc
sem_open sem_open(S) L -lsuds
sem_post sem_post(S) L -lsuds
sem_trywait sem_wait(S) L -lsuds
sem_unlink sem_unlink(S) L -lsuds
sem_wait sem_wait(S) L -lsuds
set_auth_parameters identity(S) L -lprot
setbuf setbuf(S) L -lc
setcat setcat(S) L -lc
setcontext getcontext(S) C -lc
set_current_field form_page(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_current_item menu_item_current(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
set_curterm curs_terminfo(S) L -ltinfo
setdvagent getdvagent(S) L -lprot -lx
setegid setuid(S) L -lc
seteuid setuid(S) L -lc
set_field_back form_field_attributes(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_field_buffer form_field_buffer(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_field_fore form_field_attributes(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_field_init form_hook(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_field_just form_field_just(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_field_opts form_field_opts(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_field_pad form_field_attributes(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_field_status form_field_buffer(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_field_term form_hook(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_field_type form_field_validation(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_fieldtype_arg form_fieldtype(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_fieldtype_choice form_fieldtype(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_field_userptr form_field_userptr(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_form_fields form_field(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_form_init form_hook(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_form_opts form_opts(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_form_page form_page(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_form_sub form_win(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_form_term form_hook(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_form_userptr form_userptr(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_form_win form_win(S) L -lform -lcurses
setgid setuid(S) C -lc
setgrent getgrent(S) L -lc
setgroups setgroups(S) C -lc
set_item_init menu_hook(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
set_item_opts menu_item_opts(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
set_item_term menu_hook(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
set_item_userptr menu_item_userptr(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
set_item_value menu_item_value(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
setitimer getitimer(S) C -lc
setjmp setjmp(S) L -lc
setkey crypt(S) L -lcrypt
setlabel setlabel(S) L -lc
setlocale setlocale(S) L -lc
setluid setluid(S) L -lprot
set_max_field form_field_buffer(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_menu_back menu_attributes(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
set_menu_fore menu_attributes(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
set_menu_format menu_format(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
set_menu_grey menu_attributes(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
set_menu_init menu_hook(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
set_menu_items menu_items(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
set_menu_mark menu_mark(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
set_menu_opts menu_opts(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
set_menu_pad menu_attributes(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
set_menu_pattern menu_pattern(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
set_menu_sub menu_win(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
set_menu_term menu_hook(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
set_menu_userptr menu_userptr(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
set_menu_win menu_win(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
set_new_page form_new_page(S) L -lform -lcurses
set_panel_userptr panel_userptr(S) L -lpanel -lcurses
setpgid setpgid(S) C -lc
setpgrp setpgrp(S) C -lc
setprdfent getprdfent(S) L -lprot -lx
setprfient getprfient(S) L -lprot -lx
setpriority getpriority(S) L -lc
setpriv setpriv(S) L -lprot
setprpwent getprpwent(S) L -lprot -lx
setprtcent getprtcent(S) L -lprot -lx
setpwent getpwent(S) L -lc
setregid setuid(S) C -lc
setreuid setuid(S) C -lc
setrlimit getrlimit(S) C -lc
setscrreg curs_outopts(S) L -lcurses
set_seed seed(S) L -lprot
setsid setsid(S) C -lc
setspent getspent(S) L -lc
setstate random(S) L -lc
setsyx curs_kernel(S) L -lcurses
set_term curs_initscr(S) L -lcurses
setterm curs_terminfo(S) L -ltinfo
settimeofday gettimeofday(S) C -lc
set_top_row menu_item_current(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
setuid setuid(S) C -lc
setupterm curs_terminfo(S) L -ltinfo
setutent getut(S) L -lc
setutxent getutx(S) L -lc
setvbuf setbuf(S) L -lc
sgetl sputl(S) L -lld
shmat shmop(S) C -lc
shmctl shmctl(S) C -lc
shmdt shmop(S) C -lc
shmget shmget(S) C -lc
show_panel panel_show(S) L -lpanel -lcurses
sigaction sigaction(S) C -lc
sigaddset sigset(S) L -lc
sigaltstack sigaltstack(S) C -lc
sigdelset sigset(S) L -lc
sigemptyset sigset(S) L -lc
sigfillset sigset(S) L -lc
sighold sigsetv(S) C -lc
sigignore sigsetv(S) C -lc
siginterrupt siginterrupt(S) L -lc
sigismember sigset(S) L -lc
siglongjmp sigsetjmp(S) M macro - setjmp.h
signal signal(S) C -lc
signgam gamma(S) V variable - math.h
sigpause sigsetv(S) C -lc
sigpending sigpending(S) C -lc
sigprocmask sigprocmask(S) C -lc
sigrelse sigsetv(S) C -lc
sigsem sigsem(S) C -lx
sigsend sigsend(S) C -lc
sigsendset sigsend(S) C -lc
sigset sigsetv(S) C -lc
sigsetjmp sigsetjmp(S) M macro - setjmp.h
sigstack sigstack(S) L -lc
sigsuspend sigsuspend(S) C -lc
sin trig(S) L -lm
sinh sinh(S) L -lm
S_ISBLK stat(S) M macro - stat.h
S_ISCHR stat(S) M macro - stat.h
S_ISDIR stat(S) M macro - stat.h
S_ISFIFO stat(S) M macro - stat.h
sisinit sisinit(S) L -lc
S_ISNAM stat(S) M macro - stat.h
S_ISREG stat(S) M macro - stat.h
sleep sleep(S) L -lc
slk_attroff curs_slk(S) L -lcurses
slk_attron curs_slk(S) L -lcurses
slk_attrset curs_slk(S) L -lcurses
slk_clear curs_slk(S) L -lcurses
slk_init curs_slk(S) L -lcurses
slk_label curs_slk(S) L -lcurses
slk_noutrefresh curs_slk(S) L -lcurses
slk_refresh curs_slk(S) L -lcurses
slk_restore curs_slk(S) L -lcurses
slk_set curs_slk(S) L -lcurses
slk_touch curs_slk(S) L -lcurses
smp_audit_fail smp_audit_fail(S) L -lprot
smp_check_pw smp_check_pw(S) L -lprot
smp_check_user smp_check_user(S) L -lprot
smp_generate_pw smp_generate_pw(S) L -lprot
smp_get_messages smp_get_messages(S) L -lprot
smp_pw_change smp_pw_change(S) L -lprot
smp_pw_choice smp_pw_choice(S) L -lprot
smp_set_identity smp_set_identity(S) L -lprot
smp_set_pw smp_set_pw(S) L -lprot
smp_try_pw smp_try_pw(S) L -lprot
space plot(S) L -lplot
sprintf printf(S) L -lc
sputl sputl(S) L -lld
sqrt exp(S) L -lm
srand rand(S) L -lc
srand48 drand48(S) L -lc
srandom random(S) L -lc
sscanf scanf(S) L -lc
ssignal ssignal(S) L -lc
standend curs_attr(S) L -lcurses
standout curs_attr(S) L -lcurses
start_color curs_color(S) L -lcurses
starting_egid identity(S) L -lprot
starting_euid identity(S) L -lprot
starting_luid identity(S) L -lprot
starting_rgid identity(S) L -lprot
starting_ruid identity(S) L -lprot
stat stat(S) C -lc
statfs statfs(S) C -lc
statlstat stat(S) L -lc
statvfs statvfs(S) C -lc
stderr stdio(S) V variable - stdio.h
stdin stdio(S) V variable - stdio.h
stdout stdio(S) V variable - stdio.h
step regexp(S) F function - regexp.h
stime stime(S) C -lc
stopio stopio(S) L -lprot
store dbm(S) L -ldbm
store_pw_fields fields(S) L -lprot -lx
store_tc_fields fields(S) L -lprot -lx
strcat string(S) L -lc
strchr string(S) L -lc
strcmp string(S) L -lc
strcoll strcoll(S) L -lc
strcpy string(S) L -lc
strcspn string(S) L -lc
strdup string(S) L -lc
strerror strerror(S) L -lc
strftime strftime(S) L -lc
strlen string(S) L -lc
strncat string(S) L -lc
strncmp string(S) L -lc
strncoll strcoll(S) L -lc
strncpy string(S) L -lc
strnxfrm strcoll(S) L -lc
strpbrk string(S) L -lc
strptime strptime(S) L -lc
strrchr string(S) L -lc
strspn string(S) L -lc
strstr string(S) L -lc
strtod strtod(S) L -lc
strtok string(S) L -lc
strtol strtol(S) L -lc
strtoul strtoul(S) L -lc
strxfrm strcoll(S) L -lc
subpad curs_pad(S) L -lcurses
subwin curs_window(S) L -lcurses
suds_aioinfo suds_aioinfo(S) L -lsuds
suds_lock suds_lock(S) L -lsuds
suds_lockinit suds_lockinit(S) L -lsuds
suds_lockstate suds_lockstate(S) L -lsuds
suds_locktry suds_locktry(S) L -lsuds
suds_shmat suds_shmat(S) L -lsuds
suds_unlock suds_unlock(S) L -lsuds
swab swab(S) L -lc
symlink symlink(S) C -lc
sync sync(S) C -lc
syncok curs_window(S) L -lcurses
sysconf sysconf(S) C -lc
sysfs sysfs(S) C -lc
sysi86 sysi86(S) C -lc
system system(S) L -lc

 savetty                  curs_kernel(S)              L     -lcurses
 savetty                  tam(S)                      L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
 sbrk                     brk(S)                      C     -lc
 scalb                    frexp(S)                    L     -lc
 scalbl                   frexp(S)                    L     -lc
 scale_form               form_win(S)                 L     -lform -lcurses
 scale_menu               menu_win(S)                 L     -lmenu -lcurses
 scanf                    scanf(S)                    L     -lc
 scanw                    curs_scanw(S)               L     -lcurses
 sc_copyscstate           sc_raw(S)                   L     -lsc_s
 sc_exit                  sc_init(S)                  L     -lsc_s
 sc_getfkeystr            sc_init(S)                  L     -lsc_s
 sc_getinfo               sc_raw(S)                   L     -lsc_s
 sc_getkbmap              sc_init(S)                  L     -lsc_s
 sc_getkeymap             sc_init(S)                  L     -lsc_s
 sc_getled                sc_init(S)                  L     -lsc_s
 sc_getscreenswitch       sc_raw(S)                   L     -lsc_s
 sched_getparam           sched_getparam(S)           L     -lc
 sched_get_priority_max   sched_get_priority_max(S)   L     -lc
 sched_get_priority_min   sched_get_priority_max(S)   L     -lc
 sched_getscheduler       sched_getscheduler(S)       L     -lc
 sched_rr_get_interval    sched_rr_get_interval(S)    L     -lc
 sched_setparam           sched_setparam(S)           L     -lc
 sched_setscheduler       sched_setscheduler(S)       L     -lc
 sched_yield              sched_yield(S)              L     -lc
 sc_init                  sc_init(S)                  L     -lsc_s
 sc_kb2mapcode            sc_readkb(S)                L     -lsc_s
 sc_mapcode2kb            sc_readkb(S)                L     -lsc_s
 sc_mapcode2str           sc_readkb(S)                L     -lsc_s
 sc_mapin                 sc_readkb(S)                L     -lsc_s
 sc_mapinit               sc_init(S)                  L     -lsc_s
 sc_mapout                sc_readkb(S)                L     -lsc_s
 __scoinfo                __scoinfo(S)                C
 sc_raw                   sc_raw(S)                   L     -lsc_s
 scr_dump                 curs_scr_dump(S)            L     -lcurses
 sc_readkb                sc_readkb(S)                L     -lsc_s
 sc_readmapcode           sc_readkb(S)                L     -lsc_s
 sc_readstr               sc_readkb(S)                L     -lsc_s
 sc_receive_kb            sc_init(S)                  L     -lsc_s
 scr_init                 curs_scr_dump(S)            L     -lcurses
 scrl                     curs_scroll(S)              L     -lcurses
 scroll                   curs_scroll(S)              L     -lcurses
 scrollok                 curs_outopts(S)             L     -lcurses
 scr_restore              curs_scr_dump(S)            L     -lcurses
 scr_set                  curs_scr_dump(S)            L     -lcurses
 sc_setfkeystr            sc_init(S)                  L     -lsc_s
 sc_setinfo               sc_raw(S)                   L     -lsc_s
 sc_setkeymap             sc_init(S)                  L     -lsc_s
 sc_setled                sc_init(S)                  L     -lsc_s
 sc_setscreenswitch       sc_raw(S)                   L     -lsc_s
 sc_str2kb                sc_readkb(S)                L     -lsc_s
 sc_unraw                 sc_raw(S)                   L     -lsc_s
 sdenter                  sdenter(S)                  C     -lx
 sdfree                   sdget(S)                    C     -lx
 sdget                    sdget(S)                    C     -lx
 sdgetv                   sdgetv(S)                   C     -lx
 sdleave                  sdenter(S)                  C     -lx
 sdwaitv                  sdgetv(S)                   C     -lx
 secondary_auth           subsystems(S)               L     -lprot -lx
 sed                      regexp(S)                   V     variable - regexp.h
 seed48                   drand48(S)                  L     -lc
 seekdir                  directory(S)                L     -lc
 select                   select(S)                   C     -lc
 sem_close                sem_close(S)                L     -lsuds
 semctl                   semctl(S)                   C     -lc
 sem_destroy              sem_destroy(S)              L     -lsuds
 semget                   semget(S)                   C     -lc
 sem_getvalue             sem_getvalue(S)             L     -lsuds
 sem_init                 sem_init(S)                 L     -lsuds
 semop                    semop(S)                    C     -lc
 sem_open                 sem_open(S)                 L     -lsuds
 sem_post                 sem_post(S)                 L     -lsuds
 sem_trywait              sem_wait(S)                 L     -lsuds
 sem_unlink               sem_unlink(S)               L     -lsuds
 sem_wait                 sem_wait(S)                 L     -lsuds
 set_auth_parameters      identity(S)                 L     -lprot
 setbuf                   setbuf(S)                   L     -lc
 setcat                   setcat(S)                   L     -lc
 setcontext               getcontext(S)               C     -lc
 set_current_field        form_page(S)                L     -lform -lcurses
 set_current_item         menu_item_current(S)        L     -lmenu -lcurses
 set_curterm              curs_terminfo(S)            L     -ltinfo
 setdvagent               getdvagent(S)               L     -lprot -lx
 setegid                  setuid(S)                   L     -lc
 seteuid                  setuid(S)                   L     -lc
 set_field_back           form_field_attributes(S)    L     -lform -lcurses
 set_field_buffer         form_field_buffer(S)        L     -lform -lcurses
 set_field_fore           form_field_attributes(S)    L     -lform -lcurses
 set_field_init           form_hook(S)                L     -lform -lcurses
 set_field_just           form_field_just(S)          L     -lform -lcurses
 set_field_opts           form_field_opts(S)          L     -lform -lcurses
 set_field_pad            form_field_attributes(S)    L     -lform -lcurses
 set_field_status         form_field_buffer(S)        L     -lform -lcurses
 set_field_term           form_hook(S)                L     -lform -lcurses
 set_field_type           form_field_validation(S)    L     -lform -lcurses
 set_fieldtype_arg        form_fieldtype(S)           L     -lform -lcurses
 set_fieldtype_choice     form_fieldtype(S)           L     -lform -lcurses
 set_field_userptr        form_field_userptr(S)       L     -lform -lcurses
 set_form_fields          form_field(S)               L     -lform -lcurses
 set_form_init            form_hook(S)                L     -lform -lcurses
 set_form_opts            form_opts(S)                L     -lform -lcurses
 set_form_page            form_page(S)                L     -lform -lcurses
 set_form_sub             form_win(S)                 L     -lform -lcurses
 set_form_term            form_hook(S)                L     -lform -lcurses
 set_form_userptr         form_userptr(S)             L     -lform -lcurses
 set_form_win             form_win(S)                 L     -lform -lcurses
 setgid                   setuid(S)                   C     -lc
 setgrent                 getgrent(S)                 L     -lc
 setgroups                setgroups(S)                C     -lc
 set_item_init            menu_hook(S)                L     -lmenu -lcurses
 set_item_opts            menu_item_opts(S)           L     -lmenu -lcurses
 set_item_term            menu_hook(S)                L     -lmenu -lcurses
 set_item_userptr         menu_item_userptr(S)        L     -lmenu -lcurses
 set_item_value           menu_item_value(S)          L     -lmenu -lcurses
 setitimer                getitimer(S)                C     -lc
 setjmp                   setjmp(S)                   L     -lc
 setkey                   crypt(S)                    L     -lcrypt
 setlabel                 setlabel(S)                 L     -lc
 setlocale                setlocale(S)                L     -lc
 setluid                  setluid(S)                  L     -lprot
 set_max_field            form_field_buffer(S)        L     -lform -lcurses
 set_menu_back            menu_attributes(S)          L     -lmenu -lcurses
 set_menu_fore            menu_attributes(S)          L     -lmenu -lcurses
 set_menu_format          menu_format(S)              L     -lmenu -lcurses
 set_menu_grey            menu_attributes(S)          L     -lmenu -lcurses
 set_menu_init            menu_hook(S)                L     -lmenu -lcurses
 set_menu_items           menu_items(S)               L     -lmenu -lcurses
 set_menu_mark            menu_mark(S)                L     -lmenu -lcurses
 set_menu_opts            menu_opts(S)                L     -lmenu -lcurses
 set_menu_pad             menu_attributes(S)          L     -lmenu -lcurses
 set_menu_pattern         menu_pattern(S)             L     -lmenu -lcurses
 set_menu_sub             menu_win(S)                 L     -lmenu -lcurses
 set_menu_term            menu_hook(S)                L     -lmenu -lcurses
 set_menu_userptr         menu_userptr(S)             L     -lmenu -lcurses
 set_menu_win             menu_win(S)                 L     -lmenu -lcurses
 set_new_page             form_new_page(S)            L     -lform -lcurses
 set_panel_userptr        panel_userptr(S)            L     -lpanel -lcurses
 setpgid                  setpgid(S)                  C     -lc
 setpgrp                  setpgrp(S)                  C     -lc
 setprdfent               getprdfent(S)               L     -lprot -lx
 setprfient               getprfient(S)               L     -lprot -lx
 setpriority              getpriority(S)              L     -lc
 setpriv                  setpriv(S)                  L     -lprot
 setprpwent               getprpwent(S)               L     -lprot -lx
 setprtcent               getprtcent(S)               L     -lprot -lx
 setpwent                 getpwent(S)                 L     -lc
 setregid                 setuid(S)                   C     -lc
 setreuid                 setuid(S)                   C     -lc
 setrlimit                getrlimit(S)                C     -lc
 setscrreg                curs_outopts(S)             L     -lcurses
 set_seed                 seed(S)                     L     -lprot
 setsid                   setsid(S)                   C     -lc
 setspent                 getspent(S)                 L     -lc
 setstate                 random(S)                   L     -lc
 setsyx                   curs_kernel(S)              L     -lcurses
 set_term                 curs_initscr(S)             L     -lcurses
 setterm                  curs_terminfo(S)            L     -ltinfo
 settimeofday             gettimeofday(S)             C     -lc
 set_top_row              menu_item_current(S)        L     -lmenu -lcurses
 setuid                   setuid(S)                   C     -lc
 setupterm                curs_terminfo(S)            L     -ltinfo
 setutent                 getut(S)                    L     -lc
 setutxent                getutx(S)                   L     -lc
 setvbuf                  setbuf(S)                   L     -lc
 sgetl                    sputl(S)                    L     -lld
 shmat                    shmop(S)                    C     -lc
 shmctl                   shmctl(S)                   C     -lc
 shmdt                    shmop(S)                    C     -lc
 shmget                   shmget(S)                   C     -lc
 show_panel               panel_show(S)               L     -lpanel -lcurses
 sigaction                sigaction(S)                C     -lc
 sigaddset                sigset(S)                   L     -lc
 sigaltstack              sigaltstack(S)              C     -lc
 sigdelset                sigset(S)                   L     -lc
 sigemptyset              sigset(S)                   L     -lc
 sigfillset               sigset(S)                   L     -lc
 sighold                  sigsetv(S)                  C     -lc
 sigignore                sigsetv(S)                  C     -lc
 siginterrupt             siginterrupt(S)             L     -lc
 sigismember              sigset(S)                   L     -lc
 siglongjmp               sigsetjmp(S)                M     macro - setjmp.h
 signal                   signal(S)                   C     -lc
 signgam                  gamma(S)                    V     variable - math.h
 sigpause                 sigsetv(S)                  C     -lc
 sigpending               sigpending(S)               C     -lc
 sigprocmask              sigprocmask(S)              C     -lc
 sigrelse                 sigsetv(S)                  C     -lc
 sigsem                   sigsem(S)                   C     -lx
 sigsend                  sigsend(S)                  C     -lc
 sigsendset               sigsend(S)                  C     -lc
 sigset                   sigsetv(S)                  C     -lc
 sigsetjmp                sigsetjmp(S)                M     macro - setjmp.h
 sigstack                 sigstack(S)                 L     -lc
 sigsuspend               sigsuspend(S)               C     -lc
 sin                      trig(S)                     L     -lm
 sinh                     sinh(S)                     L     -lm
 S_ISBLK                  stat(S)                     M     macro - stat.h
 S_ISCHR                  stat(S)                     M     macro - stat.h
 S_ISDIR                  stat(S)                     M     macro - stat.h
 S_ISFIFO                 stat(S)                     M     macro - stat.h
 sisinit                  sisinit(S)                  L     -lc
 S_ISNAM                  stat(S)                     M     macro - stat.h
 S_ISREG                  stat(S)                     M     macro - stat.h
 sleep                    sleep(S)                    L     -lc
 slk_attroff              curs_slk(S)                 L     -lcurses
 slk_attron               curs_slk(S)                 L     -lcurses
 slk_attrset              curs_slk(S)                 L     -lcurses
 slk_clear                curs_slk(S)                 L     -lcurses
 slk_init                 curs_slk(S)                 L     -lcurses
 slk_label                curs_slk(S)                 L     -lcurses
 slk_noutrefresh          curs_slk(S)                 L     -lcurses
 slk_refresh              curs_slk(S)                 L     -lcurses
 slk_restore              curs_slk(S)                 L     -lcurses
 slk_set                  curs_slk(S)                 L     -lcurses
 slk_touch                curs_slk(S)                 L     -lcurses
 smp_audit_fail           smp_audit_fail(S)           L     -lprot
 smp_check_pw             smp_check_pw(S)             L     -lprot
 smp_check_user           smp_check_user(S)           L     -lprot
 smp_generate_pw          smp_generate_pw(S)          L     -lprot
 smp_get_messages         smp_get_messages(S)         L     -lprot
 smp_pw_change            smp_pw_change(S)            L     -lprot
 smp_pw_choice            smp_pw_choice(S)            L     -lprot
 smp_set_identity         smp_set_identity(S)         L     -lprot
 smp_set_pw               smp_set_pw(S)               L     -lprot
 smp_try_pw               smp_try_pw(S)               L     -lprot
 space                    plot(S)                     L     -lplot
 sprintf                  printf(S)                   L     -lc
 sputl                    sputl(S)                    L     -lld
 sqrt                     exp(S)                      L     -lm
 srand                    rand(S)                     L     -lc
 srand48                  drand48(S)                  L     -lc
 srandom                  random(S)                   L     -lc
 sscanf                   scanf(S)                    L     -lc
 ssignal                  ssignal(S)                  L     -lc
 standend                 curs_attr(S)                L     -lcurses
 standout                 curs_attr(S)                L     -lcurses
 start_color              curs_color(S)               L     -lcurses
 starting_egid            identity(S)                 L     -lprot
 starting_euid            identity(S)                 L     -lprot
 starting_luid            identity(S)                 L     -lprot
 starting_rgid            identity(S)                 L     -lprot
 starting_ruid            identity(S)                 L     -lprot
 stat                     stat(S)                     C     -lc
 statfs                   statfs(S)                   C     -lc
 statlstat                stat(S)                     L     -lc
 statvfs                  statvfs(S)                  C     -lc
 stderr                   stdio(S)                    V     variable - stdio.h
 stdin                    stdio(S)                    V     variable - stdio.h
 stdout                   stdio(S)                    V     variable - stdio.h
 step                     regexp(S)                   F     function - regexp.h
 stime                    stime(S)                    C     -lc
 stopio                   stopio(S)                   L     -lprot
 store                    dbm(S)                      L     -ldbm
 store_pw_fields          fields(S)                   L     -lprot -lx
 store_tc_fields          fields(S)                   L     -lprot -lx
 strcat                   string(S)                   L     -lc
 strchr                   string(S)                   L     -lc
 strcmp                   string(S)                   L     -lc
 strcoll                  strcoll(S)                  L     -lc
 strcpy                   string(S)                   L     -lc
 strcspn                  string(S)                   L     -lc
 strdup                   string(S)                   L     -lc
 strerror                 strerror(S)                 L     -lc
 strftime                 strftime(S)                 L     -lc
 strlen                   string(S)                   L     -lc
 strncat                  string(S)                   L     -lc
 strncmp                  string(S)                   L     -lc
 strncoll                 strcoll(S)                  L     -lc
 strncpy                  string(S)                   L     -lc
 strnxfrm                 strcoll(S)                  L     -lc
 strpbrk                  string(S)                   L     -lc
 strptime                 strptime(S)                 L     -lc
 strrchr                  string(S)                   L     -lc
 strspn                   string(S)                   L     -lc
 strstr                   string(S)                   L     -lc
 strtod                   strtod(S)                   L     -lc
 strtok                   string(S)                   L     -lc
 strtol                   strtol(S)                   L     -lc
 strtoul                  strtoul(S)                  L     -lc
 strxfrm                  strcoll(S)                  L     -lc
 subpad                   curs_pad(S)                 L     -lcurses
 subwin                   curs_window(S)              L     -lcurses
 suds_aioinfo             suds_aioinfo(S)             L     -lsuds
 suds_lock                suds_lock(S)                L     -lsuds
 suds_lockinit            suds_lockinit(S)            L     -lsuds
 suds_lockstate           suds_lockstate(S)           L     -lsuds
 suds_locktry             suds_locktry(S)             L     -lsuds
 suds_shmat               suds_shmat(S)               L     -lsuds
 suds_unlock              suds_unlock(S)              L     -lsuds
 swab                     swab(S)                     L     -lc
 symlink                  symlink(S)                  C     -lc
 sync                     sync(S)                     C     -lc
 syncok                   curs_window(S)              L     -lcurses
 sysconf                  sysconf(S)                  C     -lc
 sysfs                    sysfs(S)                    C     -lc
 sysi86                   sysi86(S)                   C     -lc
 system                   system(S)                   L     -lc

tan trig(S) L -lm
tanh sinh(S) L -lm
tcdrain tcflow(S) L -lc
tcdrain termios(S) L -lc
tcflow tcflow(S) L -lc
tcflow termios(S) L -lc
tcflush tcflow(S) L -lc
tcflush termios(S) L -lc
tcgetattr tcattr(S) L -lc
tcgetattr termios(S) L -lc
tcgetpgrp tcpgrp(S) L -lc
tcgetpgrp termios(S) L -lc
tcgetsid termios(S) L -lc
tcsendbreak tcflow(S) L -lc
tcsendbreak termios(S) L -lc
tcsetattr tcattr(S) L -lc
tcsetattr termios(S) L -lc
tcsetpgrp tcpgrp(S) L -lc
tcsetpgrp termios(S) L -lc
tdelete tsearch(S) L -lc
telldir directory(S) L -lc
tempnam tmpnam(S) L -lc
termattrs curs_termattrs(S) L -lcurses
termname curs_termattrs(S) L -lcurses
tfind tsearch(S) L -lc
tgetent curs_termcap(S) L -ltermcap
tgetflag curs_termcap(S) L -ltermcap
tgetnum curs_termcap(S) L -ltermcap
tgetstr curs_termcap(S) L -ltermcap
tgoto curs_termcap(S) L -ltermcap
tigetflag curs_terminfo(S) L -ltinfo
tigetnum curs_terminfo(S) L -ltinfo
tigetstr curs_terminfo(S) L -ltinfo
time time(S) C -lc
timeout curs_inopts(S) L -lcurses
timer_create timer_create(S) L -lsuds
timer_delete timer_delete(S) L -lsuds
timer_getoverrun timer_settime(S) L -lsuds
timer_gettime timer_settime(S) L -lsuds
timer_settime timer_settime(S) L -lsuds
times times(S) C -lc
timezone ctime(S) V variable - time.h
tmpfile tmpfile(S) L -lc
tmpnam tmpnam(S) L -lc
toascii ctype(S) M macro - ctype.h
toascii toascii(S) M macro - ctype.h
todigit toascii(S) M macro - ctype.h todigit
toint toascii(S) M macro - ctype.h toint
_tolower toascii(S) L -lc
tolower toascii(S) L -lc
Top libwindows(S) L -lwindows
top_panel panel_top(S) L -lpanel -lcurses
top_row menu_item_current(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
total_auths subsystems(S) L -lprot -lx
touchline curs_touch(S) L -lcurses
wtouchln curs_touch(S) L -lcurses
touchwin curs_touch(S) L -lcurses
_toupper toascii(S) L -lc
toupper toascii(S) L -lc
towlower towlower(S) L -lc
towupper towlower(S) L -lc
tparm curs_terminfo(S) L -ltinfo
tputs curs_termcap(S) L -ltermcap
tputs curs_terminfo(S) L -ltinfo
track tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
truncate truncate(S) C -lc
tsearch tsearch(S) L -lc
ttyname ttyname(S) L -lc
ttyname_r ttyname(S) L -lc
ttyslot ttyslot(S) L -lc
twalk tsearch(S) L -lc
typeahead curs_inopts(S) L -lcurses
tzname ctime(S) V variable - time.h
tzset ctime(S) L -lc

   tan                trig(S)                L     -lm
   tanh               sinh(S)                L     -lm
   tcdrain            tcflow(S)              L     -lc
   tcdrain            termios(S)             L     -lc
   tcflow             tcflow(S)              L     -lc
   tcflow             termios(S)             L     -lc
   tcflush            tcflow(S)              L     -lc
   tcflush            termios(S)             L     -lc
   tcgetattr          tcattr(S)              L     -lc
   tcgetattr          termios(S)             L     -lc
   tcgetpgrp          tcpgrp(S)              L     -lc
   tcgetpgrp          termios(S)             L     -lc
   tcgetsid           termios(S)             L     -lc
   tcsendbreak        tcflow(S)              L     -lc
   tcsendbreak        termios(S)             L     -lc
   tcsetattr          tcattr(S)              L     -lc
   tcsetattr          termios(S)             L     -lc
   tcsetpgrp          tcpgrp(S)              L     -lc
   tcsetpgrp          termios(S)             L     -lc
   tdelete            tsearch(S)             L     -lc
   telldir            directory(S)           L     -lc
   tempnam            tmpnam(S)              L     -lc
   termattrs          curs_termattrs(S)      L     -lcurses
   termname           curs_termattrs(S)      L     -lcurses
   tfind              tsearch(S)             L     -lc
   tgetent            curs_termcap(S)        L     -ltermcap
   tgetflag           curs_termcap(S)        L     -ltermcap
   tgetnum            curs_termcap(S)        L     -ltermcap
   tgetstr            curs_termcap(S)        L     -ltermcap
   tgoto              curs_termcap(S)        L     -ltermcap
   tigetflag          curs_terminfo(S)       L     -ltinfo
   tigetnum           curs_terminfo(S)       L     -ltinfo
   tigetstr           curs_terminfo(S)       L     -ltinfo
   time               time(S)                C     -lc
   timeout            curs_inopts(S)         L     -lcurses
   timer_create       timer_create(S)        L     -lsuds
   timer_delete       timer_delete(S)        L     -lsuds
   timer_getoverrun   timer_settime(S)       L     -lsuds
   timer_gettime      timer_settime(S)       L     -lsuds
   timer_settime      timer_settime(S)       L     -lsuds
   times              times(S)               C     -lc
   timezone           ctime(S)               V     variable - time.h
   tmpfile            tmpfile(S)             L     -lc
   tmpnam             tmpnam(S)              L     -lc
   toascii            ctype(S)               M     macro - ctype.h
   toascii            toascii(S)             M     macro - ctype.h
   todigit            toascii(S)             M     macro - ctype.h todigit
   toint              toascii(S)             M     macro - ctype.h toint
   _tolower           toascii(S)             L     -lc
   tolower            toascii(S)             L     -lc
   Top                libwindows(S)          L     -lwindows
   top_panel          panel_top(S)           L     -lpanel -lcurses
   top_row            menu_item_current(S)   L     -lmenu -lcurses
   total_auths        subsystems(S)          L     -lprot -lx
   touchline          curs_touch(S)          L     -lcurses
   wtouchln           curs_touch(S)          L     -lcurses
   touchwin           curs_touch(S)          L     -lcurses
   _toupper           toascii(S)             L     -lc
   toupper            toascii(S)             L     -lc
   towlower           towlower(S)            L     -lc
   towupper           towlower(S)            L     -lc
   tparm              curs_terminfo(S)       L     -ltinfo
   tputs              curs_termcap(S)        L     -ltermcap
   tputs              curs_terminfo(S)       L     -ltinfo
   track              tam(S)                 L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
   truncate           truncate(S)            C     -lc
   tsearch            tsearch(S)             L     -lc
   ttyname            ttyname(S)             L     -lc
   ttyname_r          ttyname(S)             L     -lc
   ttyslot            ttyslot(S)             L     -lc
   twalk              tsearch(S)             L     -lc
   typeahead          curs_inopts(S)         L     -lcurses
   tzname             ctime(S)               V     variable - time.h
   tzset              ctime(S)               L     -lc

uadmin uadmin(S) C -lc
ulckpwdf getspent(S) L -lc
ulimit ulimit(S) C -lc
umask umask(S) C -lc
umount umount(S) C -lc
uname uname(S) C -lc
unctrl curs_util(S) L -lcurses
undial dial(S) L -lc
unexecseg execseg(S) C -lx
UNGETC regexp(S) M macro - regexp.h
ungetc ungetc(S) L -lc
ungetch curs_getch(S) L -lcurses
ungetwc ungetwc(S) L -lc
ungetwch curs_getwch(S) L -lcurses
unlink unlink(S) C -lc
unlockpt unlockpt(S) L -lc
unpost_form form_post(S) L -lform -lcurses
unpost_menu menu_post(S) L -lmenu -lcurses
untouchwin curs_touch(S) L -lcurses
update_panels panel_update(S) L -lpanel -lcurses
updwtmp getutx(S) L -lc
updwtmpx getutx(S) L -lc
use_env curs_util(S) L -lcurses
usersgroups usersgroups(S) L -lc
ustat ustat(S) C -lc
utime utime(S) C -lc
utimes utimes(S) L -lc
utmpname getut(S) L -lc
utmpxname getutx(S) L -lc

          uadmin           uadmin(S)         C     -lc
          ulckpwdf         getspent(S)       L     -lc
          ulimit           ulimit(S)         C     -lc
          umask            umask(S)          C     -lc
          umount           umount(S)         C     -lc
          uname            uname(S)          C     -lc
          unctrl           curs_util(S)      L     -lcurses
          undial           dial(S)           L     -lc
          unexecseg        execseg(S)        C     -lx
          UNGETC           regexp(S)         M     macro - regexp.h
          ungetc           ungetc(S)         L     -lc
          ungetch          curs_getch(S)     L     -lcurses
          ungetwc          ungetwc(S)        L     -lc
          ungetwch         curs_getwch(S)    L     -lcurses
          unlink           unlink(S)         C     -lc
          unlockpt         unlockpt(S)       L     -lc
          unpost_form      form_post(S)      L     -lform -lcurses
          unpost_menu      menu_post(S)      L     -lmenu -lcurses
          untouchwin       curs_touch(S)     L     -lcurses
          update_panels    panel_update(S)   L     -lpanel -lcurses
          updwtmp          getutx(S)         L     -lc
          updwtmpx         getutx(S)         L     -lc
          use_env          curs_util(S)      L     -lcurses
          usersgroups      usersgroups(S)    L     -lc
          ustat            ustat(S)          C     -lc
          utime            utime(S)          C     -lc
          utimes           utimes(S)         L     -lc
          utmpname         getut(S)          L     -lc
          utmpxname        getutx(S)         L     -lc

va_alist varargs(S) V variable - stdarg.h
va_arg varargs(S) M macro - stdarg.h
va_dcl varargs(S) V variable - stdarg.h
va_end varargs(S) M macro - stdarg.h
va_list varargs(S) V variable - stdarg.h
va_start varargs(S) M macro - stdarg.h
vfork vfork(S) C -lc
vfprintf vprintf(S) L -lc
vidattr curs_terminfo(S) L -ltinfo
vidputs curs_terminfo(S) L -ltinfo
vldldptr ldptr(S) L -lld
vline curs_border(S) L -lcurses
vpfmt pfmt(S) L -lc
vprintf vprintf(S) L -lc
vsprintf vprintf(S) L -lc
vwprintw curs_printw(S) L -lcurses
vwscanw curs_scanw(S) L -lcurses

        va_alist         varargs(S)         V     variable - stdarg.h
        va_arg           varargs(S)         M     macro - stdarg.h
        va_dcl           varargs(S)         V     variable - stdarg.h
        va_end           varargs(S)         M     macro - stdarg.h
        va_list          varargs(S)         V     variable - stdarg.h
        va_start         varargs(S)         M     macro - stdarg.h
        vfork            vfork(S)           C     -lc
        vfprintf         vprintf(S)         L     -lc
        vidattr          curs_terminfo(S)   L     -ltinfo
        vidputs          curs_terminfo(S)   L     -ltinfo
        vldldptr         ldptr(S)           L     -lld
        vline            curs_border(S)     L     -lcurses
        vpfmt            pfmt(S)            L     -lc
        vprintf          vprintf(S)         L     -lc
        vsprintf         vprintf(S)         L     -lc
        vwprintw         curs_printw(S)     L     -lcurses
        vwscanw          curs_scanw(S)      L     -lcurses

waddch curs_addch(S) L -lcurses
waddchnstr curs_addchstr(S) L -lcurses
waddchstr curs_addchstr(S) L -lcurses
waddnstr curs_addstr(S) L -lcurses
waddnwstr curs_addwstr(S) L -lcurses
waddstr curs_addstr(S) L -lcurses
waddwch curs_addwch(S) L -lcurses
waddwchnstr curs_addwchstr(S) L -lcurses
waddwchstr curs_addwchstr(S) L -lcurses
waddwstr curs_addwstr(S) L -lcurses
wait wait(S) C -lc
wait3 wait3(S) L -lc
waitid waitid(S) C -lc
waitpid waitpid(S) C -lc
waitsem waitsem(S) C -lx
wattroff curs_attr(S) L -lcurses
wattron curs_attr(S) L -lcurses
wattrset curs_attr(S) L -lcurses
wbkgd curs_bkgd(S) L -lcurses
wbkgdset curs_bkgd(S) L -lcurses
wborder curs_border(S) L -lcurses
wclear curs_clear(S) L -lcurses
wclrtobot curs_clear(S) L -lcurses
wclrtoeol curs_clear(S) L -lcurses
wcmd tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wcreate tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
wcrtomb mbchar(S) L -lc
wcscat wcscat(S) L -lc
wcscat wcscat(S) L -lc
wcschr wcschr(S) L -lc
wcscmp wcscmp(S) L -lc
wcscoll wcscmp(S) L -lc
wcscpy wcscpy(S) L -lc
wcscspn wcslen(S) L -lc
wcsftime wcsftime(S) L -lc
wcslen wcslen(S) L -lc
wcsncat wcscat(S) L -lc
wcsncmp wcscmp(S) L -lc
wcsncpy wcscpy(S) L -lc
wcspbrk wcschr(S) L -lc
wcsrchr wcschr(S) L -lc
wcsrtombs mbstring(S) L -lc
wcsspn wcslen(S) L -lc
wcsstr wcsstr(S) L -lc
wcstod wcstod(S) L -lc
wcstok wcstok(S) L -lc
wcstol wcstod(S) L -lc
wcstombs mbstring(S) L -lc
wcstoul wcstod(S) L -lc
wcswcs wcschr(S) L -lc
wcswidth wcwidth(S) L -lc
wctob wctob(S) L -lc
wctomb mbchar(S) L -lc
wctype wctype(S) L -lc
wcursyncup curs_window(S) L -lcurses
wcwidth wcwidth(S) L -lc
wdelch curs_delch(S) L -lcurses
wdelete tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
wdeleteln curs_deleteln(S) L -lcurses
wechochar curs_addch(S) L -lcurses
wechowchar curs_addwch(S) L -lcurses
werase curs_clear(S) L -lcurses
wexit tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wgetc tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wgetch curs_getch(S) L -lcurses
wgetmouse tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wgetnstr curs_getstr(S) L -lcurses
wgetnwstr curs_getwstr(S) L -lcurses
wgetpos tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wgetsel tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wgetstat tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wgetstr curs_getstr(S) L -lcurses
wgetwch curs_getwch(S) L -lcurses
wgetwstr curs_getwstr(S) L -lcurses
wgoto tam(S) M macro - tam.h
whline curs_border(S) L -lcurses
wicoff tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wicon tam(S) M macro - tam.h
widest_auth subsystems(S) L -lprot -lx
winch curs_inch(S) L -lcurses
winchnstr curs_inchstr(S) L -lcurses
winchstr curs_inchstr(S) L -lcurses
wind tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
winit tam(S) M macro - tam.h
winnstr curs_instr(S) L -lcurses
winnwstr curs_inwstr(S) L -lcurses
winsch curs_insch(S) L -lcurses
winsdelln curs_deleteln(S) L -lcurses
winsertln curs_deleteln(S) L -lcurses
winsnstr curs_insstr(S) L -lcurses
winsnwstr curs_inswstr(S) L -lcurses
winsstr curs_insstr(S) L -lcurses
winstr curs_instr(S) L -lcurses
winswch curs_inswch(S) L -lcurses
winswstr curs_inswstr(S) L -lcurses
winwch curs_inwch(S) L -lcurses
winwchnstr curs_inwchstr(S) L -lcurses
winwchstr curs_inwchstr(S) L -lcurses
winwstr curs_inwstr(S) L -lcurses
wlabel tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wmove curs_move(S) L -lcurses
wndelay tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wnl tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wnoutrefresh curs_refresh(S) L -lcurses
wordexp wordexp(S) L -lc
wordfree wordexp(S) L -lc
wpostwait tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wprexec tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wprintf tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wprintw curs_printw(S) L -lcurses
wprompt tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wputc tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wputs tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wrastop tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wreadmouse tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wredrawln curs_refresh(S) L -lcurses
wrefresh curs_refresh(S) L -lcurses
wrefresh tam(S) L -Itam -ltam -lcurses
write write(S) C -lc
write_authorizations subsystems(S) L -lprot -lx
writev write(S) C -lc
wscanw curs_scanw(S) L -lcurses
wscrl curs_scroll(S) L -lcurses
wselect tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wsetmouse tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wsetscrreg curs_outopts(S) L -lcurses
wsetstat tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wslk tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wstandend curs_attr(S) L -lcurses
wstandout curs_attr(S) L -lcurses
wsyncdown curs_window(S) L -lcurses
wsyncup curs_window(S) L -lcurses
wtimeout curs_inopts(S) L -lcurses
wtouchln curs_touch(S) L -lcurses
wuser tam(S) M macro - tam.h
wvline curs_border(S) L -lcurses

    waddch                 curs_addch(S)       L     -lcurses
    waddchnstr             curs_addchstr(S)    L     -lcurses
    waddchstr              curs_addchstr(S)    L     -lcurses
    waddnstr               curs_addstr(S)      L     -lcurses
    waddnwstr              curs_addwstr(S)     L     -lcurses
    waddstr                curs_addstr(S)      L     -lcurses
    waddwch                curs_addwch(S)      L     -lcurses
    waddwchnstr            curs_addwchstr(S)   L     -lcurses
    waddwchstr             curs_addwchstr(S)   L     -lcurses
    waddwstr               curs_addwstr(S)     L     -lcurses
    wait                   wait(S)             C     -lc
    wait3                  wait3(S)            L     -lc
    waitid                 waitid(S)           C     -lc
    waitpid                waitpid(S)          C     -lc
    waitsem                waitsem(S)          C     -lx
    wattroff               curs_attr(S)        L     -lcurses
    wattron                curs_attr(S)        L     -lcurses
    wattrset               curs_attr(S)        L     -lcurses
    wbkgd                  curs_bkgd(S)        L     -lcurses
    wbkgdset               curs_bkgd(S)        L     -lcurses
    wborder                curs_border(S)      L     -lcurses
    wclear                 curs_clear(S)       L     -lcurses
    wclrtobot              curs_clear(S)       L     -lcurses
    wclrtoeol              curs_clear(S)       L     -lcurses
    wcmd                   tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wcreate                tam(S)              L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
    wcrtomb                mbchar(S)           L     -lc
    wcscat                 wcscat(S)           L     -lc
    wcscat                 wcscat(S)           L     -lc
    wcschr                 wcschr(S)           L     -lc
    wcscmp                 wcscmp(S)           L     -lc
    wcscoll                wcscmp(S)           L     -lc
    wcscpy                 wcscpy(S)           L     -lc
    wcscspn                wcslen(S)           L     -lc
    wcsftime               wcsftime(S)         L     -lc
    wcslen                 wcslen(S)           L     -lc
    wcsncat                wcscat(S)           L     -lc
    wcsncmp                wcscmp(S)           L     -lc
    wcsncpy                wcscpy(S)           L     -lc
    wcspbrk                wcschr(S)           L     -lc
    wcsrchr                wcschr(S)           L     -lc
    wcsrtombs              mbstring(S)         L     -lc
    wcsspn                 wcslen(S)           L     -lc
    wcsstr                 wcsstr(S)           L     -lc
    wcstod                 wcstod(S)           L     -lc
    wcstok                 wcstok(S)           L     -lc
    wcstol                 wcstod(S)           L     -lc
    wcstombs               mbstring(S)         L     -lc
    wcstoul                wcstod(S)           L     -lc
    wcswcs                 wcschr(S)           L     -lc
    wcswidth               wcwidth(S)          L     -lc
    wctob                  wctob(S)            L     -lc
    wctomb                 mbchar(S)           L     -lc
    wctype                 wctype(S)           L     -lc
    wcursyncup             curs_window(S)      L     -lcurses
    wcwidth                wcwidth(S)          L     -lc
    wdelch                 curs_delch(S)       L     -lcurses
    wdelete                tam(S)              L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
    wdeleteln              curs_deleteln(S)    L     -lcurses
    wechochar              curs_addch(S)       L     -lcurses
    wechowchar             curs_addwch(S)      L     -lcurses
    werase                 curs_clear(S)       L     -lcurses
    wexit                  tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wgetc                  tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wgetch                 curs_getch(S)       L     -lcurses
    wgetmouse              tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wgetnstr               curs_getstr(S)      L     -lcurses
    wgetnwstr              curs_getwstr(S)     L     -lcurses
    wgetpos                tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wgetsel                tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wgetstat               tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wgetstr                curs_getstr(S)      L     -lcurses
    wgetwch                curs_getwch(S)      L     -lcurses
    wgetwstr               curs_getwstr(S)     L     -lcurses
    wgoto                  tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    whline                 curs_border(S)      L     -lcurses
    wicoff                 tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wicon                  tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    widest_auth            subsystems(S)       L     -lprot -lx
    winch                  curs_inch(S)        L     -lcurses
    winchnstr              curs_inchstr(S)     L     -lcurses
    winchstr               curs_inchstr(S)     L     -lcurses
    wind                   tam(S)              L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
    winit                  tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    winnstr                curs_instr(S)       L     -lcurses
    winnwstr               curs_inwstr(S)      L     -lcurses
    winsch                 curs_insch(S)       L     -lcurses
    winsdelln              curs_deleteln(S)    L     -lcurses
    winsertln              curs_deleteln(S)    L     -lcurses
    winsnstr               curs_insstr(S)      L     -lcurses
    winsnwstr              curs_inswstr(S)     L     -lcurses
    winsstr                curs_insstr(S)      L     -lcurses
    winstr                 curs_instr(S)       L     -lcurses
    winswch                curs_inswch(S)      L     -lcurses
    winswstr               curs_inswstr(S)     L     -lcurses
    winwch                 curs_inwch(S)       L     -lcurses
    winwchnstr             curs_inwchstr(S)    L     -lcurses
    winwchstr              curs_inwchstr(S)    L     -lcurses
    winwstr                curs_inwstr(S)      L     -lcurses
    wlabel                 tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wmove                  curs_move(S)        L     -lcurses
    wndelay                tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wnl                    tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wnoutrefresh           curs_refresh(S)     L     -lcurses
    wordexp                wordexp(S)          L     -lc
    wordfree               wordexp(S)          L     -lc
    wpostwait              tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wprexec                tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wprintf                tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wprintw                curs_printw(S)      L     -lcurses
    wprompt                tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wputc                  tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wputs                  tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wrastop                tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wreadmouse             tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wredrawln              curs_refresh(S)     L     -lcurses
    wrefresh               curs_refresh(S)     L     -lcurses
    wrefresh               tam(S)              L     -Itam -ltam -lcurses
    write                  write(S)            C     -lc
    write_authorizations   subsystems(S)       L     -lprot -lx
    writev                 write(S)            C     -lc
    wscanw                 curs_scanw(S)       L     -lcurses
    wscrl                  curs_scroll(S)      L     -lcurses
    wselect                tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wsetmouse              tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wsetscrreg             curs_outopts(S)     L     -lcurses
    wsetstat               tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wslk                   tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wstandend              curs_attr(S)        L     -lcurses
    wstandout              curs_attr(S)        L     -lcurses
    wsyncdown              curs_window(S)      L     -lcurses
    wsyncup                curs_window(S)      L     -lcurses
    wtimeout               curs_inopts(S)      L     -lcurses
    wtouchln               curs_touch(S)       L     -lcurses
    wuser                  tam(S)              M     macro - tam.h
    wvline                 curs_border(S)      L     -lcurses

xlist xlist(S) M macro - x.out.h
y0 bessel(S) L -lm
y1 bessel(S) L -lm
yn bessel(S) L -lm

           xlist            xlist(S)          M     macro - x.out.h
           y0               bessel(S)         L     -lm
           y1               bessel(S)         L     -lm
           yn               bessel(S)         L     -lm

© 2003 System Services (S)
SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 -- 11 February 2003